Lock Down 2 Ends

Lock Down 2 Ends

South West Cross Country Championships

From Tim: 

Sunday 3rd January 2021

This year they are being held at RNAS Merryfield, Tim says it would be great if we cold have lots of entreis from YTRRC

Sen Women – 13.35 - 6600m (Including Under 20 Women and Masters - W35, W45, W55)

Sen Men – 14.28 - 6600m (Including Under 20 Men and Masters – M40, M50, M60)

Strictly no entries on the day, last day for entry Wednesday 23rd December 2020.

Shortest day relay race update:

From Graham: At present there are 47 members wishing to take part. If your name isn’t on the list and you would like to take part please let me know. There is a link below to the event. To make life easier for Steve & Ben we’ll be running 1 race, this will make the editing of our films easier. This also means you wont be out for very long. Steve has come up with a fantastic idea, we’ll let you guys know 2 weeks before the event what we have planned……. Just adding to the suspense!!!

Full Monty

From Kev: Autumn winter series event No 3 and The " Full Monty " 10 miler . Now up to 6 people is permissible (Joanna Henley to confirm ).

So plan your route and get out there next weekend, whether PB or run with friends, solo or even the Ham Hill route, have fun stay safe and enjoy ...

Awards Night

So this Friday was going to be our Awards Night, sadly Mr COVID  stopped this but here are some photographs:

Local Area

Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have some great routes on our doorstep.

From Tristram: Inspired by Bungys run in the summer when he ran from illchester to St Alfreds tower along the Leyland trail .I planned a route to Cadbury castle from Yeovil using the same part of the trail. It was without question my best running day so far ever .I needed something challenging what with the lockdowns this year and this was amazing .The mist and the hills were epic. I think I really like this point to point runs.



From  Yunmi: Misty and murky morning run with Frances . Everything hazy - including my head . The opposite valley can hardly be seen with fog sitting on the foot of the valley.

Running is escaping.                Running is comforting.                 Running is healing.

From Angela: Great muddy run this morning. Decided I really didn't want to be surrounded by hordes of people this morning, Ninesprings and the roads around town are surprisingly busy at the moment, so headed out on the trails to Chilthorne. Didn't see a soul apart from when I got to Thorne Lane and saw Bungy Williams  on his bike. Happy Sunday all!

Virtual Running

From Nat: Had a look at my latest position realised I needed to get my running trainers on , this week have been putting the milage in. Thank I have now got back on track . Still couldn't vist many places so on my lovely run this morning had this strange look from this squirrel. Was nice to be out just before sunrise well if it wasn't for the fog.

Centurion Running One Community Challenge

From Dave: This morning I finished the Centurion Running One Community Challenge. A fantastic event with distances for everyone, really inclusive. I fancied a challenge to make up for the cancelled races so opted for the 100 miles. The format is great. You get 7 days, from midnight on Monday to Midnight on Sunday to complete your distance. The clock starts when you start your first run and continues until you've completed the distance. I knew that it would be a struggle, with work and the short days, but I set myself an additional goal of trying to complete it by Friday. The plan was to take Friday off work and run whatever ultra distance I had left. As it happened I only needed to run 9.6 miles this morning. I completed the 100 miles in 9 runs, running at lunchtimes and again in the evenings. In the end my elapsed time was 3 days, 23 hours and 36 minutes which I am well pleased with.

I'm writing this with a beer on the go, makes a nice change not having to put my head torch on and head out for some more miles.

Tuesday's Club Runs 

We have a Committee meeting this week and we will discus Tuesday Club run on the 8th, Phil has emailed YTFC to make sure they are Okay with us returning. As soon as the meeting has finished I will open the Tuesday Clun Run Events.

Released On 29th Nov 2020

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