Soon be Christmas 2022

Soon be Christmas 2022


From Mark: Knowing that light rain was forecast for most of the day, I drove on down to Lyme passing through fog as well. It was great that 14 arrived for the walk in the rain (Anita G, Denise, Rob, Alison, Helen, Paul, Rachael, June, Adam, Sandra, Amanda, Mel C, Jo, and myself). Thanks Rob for the loan of the waterproof coat. We set off down the path to the sea wall, and along the wall to the bottom of town. Following the course of the river we made our way to the old mill. I put my original plan to one side because of the grotty weather, and instead opted for a shorter route continuing along the river side out to Church street in Uplyme. We made our way to Whalley lane, and climbed on up. The climb continued as we walked up Gore lane, crossed the main Sidmouth road, and continued down Ware lane. Avoiding the 3 possible off road routes to the right, we walked to the end of the road. We walked back into town via Clappentail lane, and Silver street. At the top of Broad street we crossed over and walked through Langmoor gardens. The sea was very rough, and the wind and rain intensified as we made our way down to the Royal Standard. Believe it or not there were swimmers in the sea. It was nice to go inside, remove wet cloths (some of them), and order food.

I’d like to do another hike in Lyme on Sunday 5thof February, if that is convenient, and on condition it is not raining. Then we can do the longer walk through Harcombe and Rocombe with more off road.

Slow and Dirty 19k

From Eleanor: Gemma Murley and I completed the Slow and Dirty 19k race in the cold and wet this morning. Tough going for me at the end. Just couldn’t get my head and arse into gear thanks Gemma for running with me.

T shirts, Hoodies & Umbrella’s

From Graham: Just an update on T shirts, Hoodies & umbrella’s I’m picking up a batch of T shirts & Hoodies this Sunday, sadly for various reasons the supplier is still waiting for some sizes to come in stock, but I’ll pick up what I can. Payments are now to be made to the club, NOT me!!! The club will then make a donation to Yeovil Hospital from the T shirt sales. If you’re paying by cash I’ll take this, but if you're paying by card then there will be a 2% charge. Please let me know if you’re paying the club by bank transfer.

Umbrellas will be dispatched on the 18th January 2023. For those that have placed an order the price is £23 per umbrella, an increase of £3, I didn’t see the 2nd page of the invoice, sorry. Payment the same as the T shirts & hoodies…

Track Night

From Graham: Last track session of 2022, freezing conditions -3 degrees!! Well done everyone.

Park Runs

From Adam: Weymouth Park Walk today due to chest infection - windy but beautiful!

Lynne Hits 200

From Lynne: Marathon 200 at First and last running, at Clearbrook Devon , 11/12//22. Very icy , race start put back but as we had been up since stupid o’clock, we decided to press on . Dryrobes on, -4 , tentative steps as black ice was everywhere.

All in all a great day , fellow achievers, Daniel Bignell, 100 marathons from Plymouth , Tara Rufus, 300 marathons , (100mc, ) a marvellous cake , and great to catch up with so many running buddies.

PUB RUN – MOSTERTON (15TH December 2022)

From Mark: Steve and Paul ran the usual 7 mile loop. The rest of us (Phil, JC, Kate, Rob, Alison, Rachael and myself) settled for a shortish walk. Leaving the pub in sub-zero conditions, we headed south and walked to the edge of the village where spectacular Christmas lights adorned houses and a grassy open space. Photos were taken. We continued down the lane forking right from the main road. As we ascended in the darkness there was thick ice covering half the road, which looked like it might have been snowfall a day or so earlier. We turned round and headed back to the pub. Even though thickly wrapped up it felt cold out there tonight. The pub food was not only good but good value as well. Pie with help yourself veg, and a nice pudding as well. Thanks all, and Phil for organising.

Released On 18th Dec 2022

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