Last Days of Summer

Last Days of Summer

Released On 2nd Sep 2023

Stratford's Big 10K & Half Marathon

From Margarita: Over to Stratford-upon-Avon today for the Stratford's Big 10K & Half Marathon 2023, in which I did the half. It was a confusing start, but we all started the did a lap round the park, we then went out onto the trailway, followed by the roads then onto the Greenway. If anyone's near Stratford check out the Greenway it is really lovely and has 2 cafes dotted around. It was a very hot run, but it was lovely to do. As a Strava freak though I had to make it up to exactly 21.1km. However, when I finished I was told they'd somehow run out of half medals, but I could have a 10km medal and they'd take my name along with 15 others and send a memento at a later date. Good job my partner is speedy and got a half medal so I could have one for the pictures.

Mendip Maraurder Ultra

From Ashley: Mendip marauder 50 complete 10:56:00 really disappointed with myself after leading around the halfway mark, eventually finishing 12th.

From Tristram: Amazing time at Mendip Maraurder Ultra yesterday. Brutal yet beautiful. Mini Somerset Utmb?

Weekend Running

From Lynne:  SAS group , was a walk today due to Lynne and Tara being very tired from yesterday! Lovely walk by river in Ilchester , very warm. Tea and cake after . Phil, Denise, Kay, Mike, Tara and me

From Yunmi: Morning after night before, 8 mile long distillation taper or recovery run! New Forest Marathon & Great North Run just round the corner. Best of luck everyone!

From Tim: A large group for the Saturday club social run started from Cavity trays ran up to Odcombe using Camp Road. Split into two groups, the not so far and the further groups. Over 10k was achieved by all at various paces. Well done all.

Not Just a Running Club

From Demi: Just want to say … what a wonderful club this is.

Last night I was very silly and got a little upset after having to pull out at track due to an injury just before a race and everyone was so lovely, no judgement just pure kindness thank you everyone.

This is just a post to say I really don’t take this club for granted & people that aren’t members don’t know what they are missing - even my outside group of friends get jealous that I don’t see them anymore because of club.

Park Runs

From Harriet: Strathclyde parkrun this morning for me. Got myself a nice pb in the sunshine before heading back down south.

From Lesley: Gangers Farm Parkrun completed this morning with Tony, a pleasant 2.5 laps around the perimeter of the sports field and a nice recovery run after yesterday's long run. Now to relax for the weekend

From Debbie: Street Parkrun completed this morning on a misty but mild morning! Best 5k time since injury so pleased with that!

From Adam: A few of us at Frogmary Park run this morning - thanks Mafalda Santos for the company.

PUB RUN – MOSTERTON – (31ST August 2023)

From Mark: Was this really the last day of summer? With only four in the not so fast group tonight (Kate, Elie, Rob, and myself), we set off on a clockwise loop using country lanes only. From the pub, we ran south through the village, and took the right fork. A slight incline took us up to Littlewindsor. Turning right we headed west towards Drimpton, and took the first right turn. A gentle descent and short steep climb took us up to Seaborough. Turning right, we ran past farm buildings and a small old church. The lane continued through great scenery, with cows in fields. We continued heading towards Misterton. We descended and took a right turn in order to climb Knowle hill. From the top we continued with further gentle climbs along Mosterton Down. The last leg was a descent back down to Mosterton and the pub. I rejected the usual cross country summer route in order to avoid possible mud, vegetation growth, and crop (maize) growth. Even a few weeks ago that route was a bit of a struggle. As usual it was Pie night with optional Pud. Pie of your choice with help yourself very nice veg. Thanks all, and Phil for organising.

PUB RUN – Milborne Port – (31ST August 2023)

A great run around the Car Park followed by a drive to Mosterton and Pie Night.


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