Marathon Week Starts Here

Marathon Week Starts Here

YTRRC to the rescue

From Dave:  Whilst walking through Nether Compton today, we were asked by a man in a car if we had seen a Golden Retriever, as his had escaped. Sadly we hadn’t. However, later in the walk we saw a runner, who mentioned having seen a Retriever in a nearby field, so, in true ‘International Rescue’ style, off we went. And yes, sure enough, one Golden Retriever was indeed laying in the field, wanting her tummy rubbed, and as you can imagine Phil was in his element! So after a little encouragement, off we went, dog in tow, back to the village. Once back at the village we sent Mark off up the hill to find the man. Whilst Mark was away, a lady come out of her house and asked “Do you know who’s dog that is?” We explained about earlier and said that our friend was just off looking for the owner.

Well, imagine our surprise when the lady said “Um, actually, that’s the dog from the farm and not the dog he was looking for! So off she went to make a phone call, and sure enough she was right! After a few minutes Mark came back down the hill, saying the man had already found his Golden Retriever, and then the owner of our not-lost-at-all dog come down from the farm to collect his!

All in all, a good day for owners and Golden Retrievers to be reunited!

Great Bristol Half Marathon

From Lesley: Today was the Great Bristol half marathon, the third half since end of August. I ran with the 401 Foundation team, so it was all for a good cause and it was lovely to meet the 20ish other 401-ers, most of whom I've only seen on the 401 FB page. I really enjoyed the race which was mostly flat with a hill at mile 12 (how mean is that!), however it was a downhill finish. My intention was to take it steady with a view of finishing around 02:05-02:10, so my finishing time of 02:07:45 was perfect . All I have now is to complete and enjoy London marathon next Sunday. My fundraising page is still open if anyone would still like to sponsor me -

It was nice to see Murray from Yeovil Town RRC on the course and at the finish, who will back running with us next April after he has finished going on his travels.

Yeovil Hospitals Charity 5K Fun run

From Sara: Spent the morning with my daughter Willow at Yeovil Hospitals Charity 5K Fun run. Loved all the obstacles and embraced getting soaking wet. Lots of giggles and fun.

Park Runs

From Katie: Frogmary Park Run this morning. Good luck to everyone doing the London marathon next weekend.

From Ali: Barnstaple Park Run this sunny morning. A lovely flat and scenic route around Rock Park along the river. First run of the camping weekend as some are running a half marathon and some the marathon.

Jurrasic Marathon

From Mags: Run Jurrasic Marathon this morning. 1st Lady for me (4th overall) and 5th overall for Leigh. Beautiful race with just one wrong turn taken! We're both super chuffed with our performance especially with the beach section that we ran all the way leaving everyone behind.

Conquest of Avalon

From Andy: Ran the Conquest of Avalon today, really nice trail run with the Glastonbury tor climb near the end. I made a few wrong turns but why run 28 miles when you can run 29 . Dan ran well and came 3rd, I finished in 7th place. Nice to see Tristan at the start as well. Well done Albion running.

Awards Night    To Book Click Here

The Awards Night on the 25th Nov is now open for bookings. To book do the following:

1. Log onto the Website, if you are paying just for you, a member, then use Concessions £26

2. If you are paying for you a member and your guest use the Book Now option and pay the £57

3. If you want to pay just as a guest or are paying for an additional guest then you can use the Bar Code using Pay Pal App and pay £31

4. Once paid go back to the Event and choose your menu and then do this again for your guest. This will send an email to Denise.

If you have any questions, then please ask a committee member. Please remember we are volunteers organising this in our own time for the good of the Club.

Newton Abbott Ladies 10k

From Jo: Well I think it is fair to say Yeovil Town RRC ladies did the club proud today at the Newton Abbott Ladies 10k. Not the most flattest route we have ever done despite Nikkie only remembering the one hill from last year .

Gill Pearson smashed it taking 1st place & taking 1st in age catagory. Nikkie also took 1st place in age catagory. Gill, Nikkie, Vicky Rosewell & Linda Membury also bagged themselves 3rd team. So basically it was only me who didn’t manage to bag a prize but luckily for me Nikkie didn’t want her bottle of wine so very kindly donated it to me .

Thanks to Jack for driving & thanks to Jack & Simon Rowbottom for the support & photos.

This is a great event & would definitely encourage any Yeovil Town RRC lady to take part next year.

Barnstaple Half and Marathon

From Steve:  A hardy crowd of us traveled to a quiet and rural campsite in North Devon for beer, running and raging fire pits. Having warmed up on the Saturday with the Barnstaple park run, Sunday saw the main event with 3 doing the marathon and 3 doing the half.

Both courses were very flat and mostly on the Tarka trail. Very well organised but disappointing for the organisers as numbers were down, but that meant more Prosecco for the runners in the hospitality tent at the end (important to re-hydrate), which Sharon enjoyed!!

In the marathon Ash finished in a strong time of 3.33, Rob had a cracking run in 3.45 ish and Tim was only about a minute outside his p.b in 4.21

In the half Steve came in at 1.36, Kate at 2.12 and Sharon in 2.39 and New club runner Margarita More was 2.44 ish.

Another wonderful club weekend away - friendship, running and beer….perfect!


Yeovil Primary Schools Cross Country Races

From Adam: The first event of the new season is this Wednesday 28th at Yeovil Rugby Club - any help any time between 2.00 and 5.00pm gratefully received.  Many hundreds of children expected.

Thanks, Adam

PUB RUN – SOUTH PETHERTON (22ND September 2022)

From Mark: Sue planned and led another very good mostly off-road route for the not so fast group which comprised Sue, Nikki, Laura, Louise, Simon, Dominic, Margarita, and myself. We ran an anti-clockwise loop, running east towards Pitway Hill, and turning left. At the end of the estate, we continued along a track and crossed several fields. We stopped where beet and maize was growing for photos. We joined a road, reached the edge of East Lambrook, and turned left, right, and left. The next part (an off-road crossing taking us to Mid Lambrook) may have been new to pub runs. We turned left, ran along the road a short distance, and then turned right for more off-road. This again may have been new to pub runs. We continued off-road (new again) and reached Compton Durville. We ran past the old convent, turned left and ran down Compton Hill for a short way. Turning right we crossed fields and reached Carey’s Hollow. Turning right then left we ran along Smokeclose lane passing an industrial site having to be cautious of large tractors as the light was starting to fade. Turning left at the end we ran along Moondown lane with head torches on. The track basically followed the A303. We continued past Moor, then ran down the lane back to the centre of South Petherton. Thanks Sue for another great run. After we ate at the back of the Pub. Thanks Phil for organising.

The Naughty Group did a lovely trail Run that was very quiet without Mark Pike 

Released On 25th Sep 2022

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