National Swiss Day

National Swiss Day

Tues Club Runs

From Steve (chair): Ok after this weeks committee meeting we have the following to report. Tuesday night club runs will be restarted on the 11 of August with a test being carried out on the 4 to make sure we are Covid compliant more details will follow on the web site and everyone will need to pre register. Track will hopefully start again on Friday the 14 of August as we are just making sure we are Covid compliant and we have to tie in with the council, EA , our insurance and our EA coaches to clarify group numbers again everyone will need to pre register and the sessions will only be available to ytrrc members as the group’s if we have two as this is the maximum have to remain the same once formed for a set amount of weeks as specified by the council. More information on all of the above to follow ASAP . Because of the fluidity of the current Covid situation if anyone in the club reads anything from EA or ARC that affects our club and our running please do not be afraid to post on our site so it can be discussed. Unfortunately organised pub runs will not restart for a while but individuals can organise themselves if enough interest is shown. Thanks for all your input and patience and please stay safe and hopefully see u all soon.

The minutes can be seen here

To follow on from Steve’s post, for Tuesday Club runs I will make an Event by the name of the Run leader and pace, each event with only be able to take 5 members. I will make as many events as the amount of Run leaders so in theory there could be up to 10 groups or more. I will add these to the website once we have everything in place. Just make sure you have joined the website and you can logon. Any questions then please ask.

This week Tuesday 4th Aug will be a dummy run to see that it all works and Run Leaders will only have 2 other runners booking in advance through the website. Please do not turn up unless you have booked. 

If you can help out at being a Run Leader then please let me know. If I have made a mistake on your group then again let me know.

National Swiss Day

From Steve: National Swiss Day 10 mile challenge run done....not quite climbing around the Matterhorn that I had planned this year! Thanks for another motivational idea Kevin Doherty . Super sweaty run. Now to find the toblerone to finish off the Swiss theme! Completes my RATW miles at 254 for July. Have fun everyone with yours.

From Anita:  Swiss Day 10 miles complete. Really didn’t have the motivation so 5 miles speed walking and 5 running. Kevin Doherty 

Bungy Williams Oh and I forgot to take a selfie, so I have included one of my feet!

Melanie Denham:  National Swiss day 10 miles completed. Not a very quick one though. Well done all who completed a 10miler.

Yunmi Jang:  Ytrrc lock down 10 miler( +1 more mile) 1st National Swiss Day.

Alan Chadbone, Jeanette Vincent:  Ran the YTRRC Swiss National Day 10 Mile Challenge. Over 1000ft of elevation at Ham Hill. Was a really enjoyable run and enjoyed the hills (yes I did just say I enjoyed the hills lol)

Matt Driver: Swiss Day 10 miler done. Did I get wet ? You bet your nippy, I did. Still the views were nice until I got home and found I had no door key. Am not say on the doorstep awaiting the missus.

Trevor Strelley: National Swiss day 10 mile challenge completed! Happy Swiss day

Marie Lockwood:  YTRRC National Swiss Day 10 mile challenge, thanks for another challenge Kevin Doherty Hot and hills not a good combination but I did it. Also start of my August Challenge.

Andrew Brown: Swiss 10miles virtual race complete.. 4 laps of Somerton fisheries out to Etsome farm ... I don't do laps!! Lol.

Paul Card: YTRRC National Swiss Day 10 mile challenge, thanks for another challenge Kevin Doherty


Nick Cox: Got my club vest at last Christened it with a 10+mile run Even managed to mess my watch up

Richard Clayton: Swiss day 10 miler done, thanks Kevin Doherty


Yeovilton 5k Series

From Lindz: Unfortunately due to the pavilion at Yeovilton being unavailable to us at the time being Septembers race is also cancelled, therefore NO Yeovilton summer 2020 Series this year guys, we will hopefully see you all again next year when this has all calmed down. Stay safe y'all x



From Matt: As of 30th July 

More random musings from the World of virtually running LeJog, so as of Thursday 30th July at 8:00pm Mark Pike and  Bungy Williams

remain the only YTRRC bods to have completed.

Luke Hicks gets ever closer on 731 miles and is coming up to Inverness, while

Steve Lye is as far North as Fort William on 684 miles.

Anita Farquhar Rufus wants to get it done and move on, so she's raced through the Trossachs and is in, on, or by Loch Tay as we speak at 643 miles.

Dave Tilsley is in the Scottish Borders in a place called Talla Linnfoots, on 529 with

Graham Still bearing down on him and pleased to be on 500 miles (I would walk...etc) near Dumfries.

Tina Beard is currently between High Heskett and Low Heskett and a month ahead of the rest of us - Wow!

Mel Dodge has paused for refreshments at the Moto services on the M6 just this side of Carlisle having overtaken

Jon Foxon who hasn't logged any miles recently so is stuck at Ullswater on 448.

Matt "I'm injured, no I'm not" Driver has hopped, limped, moaned and griped his way to EXACTLY HALFWAY, 437 miles - it's all downhill from here - and is in Windermere having overtaken

Magdalena Kusmierczyk , also at Windermere (It's a looooong lake) on 435. The longer she stays in Poland, the better for

Brian Lane who, on 421 could catch her up while currently visiting Kirkby Lonsdale.

Stephanie Lara is on 392 miles and appears to have popped over to Blackpool from her recent seaside posts.

Richard Clayton on 328 and in Newcastle-under-Lyme, just past Stoke -on-Trent, has popped ahead of

Casper Harvey on 314 and in Yarnfield, just coming up to Stoke-on-Trent!

Catherine Thompson is still in Acton Trussel while John Hayden has done some excellent mile logging to jump to 290 miles and Wolverhampton, shame it's not somewhere nicer!

Yunmi Jang isn't far behind also trying out her Brummie accent in West Bromwich on 286 miles

James Hutt has reached Upton upon Severn at 249 miles, with

Catherine Parker-Johns still in Puriton having logged no more miles.

Some good running out there and I wish you all good health as we start to lok forward to some club runs which should keep the mojo from disappearing. For those of you that may be dropping this challenge (it is a tough one!), just message me and I won't post your progress any further.

See you all soon, love and kisses,

Matt Driver

Frolic Lockdown

Well the medals started coming through the post, very impressed.


Released On 2nd Aug 2020

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