Soon be Summer

PUB RUN – PODIMORE (21stApril 2022)

From Mark: The pub run at Podimore had a big turnout with 12 in the not so fast group (JC, Rob, Paul, June, Rachael, Sue, Helen, Louise, Mel, Anita, Kirsty, and myself). We ran a clockwise loop going along the lane to Stockwitch Cross, crossing over and running down to Bridgehampton. We were passed by the fast group. We turned right and stopped outside Speckington manor to take some photos. At the end of the lane we entered the first of several fields and followed the Leland trail to the Weir at Yeovilton. This part of the Leland trail follows the southern edge of the camp where we had to cross an old foot bridge. Continuing, we followed the northern edge of the river Yeo, turned right and ran across a field to Bineham lane. We followed the road along the edge of the camp and ran up to Costello Hill. The last leg was turning right, running towards the camp then left following the lane back up to Podimore. Although not so fast, it was fast paced for some with the group spreading out a bit at times. Apart from the pub runners there was also a motor cycle event going on at the pub. For the meal afterwards we all sat round one long line of tables. Thanks all, and Phil for organising.

Town Tree Trail Race

From Adam:  Town Tree Trail Race - help needed please. In the afternoon of Saturday 4th June we are asking for volunteers to help clear the paths of the Town Tree Nature Garden - unfortunately Chris the owner is no longer mobile enough. BBQ, refreshments, drinks etc! A YTRRC social occasion!!

Park Runs

From Steve: Park run tourism. Kate and I ran Lanhydrock park run this morning. Lovely fast down hill first mile followed by mile (2 laps) through flat woodland and by a stream. Mile 3 was the payback for the downhill mile 1 and was a brutal uphill through woodland emerging out by the national trust house and buildings with a short downhill road section to the finish. Nice course but best to avoid copious quantities of beer the night before (lesson learnt).


Shepperdine Marathon

From Dan: Shepperdine Marathon #38 done. Had a bad day at the office today. Went out trying to aim for a PB. Done well for the 1st 16miles. Legs completely went dead. Nearly DNF…. Struggled and had to walk for 4 miles. Then luckily managed to get some salt tablets, gels and food inside Me. Then ran the last 6 miles and managed to complete in 3:52. What a day all that said… great race done by Rogueruns

Boston Marathon

From Lesley: Boston marathon completed in 04:34:03 which I was happy with despite really struggling from mile 16 to 21 with the hills and then my legs just didn't want to work. I cannot tell a lie I walked Heartbreak Hill and walked/ran some of the final 4 miles. The first half was mostly either downhill or flat so managed to get a good rhythm going which helped my overall time. The route was brilliant as was the support and the volunteers were amazing. Saw Simon and Nikki at the beginning but then, of course, they were gone

Southampton 10K

From Adam: PB by 3 whole seconds - 38:42 and 15th/1570. That one hurt

Released On 24th Apr 2022

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