

The Virtual Remembrance 10k           Photographs

Well with Lockdown Two in motion it was time for another Kev Virtual Run and this weekend was The Virtual Remembrance 10k.

From Holli: If they can fight for me with blown off limbs, I can plod a 10k with a sore Achilles! To those who served, and those still serving, Thank you.

From Shaun: Remembrance Day 10k challenge, furthest I’ve run in months so the cool early morning temperature was appreciated.

From Nick: Remembrance 10k done Tad slow but coming back from injury 

From Libby: 10k for Remembrance Day. Thank you Kevin Doherty for the challenge and the motivation to keep running. A good way to take the time to remember.

From Nicki: Whoop I did the 10k virtual run! It’s very wet out there this morning!!

From Richard D: The Virtual Remembrance 10 KLM Walk Lest we forget they will live on.

From Lesley: Remembrance day virtual 10k. It seemed appropriate to run past the Dodham Brook display

From Tim: Sharon Hardy and Tim Willis  achieved a five medal haul today running the familiar Easter Bunny route at Yeovilton. Loads of club runners had the same plan so it was very social. Paul Card  and son arrived on scene to cheer us on. We both completed the Kevin Doherty YTRRC 10 km Remembrance challenge plus the Virtual Movember 10 km. Tim also carried on to complete the Phoenix Remembrance ½ Marathon. Loads of bling. We both finished our runs at the Yeovilton Falkland Memorial.

From Paul: YTRRC Remembrance Day 10k virtual challenge completed, thank you very much Kevin Doherty for keeping us motivated. Hope it’s not to long before we can enjoy the social element of running / races

From Tina: Remembrance 10k done this morning in my red London shirt, with my trusty sidekick Lesley. Nice mild bright weather, not the fastest, but all hills run! Thanks again Kevin Doherty , for the motivation. 

From Anita: Who would have thought it takes so long for ligament damage to repair?!?! 10K today for both kev’s challenge and the poppy run. Run walk all the way but completed all the same. Great to see so many out.

From Matt:  Naked Running Man does it again...they told me all I needed was a mask! It was warm out there today!! 10K Remembrance Run completed at a steady jog, no pb for me Cheers Kevin Doherty

From June: Remembrance 10k completed this morning while the sun was shining. Thanks for the motivation Kevin Doherty

From Mel: Remembrance virtual 10k completed. We stopped for 2 minutes silence at the bottom of Ham Hill monument.

From Kate: Remembrance 10K completed this morning and a 10k PB for me . Thanks Kevin Doherty for the challenge and keeping us all motivated

From Charles: Got lost again .... this is Dyson ... my new running mate !

From Adam: Corinne and l completed a virtual Remembrance Sunday slow 10k plod around the Easter Bunny route including a 2 minute pause at 11.00am in memory

From Anita: YTRRC virtual Remembrance Day 10k. Time to think and be thankful to others for their sacrifices so we have our freedoms so many years later. Also time to think of those left behind then and now.

From Mark: Remembrance Day Marathon no 3 . The first without any other YTRRC members. I wore my Yeovil vest to show my appreciation to those club members who are currently serving their country and to those retired and those who have sadly passed under the final finishing arch, Thank You ....... Lest we forget

From James: Remembrance Day 10K complete with a few hills thrown in for good measure. Coincided with the family buggy run to the Odcombe vending machine and a short stop at the Odcombe WW1 memorial to talk to my 4 yr old son about the sacrifices of those and many more men/women have given so that we can live how we do today. Thanks Kevin Doherty

From Mel: Remembrance 10K challenge completed . Haven’t run continuously for 6 miles in ages. Although not a PB, best time in ages too . Good to see some friendly faces on route. Thank you Kevin.

From Angela: Remembrance Sunday 10k done. Stopped to observe silence with my brother. Nice to see Rob Adams on the way round. No Yeovil top but wore red instead for the poppies, hope that's ok


LeJog Comes to an End

Well done to everyone completing their Remembrance10Ks. Meanwhile, in the land of LeJog, joining Mark Pike, Bungy Williams, Luke Hicks, Steve Lye, Anita Farquhar Rufus, Tina Beard, Dave Tilsley, Matt Driver, Magdalena Kusmierczyk, Catherine Parker-Johns, Mel Dodge, Stephanie Lara, Brian Keith Lane ......we now have Jon Foxon, Bib no 875 has completed the 874 challenge with a fantastic effort on his hilly and muddy recent 30 mile Ultra! and... John Hayden completing his while in the glarious company of the Tuesday Club Run (...huh, who remembers them, right?), the group recognised his feat by going up a dead end! John received a round of applause from his team before setting off back the other way! and...

Casper Harvey has completed Lejog2 TODAY! It's not that I've been stalking everyone for the last few months but... Well done Jon, John and Casper! Meanwhile... Richard Clayton (LeJog 2) is closing in on the finish as he runs parallel to Thurso River approaching the final North Coast at 851 miles. Graham Still is worryingly IN (yes, in...) the Dornoch Firth according to the map. At 782 miles he could have used the Meikle Ferry!

Daniel Stephen James McFarlane and Yunmi Jang are neck and neck at 774 miles with around 500 tard separating them. Perhaps Yunmi is staying at the Shandwick Inn while Dan is at the Old Manse B&B. To be fair, Yunmi Jang is on Lejog2 so she has the advantage. Unfortunately I've caught

Catherine Thompson out again! She remains on 713 miles without logging. Come on, I know you've been out and about, just get those miles logged!

And slightly distracted by the Everest Challenge, James Hutt has sped up to 659 courtesy of a little Ultra at the weekend and is now at the Luxury Lodges of Balloch, next to the River Tay. Well done everyone on your personal achievements. Please note the organisers have extended both challenges until 31st December - but no further! You have been warned!

Now where's that coffee mug I had to drink???

Released On 8th Nov 2020

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