Must be Summer, its Raining

Must be Summer, its Raining

Tsunami marathon

Mark was running this on the SWCP a brutal path with steep inclines and decents along with steps that kill the legs. Well done mate, great running. 

From Mark: Yesterday’s Tsunami marathon absolutely broke me. I have never felt like that during or after a race. By far the hardest event I have completed. I think I managed 5th place, but the results have still not been published. A must do marathon as the ultimate test!

Somerset Running

Tuesday Club Runs: Some phots from Tuesday


From Sue: Lovely evening run with Louise Ward ,around the village footpaths in search of unusual wildlife, a flock of Rheas, we also saw a snake ! . We were also surprised to find most of the paths had been mowed.

Virtual Running

From Jo: 700 miles done with only 174 left to do on my LEJOG challenge


From Donna:  Wow and Wow this week we have 2 finishers. Sharon Hardy you are just an inspiration, I personally know how hard you have worked for this, you never gave up when the going was tough, well done. Our next finisher although I can't see it on the FB page is the lovely Sandra Levett I think she's secretly training for a triathlon as apart from being a keen cyclist, swimming in open waters has come about. Congratulations ladies very well done

Now for the rest of us:

Kate Gowers 617.61

Linda Membury 569.55

Sue Mallinson 563.09

Marie Lockwood 562.90

Richard Clayton 544.16

Adam Hawkins 519.50

Anita Garrett 516.33

Louise Ward 495.40

Donna Reeves 461.69

Rachael Gosney 450.53

Claire Shucksmith 433.23

Mel Cox 432.40

Casper Harvey 426.59

Nat Robins 415.79

Martin Alderman 413.77

Nichola Chesterton 397.42

Natasha Turner 380.65

Matt Driver 372.50

Shaun Powell 326.34

Angela Claire 320.85

Kat Hurford 300.68

Sara Driver 213.95

Lauren Jessica 208.33

Tristram Clark 125.86

From Sandra: Thank you Donna. You beat me to it!! I did unceremoniously cross the SWCP finish line early this morning. Great achievement as i don’t think i have ever ran this often or far ... still moaning though and celebrating any reason to pause!! to our great club that is so supportive to the less natural of us as well as the true athletes!! X

From Kev: Just looking ahead to July Challenge amongst an increasing race availability.

18th July Nelson Mandela Day .

31 years since release from Prison.

31 miles in 1 Day Platinum

31 Miles in 3 Days Gold

31 miles in 7 Days Silver

and added to include "Most" Club runners

31 KMs in 7 Days Bronze .

Choose wisely, use walking too .( from 12th -18th )

Released On 20th Jun 2021

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