A Good Day at Martock

A Good Day at Martock

Have You Got A Number?

The event started some months ago when there was a scramble for race entries...not everyone joined in so there were some Johnny-come-lately's. What Martock didn't tell us was that they did indeed accept entries on the day! Apologies to those who missed out :-(
Meanwhile close to the targeted 400 assembled on one of the hottest mornings seen around these parts for some time. Various sporting attire was being paraded,starting with Kevin Doherty wearing a natty little G-String on his head supposedly stopping sunburn (or some other weird fetish).
aloud blare on the hooter and suddenly we're all off running.
A flat section out of town and then a slight rise completed the first 1KM. With Lauren May Price leading YTRRC ladies in the most splendiferous crop top (definitely not a fashion faux-pas) Peter Jakeman and Matt Driver had a target to keep chasing (but they were "chicked" well before the finish).
2KM saw the water stop - needed that today. 
More slight rises led to the uphill section which continued for at least 6KM, and suddenly the water stop was back in sight! A flat bit brought us in sight of the finish, but we then had to do a small loop of some houses before the last sprint to the line.
Stuart Cobb was first YTRRC male and Lauren was first lady. Leyt Green had a storming run for 2nd YTRRC male while Pippa Howarth gave everything (and a little more) for 2nd YTRRC. Robert Adams is running well these days looking forward to his next age-group grade.
Luke Hicks had a great run to back up his 100KM last weekend - but due to kit failure ran in some weird shirt - I think it said Reegan on it???
Kev had a flying battle with Richard Dodge, but held him off with 2 secs to spare, and Aubrey Wood sprinted in for a fine finish too.
Well done to everyone else too, sorry I can't name check you here, but really well done on a beautiful, but hot, race.
Special mention to Corinne Adams for wearing her "longs" on such a warm day!
Who else noticed the medal is 1) a medal, 2) a fridge magnet, and 3) a bottle opener?

Martock 10k

Today saw the Martock 10k a Championship Race with points to win so we had 27 YTRRC runners.

Stuart Cobb was first in for the Club in 38:58 and Lauren May Price was our first Lady in 42:13, so well done both of you and all the other Club runners. The full results can be seen here.

Lauren then celebrated her Cat  2nd award with a bit of training for Glasto

Thanks to Katie Brooks for the Love Station



Langport LDWA Festival

Every June the Long Distance Walking Ass put this event on, a two-day event with different distances but on each day there is a 42k. At £5.50 per day, it is great value, no medal but you do get a certificate.  Paul Allen did the Saturday but sadly I had to go to Glasto to put my tent up, Saturday was a hot one for Paul and it turned out to be 28 miles. Sunday saw both of us out on a different route that started at Langport, then headed towards Curry Rivel,  Isle Brewers and on to Ilminster. The way back was to Kingstone, Seavington St Micheal, Shepton Beauchamp, Muchenley and back to Langport. We made in 28 miles on the hottest day of the year and it was hard work with no breeze.

Salomon Trail Wales Marathon

From John-Paul Humphreys 

Well, I did it! Official time 5hrs 3mins 46secs (apologies to Matthew Driver for going over 3:30😜) and considering the conditions, yes Peter Jakeman it was scorchio ☀️ I'm pleased with that! Plenty of sunscreen applied before the start Joanna Henley😎 The race got under way at nine with over 300 runners for the full, and another 700 plus for the half. The route basically went straight up from the off, this was the pattern for the whole race, round every corner there was a hill! First half hilly and hot, second half hot and hilly! At the end of the first 13 miles there was also the attack of the midges with a touch of mosquito. The marshal at this point was actually wearing a mosquito net it was that bad! Overall though the race was fantastic. Beautiful scenery. Amazingly organised, every food station was well stocked with water, gels food etc.. the marshals were fantastic! Roll on next year! Who's up for it? 


SOCIAL EVENT for the club

From Anita:

Field-Archery-Have-a-Go (location between Crewkerne and Chard) All equipment supplied, qualified coaches.
Date - Sat 15th July 2017 10am - noon (ish) (so you can do the park run before if you like) Max 15 people £15 per person Best to put the money (cash/cheque) in an envelope with your name on it. Also please write 'Archery' on it. I already have 6 paid up places. Non-club members welcome too, minimum age 10 years old. 

Argentan Trip

The annual club trip to Argentan in France is on the Friday 29th Sept, you can pay your deposit online on our site here.

New Club Member

To the Chairman, Committee and all well wishers, thank you for the lovely card of congratulations following the arrival of our daughter Poppy. 
She's doing very well, we're over the moon and enjoying getting to know her. 
I look forward to seeing you soon as I slowly return to running following an enjoyable break. 
Rob & Rachel.

Marks Runs

Led by Gareth and Phil tonight, the pub run involved cows, horses and crops (maize, barley, and potatoes). We left the pub and ran up to the road for South Petherton, and went off-road. Following Hinton Meads Brook past the works, the fields took us to Gawbridge Bow (actually a bridge). We ran to Gawbridge Mill and went off-road again. Unusually there was a small Monkey Puzzle tree in the middle of the field. Probably born of bird droppings. Further along there were Cow Parsley and Giant Hogweed side by side. Both are similar in appearance having clumps of small white flowers but the stems are different. The Giant Hogweed stem is smooth with red spots. The Cow Parsley stem is pale green and ribbed axially. We continued through fields heading to a point south west of the Parrett Works. We crossed over the road and ran past horses, through fields towards Joyler’s Mill. The hospital was up above on the hill top. Cows and more fields took us to Gaston’s lane. This took us into Bower Hinton. We ran past old stone houses uphill to woody tracks. Left at the top and we were running downhill towards a junction on the A303. From here it was lanes back to the village. We went off-road again going behind the Motel. The final leg was down the main road back to the pub. Thanks Gareth, Phil and all. This was 6.2 miles of classic pub running. Enjoyed the pub meal as well. Photo by Alison.


Released On 18th Jun 2017

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