Marathon Day Marathon

Marathon Day Marathon

The Virtual London Marathon    Photographs 

Well after all the disappointment of the cancellation twice the Virtual VMLM took place today.

From Lindsay:  It was messy, it wasn't easy, especially as my bloody hip started playing up around mile 10. It was very wet and miserable BUT my stubborn side kicked in and I WAS going to finish and we did yay. Thanks to my running partner Stephen Warren and thanks so much for the amazing support Mrs Clayton Richard Clayton, Mark Copping, Robert Adams, Elie Morgan Abi Saunders Ali and kids and Muriel Tiffany Hayes with the car of kids (Thanks for the jelly babies) xx

From Mel:  Well done Nat, you completed the VLM Virtual. Was a very challenging day weather wise . Nat set of with Angela & Eleanor this morning, then David , Claire & I took over for a lap joined by Donna for a while . Mary from BAM met up with Nat for a while on the 2nd visit to Ninesprings whilst Dave, Claire & & I decided to stop for coffee - we were very wet by this time ! Nat even more so ! . I then joined Nat & Angela for the final few miles . Saw a few other runners with the Bib numbers . I’m sure there will be some photos posted soon. Well done everyone else who was out there today completing the VLM or just out .

From Lesley:  Well that's the virtual London marathon done and dusted. Not the easiest marathon I've ever done with several thoughts of 'I really don't want to do any more' . After drying out I'm now warm, dry and chilling so I guess it's not all bad. Well done to everyone out there today running in very wet conditions. Thanks to Tim for his company and also to the amazing supporters who turned out on a day where it would have been easy to stay at home in the dry. Well done also to Helen, not able to run due to injury, for walking 20.5 miles this morning. She is just going out again now to complete the final 5.7 miles. The things we do for a t-shirt and medal.

From Tina: Well that was hard! Not at all trained, but moving time of 4.57, brilliantly crewed by a dear friend, so we didn’t have to carry anything. Change of clothes midway, we were so wet! London done phew .

Autumn/Winter Series Races

Saturday 10th The First event of Autumn/Winter series races . 5k ( 9th-11th ) ... in Yeovil a vest , post photos and time..

Go for PB? Pace a mate... Race a mate, buddy running .. or just easy pace for Tired Marathon legs ... who's in?

Saturn Running

From Anita: So a day off of work but an early start. A rather soggy and a bit muddy long run along the Thames path with Lynne and Tara  until they persuaded me to leave our bubble and crack on with it. Great organisation, support and medal as always with Saturn Running.


Well done to Phil who has now ran everyday during lockdown ad now on number 206


From Phil:  Back on the 18th March “Boris & Friends” announced the 12 week lockdown OK said I “Only 12 weeks I can run every day for that”

I should have thought about it with a clear head and realise that we would never clear the virus in that time frame. However I had decided, that come what may I would run every single day, and I did. Completing 100 runs on 5th June which was such a nice day that I got lulled into such a false sense of security that I decided to just keep going. So I did, and so on Saturday 3rd Oct completed 200th run having run some 1100 miles over the period

The event was celebrated with the usual “Saturday Run Group” in the time honoured “ Yeovil Town RRC way not with cake, but with a full “English Breakfast” Now comes the dilemma Do I call it a day or do I head out into the stormy weather and see who I meet running the Virtual London Marathon Those who know me well already know the answer. So see you all when I get back

Released On 4th Oct 2020

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