Run Fest in Dartmoor and Crewkerne

Run Fest in Dartmoor and Crewkerne

Mark Pike

Yet another member of our Club makes the 100 Marathon Club, having completed 52 in 52 along the way Mark has done a great job. Not only did he complete the best Road Ultra in the UK yesterday the 32.3 mile Dartmoor Discovery but then headed to Walton on Thames for the Golden Phoenix along the Thames today and the BBB of FBB. Well done mate well deserved and gutted I could not be there to see you put the Blue and Yellow Vest on.  

You need to run 31 miles to see this with one more hill to go.   

Crewkerne 10k

From Kev: Crewkerne 10k with a really great turnout of YTRRC Members. With family infighting and friendly rivalry it was a great morning. First lady was Elaine Hurley for Yeovil.
Frances Malin won age category but upset she didn't run harder up last hill to win the wine. YTRRC ladies won team 1st place ... 3 in a team ..... or 4 those Nesbitt troublemakers 😁😁... us men did ok too if you were wondering. Great seeing everyone .

Parrett Trail Club Weekend

I need to run this past the Committee but Kev posted about doing a challenge as a Club and we had a few ideas like the Wessex Ridgeway, Ham to Lyme and the Parrett Relay. I decided (open to discus another option) the Parrett Relay as we have had a few from the Club that have already done a few of the legs and the finish is at a localish pub. The actual race run by Crewkerne Running Club has 7 legs:

Leg One 9.1 miles    Leg Two 5.6 miles     Leg Three 7.7 miles    Leg Four 7.7 miles   Leg 5 not Sure      Leg Six 6.6 miles    Leg Seven 5.2 miles

Roughly this is about 55 miles so the idea is we run as a club at the slowest pace and a few of us can run the whole way or if you want just do as many legs as you want. Again open for discussion for a one day event or half way look for a camping location BBQ / Beer/ Wine then crack on the next day. We would need at least two admin teams for the Legs and organise transport, food and all that. I just randomly picked the weekend 11-12 July 2020 as hopefully sunny, warm and not a lot on but it is bound to clash with something. There is an event page I have set up for any questions you may have or ideas. Can the Committee chat about this at the meeting next week please as I cannot make the meeting. 

10k Group

Only two weeks to go for the 10k you have all been training for, hope you all get your goals you have worked hard for it. Thanks to Graham, it has been a great success.


Park Runs

Montacute Park Run

Great morning at Montacute Park Run. YTRRC supported by Dame Kelly Holmes & Triss Samuel 😂👏🏃‍♀️

Does anyone know the bloke in the middle scratching hiss balls? 

One of those will we make it again kinda thing, which was simi me not looking at my phone 😂. We arived in time while the briefing was nearly over. Angela had her two mini's with us 😊. Not sure who was fast or slow, at least the correct foot wear was on 🤣🤣. My time was 42 ish, Angela's and mini's time was 59.20 a pb for Isaac.
— with Angela Claire at Henstridge Airfield Industrial Estate.


Run Fest

We have a load of Club runners at the Run Fest with a weekend of drinking and running.

Fantastic start to the day, meeting up with the fabulous Paula Radcliffe and Chris Evans 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃‍♂️👍 💕


Marks Runs

PUB RUN – THORNFORD (30thMay 2019)

Thornford tonight was peaceful and still, calm and mild, and a good few turned up for the Pub Run. A photo was taken outside of the Pub and we split up into 3 groups. J.C. led the middle group and took us down a grassy rutted path which widened into a green track, and then became a path within trees. We came out onto the road just south of Longford Bridge. We ran down to Clifton Maybank, then up to the bridge over the railway line. We followed the southern edge of the railway line into Wyke where there is a large ancient barn. The next mile or so was across fields toward Sherborne and into Lenthay Common. At the far end of the common we turned right onto the track and ran down to the second level crossing. The hedges on the way there have Yards of silk caterpillar nests. We ran the path and field taking us past Honeycombe Farm. We then climbed a track taking us up to the road. The last leg with the Sun lowering, was south westward along the road back into Thornford. Thanks to J.C. for the route, and to all for the run. I thought the Pub food tonight was good. This will be a memorable Pub Run being my last one before retiring from full time work tomorrow. Thank you all for the card and also for the enjoyable cake which was baked by Alison.

Released On 2nd Jun 2019

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