


Today saw day two of the Thames Two Path marathon, this called the Ty-Run-Osarus with another unique medal. This was an 8 lap out and back but in the opposite direction to yesterdays. Sod knows how but I managed a better time than Saturday. The medal doubles up as a fridge magnet.

Remembrance Day Marathon

Saturday saw the running of the Remembrance Day Marathon on the 11th November, so Paul Allen and I went up to Walton on  Thames to take part. It was a 4 lap out and back on a wet and muddy Thames Path but the Medal was something else and weighs2il 8oz. During the Race at 11:00 the horns were sounded and we all stood still for the 2 mins silence, this was then deducted from your finish time, a first for mid-race silence.

Remembrance Sunday

Today saw Katie Brooks lay a Club Wreath and did a great job yet again, thanks Katie

Pub Run

I've planned a route which includes Tracks, Paths, Lanes and Streets in and around Sherborne, for this Thursday. As usual, the average speed will be that of the slower runners. Therefore regular regroups with the option for the faster ones to double back if they want to.

Championship 2017-18

The Gold, Silver & Bronze champions will be the males and females with the highest ten scores from all of the available races. Points King and Points Queen will be the male and female with the total score of all the races including points for best timed Street or Yeovilton 5k, best timed half marathon and best-timed marathon. Also, Bonus Points will be given for participation and help within the Club, as explained in the Rules. Check our events section for a full list of the races and to stay up to date with progress.


Street 5k

YTRRC does November Street 5k. For me knocked about a minute and a half off last month 😊 — with Louise Ward, Jeff Watson, Samantha Lloyd, Lesley Nesbitt, Paul Felstead, Kev Brettle and Trevor Strelley.

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – BUTLEIGH (9TH November 2017)
Planned by Phil, and led by myself, tonight’s Pub Run left the pub and crossed straight over. We progressed along Wood Lane with the glow of Street ahead in the distance, and the Mendip television transmitter lit up in red to the right. We ran more than a mile along the narrow muddy lane to the T junction at the end. We turned right and passed darkened houses and farms with dogs barking. At the end, we joined the main road. Turning right and running on the left-hand side, we slogged up a gentle incline, then turned left into Cedar Walk. Glastonbury and the Tor were off across fields to the left. Soon after, I made a stupid navigational error (for some reason jumping ahead on the map). Thinking we were at the edge of Butleigh (we weren’t, and still had half a mile to go), I very nearly led the group off into the dark the wrong way. The error was soon spotted and corrected, and we continued running towards Butleigh. The last leg took us around the southeastern edge of the village and back to the pub car park. Thanks to Phil and all for a good 5.5 miles running.

Released On 12th Nov 2017

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