Marathon Week Done

Marathon Week Done

Einstein Marathon Week

From Paul T: YTRRC Gold Einstein 3 day marathon Run Complete! Today’s run was the worst. Just could not get the soreness out of my legs. Running the final 3 miles with my son was awesome! If he was not there I am not sure I could have seen it out. Overall I was extremely worried my past injury would hold up to the challenge and it was sore yesterday but took a gamble! Very pleased with that. Thanks for the challenge

From Kate: My Einstein marathon had it all today: Sun, wind and hail. Excellent support and encouragement from friends, family and fellow YTRRC members - Taryn Monks, Diane Acton, Chris Hummel, Andrew Stokes and Sam Stokes. Only disappointing moment was biting into my bagel 3/4 of the way round and getting a mouthful of mould ( someone had eaten my chocolate brownies l'd been saving for today - l suspect teenagers - so l'd had to come up with a quick alternative refuelling plan ! ) Very pleased to have taken 20 minutes off my last marathon time - think l have Taryn and Di to thank for that their incredible energy propelled me along. Family not so impressed with 2nd marathon as they were with the 1st one! May have to juggle whilst doing the next one for added kudos!! Thank you Kevin Doherty/ Mr Bananaman for organising another fantastic challenge. Off to soak in the bath now ..... and hoping my legs will still work in the morning!

From Rob: Marathon number 2 this week for Kevin Doherty. Had to run through this water and it was up to my crutch so nearly had to swim.


From Taryn: 1/7 Einstein silver medal start today with Diane Acton.

From Sandra: Einstein’s Marathon in 7 days completed! The smile is a lie!

From Donna: Einsteins birthday Marathon, 7 day silver challenge. Huge thanks to Kevin Doherty , I can definitely say Wednesday was a big challenge with wind and rain the whole 9.5 miles. Lovely to do running where we were apart but felt together.

From Diana: Final segment of the Einstein Birthday Marathon completed. Thanks to Taryn and Kate for your inspiring company, runs, chats and incredible support. I loved sharing this with you both, the excitement, effort, chats and fantastic sense of achievement. Thanks to Kev for organising this challenge. Me running a marathon even in 7 parts is unbelievable. Whoo hoo to a fab Saturday evening of rest and relaxation plus being spoiled rotten tomorrow as it’s Mother’s Day. Enjoy all you special Mums. Who is running tomorrow?

From Paul: The latest of the Kev Doherty YTRRC challenges completed, the Einstein marathon. Enjoyable run with Steve Lye , for those of you that thought home schooling was tough, you try getting Steve to run slower than 7.40 min miles. Great to see Kev, and sorry if we scared you Joanna Henley.

From Andy: Einstein Birthday Marathon done. Thanks to Kevin Doherty for the challenge and to Cameron Groves  for the company. I’m struggling to keep up with him now.





From Mel: Kev’s Einstein Marathon distance in 7 days completed (in 6). Thank you Kevin  for the challenge.

From Nichola: Run a marathon in a week they said. It’ll be fun they said. My family (and motivation/support team) don’t agree... but the dog is as happy as a in . 4.3 miles to go...

From Sam:  Job done that 1.7 was hard

From Linda: 6 out of 7 Kevs Marathon challenge done. I'm giving myself a day off tomorrow! Thanks to my walking buddies who helped me along

From Andrew: Day 3/3 Einstein's marathon gold challenge completed, ran out of legs so a run and a walk. Thanks again Kevin  for the motivation.

From Matt: Having entered the Kevin Doherty 3-day marathon, I was excited as I toed the start line. The plan was a suitably perfect 10 miles, 10K, 10 miles which matched my sense of balance! Social Distancing was great with no other runners in sight, although a storm was forecast so things might not turn out brilliantly, but actually I avoided the rain. The course was a little road-work until meeting the river and then the course marking went to pot! I blame Doherty for this, he should know better, but having asked three locals and having been escorted from a school premises, I arrived at the first checkpoint from the wrong direction!

Day two was an evening affair and rather boring as it was all road and a route I know very well. Unfortunately, the two hills meant the pace stayed a little slow, but home in time for the Simpsons is always a bonus. Once again avoided the rain and hail.

Leaving checkpoint two on Friday afternoon between showers, it was always a risk having seen the forecast. The course began with a road section, but soon dissolved into a wet and muddy mess – I blame Doherty for the death of my off-roaders, see pic (they were only four years old!), or more positively, I thank Kev as I can now purchase new shoes – and we all love to do that! The hail hit on an exposed hill and soon I was soaked through, although on a positive note, the hail passed and when the sun cam out on an exposed hill, I soon dried out.

