Marathon Week

Marathon Week

Running in Somerset

From Taryn: 1/7 Einstein silver medal start today with Diane Acton.

From Lesley: Oh look this morning's run with Helen took me over halfway on the 'End to End' South West Coast path challenge. It was so peaceful out there with beautiful daffodil displays on Lyde Road, the birds were singing, the lambs frolicking. Spring has well and truly arrived. Also nice to see Alison  & Charlotte and Paul Card.

From Sue: Another Friday and another cross country adventure with Frances Malin ,we set off not sure of how far we would get as I've not run for a week (knee issues) and Fran thought she might loose her sad failing shoes. We in fact did a lovely run following the Parrett and through the orchards for some wassailing. A great run, my knees survive and so did Frans shoes.

Virtual Running

Next Challenge

From Kev: From Monday 8th some you will be attempting a weekly total of 26.2 which is highly commendable especially if it stretches you a little both on time restraints and normal weekly mileage ... Then there is 26.2 in 3 consecutive ... or option for Platinum Full Marathon ... Good luck to all of you .

From the Committee Meeting last week for the Hat the Marathon must be completed in one go and one run.

SWCP mid week report

From Donna: As it's the beginning of the month, thought I'd do something a little different. The first figure is how many miles you have run the second is how many you have left. Bungy Williams 500.58 129.42 must of missed seeing a postcard Tim Willis 323.50 306.50 Lesley Nesbitt 298.95 331.05 must be a postcard due very soon Andrew Holloway 297.36 332.64 again another post card due possibly today.

Paul Thomas 275.46 354.54 

Casper Harvey 269.45 360.55

Sue Mallinson 249.71 380.29

June Moule 243.76 386.24

Louise Ward 238.27 391.73

Marie Lockwood 217.16 412.84

Adam Hawkins 209.99 420.01

Sandra Levett 209.57 420.43

Linda Membury 209.06 420.94

Sharon Hardy 206.49 423.51

Anita Garrett 201.20 428.80

Mel Cox 187.10 442.90

Donna Reeves 186.76 443.24

Richard Clayton 182.29 447.71

Claire Shucksmith 180.65 449.35

Rachael Gosney 180.52 449.48

Mac Copping 171.11 458.89

Kate Gowers 164.70 465.30

Nichola Chesterton 148.77 481.23

Natasha Turner 147.61 482.39

Nat Robins 145.35 484.65

Martin Alderman 138.50 491.50

Matt Driver 132.00 498.00

Nick Cox 124.05 505.95

Lauren Jessica 103.01 526.99

Shaun Powell 92.17 537.83

Kat Hurford 77.86 552.14

Sara Driver 77.65 552.35

Angela Claire 70.68 559.32

Tristram 54.16 575.84

Released On 3rd Mar 2021

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