Run 54321 YTRRC are Go

Run 54321 YTRRC are Go


Ok, so today saw the running of the 54321 with so many distances and the ability to walk all distances as well it must be a nightmare to sign. There is a 10k walk (only), a half, 33k, full and 50k all either run or walk. I think we had runners in all the distances apart from the 33k. Ok let's try to put all this together, first off at 09:30 was the 50k (32m), in this, we had John Curtis, Andy Brown, Louise Ward, Lynne Thrumpston, Richard Dodge and Georgina Brice. After a sprint finish, they all finished at the same time so well done all.  The full results can be seen here.

Next to start was the 42k (marathon) with Bungy Williams aka me, Paul Allen, Chris Woodman, Matt Driver, yes that's right Matt "I am never doing another marathon" Driver, Luke and Catherine. I managed first Club runner over the line and Catherine was the first lady. Well done all. The full results can be seen here.

Sorry but the only photograph to appear on Facebook....

Last race with YTRRC runners in and a start time of 11:00 was the 21k, here we had Fez Parker, Nikki and Simon. Fez was first over the line for the Club and Nikki was our first Lady. The full results can be seen here.

The good news is that this is on next year so add to your diaries.

Hill Reps

From Nathan:

Hills - Hope everyone's had a good weekend of running and racing. Hills should be Wednesday this week if anyone is interested? 6.30 but not sure where yet. Want to take advantage of some of the locations we can't so easily use in the darker parts of the year so Ham Hill or the car park off Lyde road near Great Mead road could be the meet locations depending on the amount of rain. The 30s sprint area in the woods at Ham Hill gets muddy quite quickly but think can replace it elsewhere as long as it's dry that evening.

Bristol Half

From Anita: 

BRISTOL HALF MARATHON 17/09/17 club places
We have 2 club places for the Bristol Half Marathon available due to injury.
Please let me know if you would like one asap and I will sort out the token so you get the discounted place.

Park Runs

From James Day:

Oxford parkrun 299th Event - Saturday 12th August
After a 05:00hrs alarm call for Kevin, two road closures on the M25 followed by the normal Oxford A40 traffic (nightmare!) and yet more roadworks on the roundabout to the park Kevin made it! After all that effort Kevin was very bouncy and still wanting to run the 5K and not take a kip in his cab. Even if Kevin was spotted by a cyclist walking the wrong way to the park! Seemingly unfazed at what the Oxford parkrun had to offer, he was off! Bounding around the grass a green a white dot was mixing with the Oxford elitists, however, I still had Kevin in my sights. Into the field we go, as I enter I see Kevin already taking the corner a way ahead, maybe the 'hill' will slow him down. The second lap of the course I still had Kevin in sight, just, he was my target. Very strange to see the YTRRC vest around Cutteslowe Park but it did bring a smile to my face. The hill caused Kevin little or no problems and the finish straight past the model railway was in sight. As I crossed the line a green and white man was lying on the floor, feeling accomplished but the Oxford course was an easy test. Sub 21 for Kevin and 22:21 for myself. Thank you Kevin for making a big effort this morning, it was great to see a fellow YTRRC at Oxford parkrun. #TeamYTRRC

Awards Night

The Awards Night is on the Friday 24th Nov and can now be booked and paid for from the Awards Event Page. If you are paying just for yourself as a Club member then it is £26.50 and if bringing a partner it is £58. After you have paid, go back to the page and complete the form for your choice of food and also who you wish to sit next to. If you have any questions then please ask Anita or I.

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – LIMINGTON (10th August 2017)
The route tonight was planned by Phil and led by J.C. In a bright sunny window of a wet grey August so far, we ran off down the road and turned towards the weir. Soon on the right a path took us off across fields. We ran across long grass and stubble crossing several stiles and foot bridges. We reached the road just west of Ashington. Another field with horses took us into the village where we were photographed at the duck pond. Just east of Ashington we turned left and ran down fields and muddy tracks. The bridge over the River Yeo (Ivel) looks ancient. Near the road we cleaned our shoes with grass cuttings. We continued from Lower Chilton Cantelo, along the road, past the school and church. Opposite the Nursery we turned left to go off-road again. We passed black bullocks (some small) and continued loosely following the path of the river. Running across stubble with the sun low in the sky ahead, we reached a wooden foot bridge. We crossed over and skirted around the edge of the camp and continued across fields until we reached the road near the weir. The final leg was down the road back to Limington and the pub. The distance was 5.25 miles. It was an interesting mostly off-road run, bringing back memories of many previous pub runs over many years.

Released On 13th Aug 2017

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