Running in the Dark

Running in the Dark

Released On 30th Jul 2023

The Midnight Marathon

From Gareth: Despite my initial concerns about arriving on time and more to the point arriving in the correct county (Gareth Davies expert navigator that he is thought we were heading to Surrey rather than Hampshire)… Gareth did a great job getting us to race HQ with plenty of time to spare before the 9pm start, as we arrived we pulled up to the gates right behind fellow YTRRC member JC, who promptly ignored our attempts to get his attention.

Now the build up to the race was nothing but pressure for me, Gareth had informed me nothing short of a podium place would do… and then he bestowed up on me a task where so many others (well one person) had failed before… to be the guardian of his sacred key!

9pm came and off we went, I left Gareth and JC within the first 10 seconds, and led for the first hilly mile, however that didn’t last long and I wasn’t going to be chasing them at that speed that early… with the race boasting 3500ft of elevation.

In the end I came in 8th (sorry Gareth) in exactly 4hours… Luckily just before my light ran out followed by Gareth in 5:02 after he’d had a miserable 2nd half (Achilles issues) and JC still going but aiming to be done in 6 (finished in 5:50) And to top it off we celebrated with a Helen Nesbitt Cheesecake after a job well done.

And most importantly I didn’t lose the key…

Maiden NewTen 2023

From Margarita So I always have a story to tell. Did the Maiden NewTen 2023 tonight, it was wet, it was muddy, it was tough conditions. I met a parcel van who'd gone the wrong way up a lane, thanks to sat nav and had to skirt around his van to get onto the course. Then running along I met a tractor coming to rescue said van so I naturally dived in the hedge. After making it round that section next came the muddy river section where the marshall said the objective was don't fall in the river, well I achieved that. Came back, wet and muddy. A good run, but be better if it was on a nice sunny July evening not a grim winters evening. Even the camera suffered and got wet, and blurry . Nice to see some of the club at the beginning, but they all beat me to the end, clearly I was having a slow day

Sports Shoes

Hi,Hope you are doing well?

Sharing the code just in time for the summer sale starting!

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Please make sure to select the United Kingdom in your shipping address to apply the promotion code without errors. Should you come across the “country-iso” error in checkout, you will need to check you have set up a correct UK shipping address, please.

Weekend Runs

From Donna: YTRRC did social run from Cavity Trays, lovely run. Tim doesn't leave anyone behind everyone welcome. Meet at Cavity Trays 9am Saturday's. Also good to meet people who you wouldn't normally run with.

From Ali: Club run from Goldenstones around the lanes and paths to Coker. A lovely sunny run with great company

Park Runs

From Gav: Finally made it to The Great Field Parkrun this morning. Amongst a record 389 field as no nearby Weymouth PR today.

From Adam: Minehead Parkrun - 2 and a half rather hot laps along the the seafront - completely flat, lovely views.

From Nat: Today was a tourist trip, especially for Sarah Pailing, as it was her first time Henstridge Airfield parkrun. When we got there we bumped into Linda Membury and (Triss) is absolutely gorgeous and grown !! Then bumped into Daphne Barfoot & Simon Eadon. So glad I went to the first timers (which is the 4th time for me) as they changed the route. We both agreed that we found that tough, (may be lack of training but how is that possible from doing 50k a few weeks ago.

From Ali: Frogmary Green Farm parkrun this morning. A better day than last weeks rain. A few more around but managed to capture the majority of us.


From Mark: Rob planned a route for, and led the not so fast group tonight which included Rob, Kelly, Helen, Kirsty, Andrew, and myself. Leaving the pub we ran down the A37 and turned right. We turned left and ran down a track to a road and then turned right. Soon we were off road again running across fields passing Patchlake Cottages, Redlands, and Tellis Cross. A series of tracks took us to the Helyar Arms pub. We passed the church at East Coker, and a series of fields took us to Halves lane. Going off road we passed horses and arrived at Burton. More tracks took us to Nash and back to the edge of Yeovil via a field and steep steps down to Placket lane. Turning left we ran along Placket lane heading for Sampson’s wood. We ran through the wood to Forest Hill. The last leg was a run up to West Coker road and back to the pub. Thanks Rob for this interesting mostly off-road route tonight, and thanks Phil for organising. Alison led another not so fast group, and I think there were around 20 runners in total tonight.

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