Total time is 4:08:02, which I think beats Bungy Williams 's time. Thanks again to Kev for organising, I’ve lost the plot as to whether this qualifies as Gold, Silver, Butter or Margarine medal, but pleased I did it!

From Steve: Einstein weekend marathon done - what a bloody silly distance!! That really hurt and a massive thank you to Paul Card  (he was just coasting all the way round) for dragging me around the last 10k. Just outside my p.b. Have fun everyone. Now time to lie down and do very little for the rest of the day once I can get out of the bath!

From Jeanette: 5 days 6 runs 26.7 miles and one McDonald’s post run breakfast. Total running time 4hrs 22mins. marathon in a week challenge complete thank you Kevin Doherty and YTRRC.

From Beryl: I know this is not running related but Kevin Doherty  said I was allowed to cycle the marathon distance for the much coveted Einstein aluminium badge I did wear my Yeovil vest.

From Tina: It’s late and I’m knackered, but the marathon for Einstein’s birthday done! No more marathons for a very long time, 3 in a week is enough. Night all. 

From David:  Just finished Kevin Doherty Marathon in seven days challenge. Thank you for the great ideas to keep us motivated. Just a few miles over.

Midweek Update

From Kev:  I've been forced into a midweek update by Donna Reeves. Hope the 3 and 7 day Runners are doing ok Diane Acton Taryn and others ... Mark Larcombe got blown around and wet today and did 13 miles Richard John Hooper Choose today to Round off 26.2 in 3 days , which Helen Nesbitt also completed yesterday, we've had Joanna Henley and Linda Membury adding miles , poor Robert Adams got to do it all again as he got days wrong and Bungy Williams is getting ready for weekend good luck over next few days

From Adam: Einstein's birthday Marathon, 7 day silver challenge completed. Not nearly as impressive as those real marathon runners! Had to walk much of it following some minor surgery. Congratulations to all. Many thanks Kevin Doherty

From Lesley: Well, thank you Kevin (I think) for the marathon challenge completed this morning. Thank you Charles  for your company for part of it and really sorry that you had to pull out due to injury. Also, thanks to Helen for your very welcome support throughout, appearing when not expected. Helen live tracked me throughout from our Garmins which showed exactly where I was. Well done to everyone who completed the challenge, whether in 1, 3 or 7 days. We are all amazing

From Sharon: Not sure how (or why) but managed to complete Kevin Doherty  Einstein Marathon. Granted it was mostly walking but did manage to run 5.24 today which is the furthest I've run for a long time.


From Jo: Einstein’s Birthday Gold marathon challenge completed. 26.2 miles over 3 days!! Kevin Doherty  please can we have nicer weather next time as I have been rained on, hailed on & blown backwards

From Tim: After a week of no running I decided to run the Kevin Doherty marathon challenge on Saturday and then another seven miles to get my 400 miles on the SWCP. Might need another week off. Thanks Kevin Doherty for getting me up and out.

From Bungy: Well it helped with the SWCP but it was hard work on the legs after running nearly every day since Jan 1st. Thanks Kev for another challenge, hopefully we will soon be running real races hopefully.

From Kevin: Day 2 Einstein's birthday marathon. Once again back up my favourite playground at Mudford Rec with one eye on the local dogs who seem to have it in for me. Thanks for the challenge Kev.

Virtual Running

LEJOG9 update From Nicki

Joanna Henley - 305.23 miles is coming up to Stafford, you are flying!

Dominique Muir - 214.81 miles just going past Lydney

Nicki Hale - 147.53 miles please give me a wave as just going past Taunton

From Matt: After ten weeks, everyone will be settling in and deciding if this South West Coast Path malarky was such a good idea...and following Kevin Doherty 's marathon challenge, you might have excessively tired legs too...but it will be worth it, I promise! Tristram Clark is on the River taw on 65.12 miles while Sara Driver is on the River Torridge at 75.65. Kat Hurford has reached 85.67 and is at Westward Ho! After bagging substantial miles, Angela Claire has leapt up to 93.63 miles and is at The Milky Way Adventure's near Clovelly! Shaun Powell is near Hartland Quay on 106.43, with Lauren Jessica a little further up the path at Morwenstow on 114.72 Then there's a bit of a gap to Nick Cox who is past Boscastle at 140.17, and at Trebarwith on 145.35 is Nat Robins. On the Pentire Headland at 159.73 is Natasha Turner, and over the river at Padstow is Matt Driver on 166.15 miles (he's doing really well, by the way, and needs an extra mention!) Nichola Chesterton has reached Trevose, where it may be hailing, she's 172.11 miles into this challenge, and this brings us to the point previously described. 

