Light at the End of the Tunnel

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Lock-down Frolic

A few Club members entered the WSR Lock Down Frolic, with no start line and no gatherings you just ran from where ever you wanted, this is what you should have done: 

The 12 trials of WSR
1. We need a start and finish photo of you before/after or fresh vs. tired with a picture of your vegetable and elderly relative
2. Picture of a FOX
3. A picture of a Cow extra points for horns
4. Show us your version of a Lovestation…. homemade aid station
5. Show us your best dressing up skills we love fancy dress
6. A photo of you enjoying a beverage, alcoholic or not, we love a cuppa right?
7. A picture of a nice hill, slope, or incline
8. Find a UNICORN
9. Find a DINOSAUR
10. Find a random person or not so random……might be your mum….and have your photo with them doing the bunny ears behind their head, like when we were kids
11. Mileage show us how far you ran prize for furthest single run and team mileage. Please note you must do this mileage between 8 am and 8pm only .We need screen shots from Strava etc
12. We love Tom Jones right, Here’s the video challenge. Sing along to Delilah by Tom Jones (Welsh singing legend) look it up on YouTube and video the experience for us all to enjoy email the video or add to our Facebook group or Facebook page
Extra points for Instagram #whitestarrunning #tomjones

From Mel: YTRRC - Covid Bandits - do WSR Lockdown Frolic. We had an awesome day with this challenge . Something a little different . Do some miles & complete the tasks. Just a few photos of our day.

Committee Meeting

From the Chair: Just a quick heads up as we have squeezed another committee meeting in on Wednesday evening. Please can everyone try and find out as much as possible about the current Covid-19 situation as there seems to be so much to read and the good news is that the track is going to reopen next week and I have spoken to Tim for twenty minutes or so there are restrictions but that can be talked about on Wednesday as long as we can clarify the insurance aspect???

Swiss National Day

From Kev:  Saturday 1st August.. Swiss National Day and your 10 miler for your Hat ..

I believe 1 day either side is acceptable. Run with friends too ( socially distancing). Add this mileage to your various virtual distance runs etc... enjoy..

Released On 26th Jul 2020

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