Mid-Week Races

Mid-Week Races

Tues Club Night

Due to unexpected, unforeseen circumstances beyond our control next Tuesday's Club Run 10th Aug will be from Goldenstones. Can you ensure that your club friends know about the change in venue.

The Rat

A big well done to Dave for completing the Mud Crew 64 mile Trail along the SWCP. This is one hell of a course and just to complete it is an achievement but I believe Dave was 15th. Great running mate.  Just look at the elevation below.


The Wessex 10k

From Tina: The Wessex 10k, my first race in over two years! Having an Achilles niggle, and the tape falling off within half a mile, I settled into a comfortable pace, and enjoyed the view. I saw lots of people on the way round I’ve not seen for ages, inadvertently paced Taryn all the way, and generally had a lovely time . Well done everyone.

Shave Cross ‘Mini Marathon’

From Adam: This is a very friendly little village race of approximately 5 miles complete with hog roast, bar and various activities which has been run since 1947. It starts with one and a half laps of a large rough hilly field before around 3 miles steady climb on narrow country lanes. Then it is a mainly downhill stretch on lanes and fields back to another circuit of the large field back uphill to the finish. Small medal but only £6 entry fee!!

Pub Run

From Mark: PUB RUN – BOWER HINTON (5th August 2021)

Sue led a cross country group tonight which consisted of Steve, Lyndsay, Sue, Kirsty, June, JC. Louise, and myself. We left the pub, ran south, then west and crossed fields to the Parrett Works. We crossed the road and ran more fields to the end of Netherfield Lane. We crossed the road and entered a field occupied by large cows with calves. We also met a couple from Brighton out walking. The cows got out of our way and exited to another field. The field led to Barcroft Lane which was actually a footpath. Turning left, more fields took us to the edge of South Petherton. We ran through houses then descended past the hospital to Joyler’s Mill. A footbridge took us across the River Parrett. More fields and an incline took us to the edge of Bower Hinton. It was grey and warm and threatened rain, which didn’t come. The last leg was back through the village to the pub. Great pub and great food again. Thanks Phil for organising, and thanks Sue for the route.

Haselbury Trail 10k

Sadly no one did a write up for this Race.

A few YTRRC members at Haselbury Trail 10k this evening

Park Runs

From Kev: Great morning with Richard Dodge at The Old Showfield parkrun ( Frome) have a great weekend all.

From Lesley: Helen & I had a rather wet parkrun at Torbay Velopark today. We forgot to take a photo until we were in the car afterwards. We then spent a pleasant 45 mins in the Health suite at the leisure centre.

Released On 8th Aug 2021

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