From Constantine Bay there is a series of small sandy inlets like the beautiful Treyarnon and Porthcothan Bays, and rocky coves like Wine, Pepper, Warren, Fox and Long Cove; Which cove would you aim for? Just off the coast are the tiny Trescore Islands, which is the view Martin Alderman has at 177.37 miles. The SWCP traverses more rocky cliffs, some adorned with ancient settlements. On past Old MacDonald's Farm - ee-ii-ee-ii-o - and on to Pentire Steps and the picturesque Diggory's Island, then Bedruthan Steps is up. So these places names "Steps" needs some research - and i turns out they are stepping-stones for the local giants - well, of course they are! The very high cliffs at Bedruthan have had a tumble of late, meaning access to the beach is off limits, but the SWCP is still available, so Richard Clayton has passed by on his way, via a wiggly cliif-top path and Watergate Bay, to Porth Beach at 186.39 miles. 

Newquay Airport has been passed and Porth Beach is the first of Newquay's beaches, followed by Lusty Glaze and Tolcarne Beaches. Tolcarne Point is like a second home to me, as this rock was a usual picnic hangout for family Driver on their summer hols! Great Western Beach is next then Towan Beach and it's "natural" tidal lido, and then it's on to the quaint harbour. I suggest this route rather than the main high street, although watch the tides! Towan Head follows with it's hotel that starred in the original Roald Dahl film, "The Witches". Next it's the surfing Mecca of Fistral Beach and the Pentire Headland. The Gannel (a tidal river) can be crossed by paddling, or by ferry when the tides in...or like the Driver's, you can just get cut off by the tide on a regular basis! Crantock Beach and dunes follow, with two more rocky headlands, before another surfing beach at Holywell. After that, it all gets a bit weird with disused mines, an abandoned military camp, the MOD Danger Area, and then Penhale Sands, the location of the sunken village of Langarroc where it's seven churchs's bells toll on stormy nights!

Almost 5k of sandy beach (when the tides out) sees Kate Gowers reaching Perranporth on 199.86 and Mark Copping on 200.53. This point is near  Hanover Cove (or would Hangover Cove be more appropriate?) Next up is the town of St Agnes, St Agnes Head and St Agnes Beacon. Tootling on, we have another ancient settlement then tiny Chapel Porth, where we find Claire Shucksmith on 205.86. The SWCP crosses Porthtowan Beach and more cliff-top vistas takes it, via Sally's Bottom, to the ex-WWII RAF airfield at Nancekuke Nothing to worry about, but they produced Sarin and Nerve Agent VX here during the Cold War! Happily, Anita Garrett on has passed without harm and is in the village of Portreath 211.42 on . Next, its onto the North Cliffs where we find Ralph's Cupboard(pictured); a spectacular inlet known by the local saying that nothing ever came out what went in...Ralph, or possibly Wrath, is of course the local legendary giant. By the way, according to one website, there isn't a square inch of Cornwall that doesn't have a myth, sage or story concerning it! More cliffs and hidden smugglers' coves (which I could also report on) takes us to Godrevy, where Rachael Gosney has been guided by the Godrevy Lighthouse to the sands a little further round the headland. The beach leads into Gwithian Sands with its huge dune fields. Another vast stretch of beach, here we find Mel Cox sunning herself at 219.70 miles. 

These sands lead us further on the SWCP to the town of Hayle with its Copperhouse and Carnsew Pools, part of the River Hayle and the Nature Reserve. On the opposite bank is Levant and Donna Reeves on 224.92 miles. We've reached the average mileage of our 34 YTRRC participants, so this will be tonight's stopping point for the description. Apologies to those that never get much of a mention, but you are going so well, I'd hate to give you even more motivation! But here you are: 

Sharon Hardy -225.7

Adam Hawkins - 248.04

Linda Membury - 258.11

Sue Mallinson (I remembered) - 260.51

Sandra Levett - 261.1

Louise Ward - 265.54

Marie Lockwood - 270.05

June Moule - 294.57

Into the 300's

Casper Harvey - 310.17

Paul Thomas - 319.79

Lesley Nesbitt - 342.05

Tim Willis - 366.82

Then over 400

Andrew Holloway - 414.42

And then the lunatic over 500

Bungy Williams - 574.31

Hope everyone is staying relatively fit, or even better, getting fitter! As was posted earlier this week, don't increase mileage by a huge amount, small increments are best. Watch out for floods, hail, and a plague of locusts, and you'll be alright! Lastly, apologies if this went "ping" and woke you up, but I can't sleep tonight



Released On 14th Mar 2021

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