Soon be Easter 2023

Soon be Easter 2023

Released On 31st Mar 2023

Trev, get well soon from all YTRRC. 

Brighton Marathon

From Lynne: Brighton Marathon , absolutely freezing first thing with artic wind , Round Brighton , then out to Rottingdean for miles , back to sea front , then out towards Hove . Finishing off with the obligatory loop around the industrial estate . Sun came out , boiling hot . With Tara and Anita , really pleased with a faster time.

Pre-London Long Run 

From Lesley: Thanks to Crewkerne Running Club for yet another great Pre-London Long Run event with brilliant support and aid stations and loads of food at the end in the David Hall. Despite a detour and a long deep puddle (which two people managed to get a lift through it - you know who you are ) there was a great turnout from YTRRC today with some great distances covered. This is the only photo I have (thanks Helen). I'm sure others will have other photos to add. 

From Helen: Just wanted to say well done to all those completing the Crewkerne Running Club’s Pre-London long run this morning you all smashed it and looked so strong out there…now to enjoy the taper, ahead of the big day! Was great to be a part of it and run the first 16 miles with Robert whilst supporting Rachael - not that she needed it as was totally amazing out there today and we’re so proud of her for completing the whole 22 miles Rob and I also enjoyed driving around giving the odd cheer out the window as we passed ya all Also massive thanks to Crewkerne Running Club for putting it on, organising as well as usual, supporting with aid stations and for the delicious well needed spread afterwards.

Sunday Runs

From Andy: Sunday Run with Andrew and Denise. Goldenstones to Mudford and back.

North Dorset village relay 30/04/2023

From Vicky: I have reserved two team places from ytrrc. This Will consist of four people per team, could I ask if the following people are still interested in entering :

Sharon Hardy, Timothy Hawkins, Tim Willis, Stephen Warren, Graham Richard Still, Lindsay Saunders, Simon Rowbottom, Nikki Guiver, Paul Gilbie, Harriet Quast, Angela Claire

I can request to enter another team if we have more than eight people wanting to take part.

please could you let me know

Many thanks


Testway Ultra

From Rob: Testway Ultra today. Good fun if brutal underfoot.

Penselwood 10k

From Kev:  A very small contingent from YTRRC wandered East of Wincanton to the annual Village 10k at Penselwood , Dorset Doddlers help run this event and funds go to Penselwood community association and chosen charities. All on tarmac, quiet country lanes , It's certainly " undulating " with some steep climbes and turns mixed in with downhills and beautiful woodland views and local lake .

These small local events are magical for social runners or serious competitive runners - prices reasonable too ( no medal , Cadbury cream egg instead).

So our team : it looked like Steven Sparkes was flying and was first YTRRC runner back in a very credible 51:19 next was Malcolm Maxted 55:27 . Joanna Samuel was 3rd YTRRC runner in 1:01:13 which considering, a parkrun event yesterday and Lindsay Hash run was pretty impressive- myself and Mel Dodge had a social run and it was brilliant, infact Mel paced it really well with enough in the tank for a good last 1km blast into the finish.

Daniel Cahill 1st Male 36:00 , Kate French 1st Female 41:22 Well done all.

Bournemouth 10k

From Margarita: Smashing them out at the moment and improving as well, which I'm so pleased with. Today's race was a leisurely 10km in Bournemouth, well leisurely until the zig zag hill path at 5km, glad they cleared most the sand from the seafront path! Enjoyed it and got my third fastest 10km today buzzing.

Lindsay Saunders Hash Run

From Jo:  So today many of us took part in Lindsay Saunders Hash Run (in aid of my Sense charity).It was the first time hashing for many of us & I think it is fair to say we all had a fantastic day & lots of laughs along the way. There are far too many people to thank individually but special mentions go to Martin (Lynda Chaffey) & Alison Griffiths for helping Lindsay set up such an amazing course. I am sure Lindsay thanks everyone who took part & to all those who helped set up, take down & also those who supplied all the lovely cakes & gifts for the raffle.

So now there is only one thing left to do & that is to wish the amazing Lindsay all the very best for her London Marathon run. You have done all the hard work, both fund raising & training so go out & enjoy every minute of it. You’ve got this girlfriend

There is still time for donations to this amazing charity if anyone has a few spare coins lying around (link in the comments)

Sorry for the photo down load - not!! We had a great time & i think several photos will spark a caption competition.

From Lindsay: Well I think Joanna Samuel said it all. Thanks so much to everyone who took part, donated, turned up, baked, supported, set up and especially Alison Griffiths, Robert Adams and Martin Lynda Chaffey who had this great idea and went out on Mother’s Day and plotted the course. I can’t thank everyone enough. I will do a tally up tonight, after my longest run of course, and let u if I’ve hit my target, thanks so much again everyone xx


From Mark: The first pub run of the year in British Summer Time, so I thought it appropriate to put in some cross country, notwithstanding the inclement weather lately. There were seven in total tonight but only three in the not so fast group (Louise, JC, and myself). Leaving the pub, we set off into the grey but mild evening. Running westward through the village, then south we continued along Chessels lane. Going off road we ran down a wet muddy and slippery grassy track called Ridgeway Lane. Before reaching the Fosse Way (A37), we turned right and followed a path across three fields. Lytes Cary (big house) could be seen just beyond the hedge. Many years ago we would pass it and run around a small recreation area in the woods. After photos, we continued to the Ilchester road and turned right. Heading north we reached a track forking to the left. Visible at the other end of the track was Charlton Mackrell church with a small spire above the tower. Church Bells rang as we approached via this undulating wet and muddy track. I felt like we had gone back in time. Running westwards down the road, we passed a few houses and then turned right to run the path passing the court. We continued up the winding road through the heart of Charlton Mackrell and followed roads back to Charlton Adam. The last leg was a final bit of off road taking us along a path and across some more fields to the south of the pub. We had some on and off drizzle but it was good. Thanks all, the food afterwards was good. Thanks Phil for organising.

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