Soon be back to Trails

Soon be back to Trails

Red Warrior

From Rob: A good day out at Pembrey sands today. Sadly no prizes for second place but still happy with the finish position.

Grand Canal Canter

From: Suzanne: Did my first ever marathon, the Grand Canal Canter. Didnt get my target time as life got in the way of my training plan, but just wanted to use this opportunity to give a shout out to all the running Mum's out there, picking up running again post partum is HARD and shout out to parents who are trying to juggle training and kids. And thank you to all the runners of the club for their encouragement and having to listen to me whinge about long distance running

As for the event itself, really lovely spot, it's there and back x2 and very flat so a good PB opportunity. The organisers recommended road shoes as it is tarmac/compacted gravel however with all the rain, I was glad I wore my hybrid trail/road shoes as it is quite muddy in places. The event is quite lonely as there are no crowds to cheer you on and runners are quite spread out. Well stocked aid stations though! Think I will stick to 10kms in the future.

Stoke Stampede.          Full Results

From Jo: Small but perfectly formed team of green & whites at today’s postponed Stoke Stampede. Trevor Strelley & I lapped up the attention before the race at managing to be let into the village hall to park while all others were dotted (some a bus ride away!!) around with a short walk to registration. After we managed to get a whole team photo, we all started the not so short walk to the start. Some of us were more happier than others (sorry Dom Rowe) to discover that actually, for the first time in years, there was no water crossing & the rain held off as we ran the 10k undulating route. As I came in near the back again I have no idea on who finished where apart from to congratulate Debbie Rennard for a 10k PB & to say we all feel for Linda Membury on that second someone cruelly added to her time. As I finished Steve Lye’s aches, pains & injuries (something to do with old age ) clearly held off. We all did our club proud.

Granite Way 10 Miler

From Sue: Granite Way 10miler, Okehampton, an out and back course on the old railway, no real hills just a few inclines. The event was very well organised and friendly. I hadn't done any real training as the place was deferred from last year when I was injured. Happy to have made it to the finish. Didn't see any Yeovil vest in either the 10or 20miler,but did see Vicky and Jack they were both way ahead of me. A great run by all and a nice medal.

Weekend Running

From Helen: Lovely morning for our Sunday 10miler a big group again and we were ‘on it’ with our pace well done all. And thanks Lawrie for the yummy chocolatey flapjack after.

From Donna: Sharon's Cavity Tray group this morning about 6 miles. Tim's larger group did over 7.

Park Runs

From Linda: A few of us at Frogmary Green Farm parkrun this muddy morning. It's starting to dry up a bit but still challenging in parts. Well done everyone.

From Taryn:  At 5bridges PR this morning. Busy, dry and my #226 and their #26 event. Well done every body where ever you ran and tomorrow’s runs too.

From Jo: Just a few of us at Weymouth parkrun today. The wind was a challenge but the rain held off & we all enjoyed it.

Yeovil Half Marathon

From Me: With the Yeovil Half coming up we will change the FB picture with a new one after the Race. So if we go to meet at the Start at 08:40 so we can take the photo. Don't be late....This can be all club members even if not running...except Phil Mac Quaid.



From Mark: A month since my last Pub Run and I decided to run the shorter route in Alison’s group (Alison, Louise, Mel, and myself). Rob led a longer route of the not so fast, and there was also a faster group.

Leaving the pub, we ran a clockwise loop. From the high street we ran south street, brook street, and bathwell lane, bringing us back to high street. Crossing over, we headed north up through the centre of Milborne Port to paddock walk. Turning left we ran up manor road, then along combe hill. We had to get off the narrow lane for a large lorry. Turning right near the end we headed back along furlong lane. Turning right, then left, we ran along court lane to the old stone bridge over the river. We continued along lower kingsbury and turned right. This part of Milborne Port is called Kingsbury Regis, and was possibly separate at one time. We continued south along station road. A final loop included wheathill lane, wheathill way, and east street, where I stopped at the car park. Thanks Alison for this nice run. After, I had a great meal in the pub, where we sat round two large tables.

Released On 9th Mar 2024

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