Lock-down Week One

Lock-down Week One

One Week In

It has been a very strange week and it looks more like it will go on longer than 3 weeks, please can we try to keep the posts on Facebook positive ones as it's good for moral and mental health. There must be loads of stupid photographs we can re-post and stories of good times we have had and will continue to have once we are through this. Stay Safe and please post if you need any help what ever that might be.  

Not the Yeovil Half

As you all are aware the Yeovil Half as well as all the other races are all cancelled so it was into the Virtual Racing world and a few Club members did the Half this week. 

From Kev D: Sensible solo run , hard effort all the way, seen 3 other runners:


From Linda: Jesus that was hard work. Gloves were on, then off, then on....now where's my medal? 😁. I'm not doing anything else for the rest of the day.

From Me:  I went out early today and sadly it was windy and cold but got round the course, didn't see any others on the course but two young drunks on the Yellow Brick Road.  


From Fran: May I present the winner of today’s Fran half! Not a PB as no adrenaline when I run alone! However it was a beautiful route and very quiet- please note I was wearing club vest!



Released On 29th Mar 2020

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