The Battle at East Farm

The Battle at East Farm

Baltonsborough 5 mile

From Kev:

What a fantastic event this was and had a real feel of camaraderie and Club support throughout. YTRRC Members and family out on course for support and taking photos . It was all about points and Hats today and it brought 15 runners out to play.
The predominantly flat course was pretty quick with some slight inclines which always feel steeper with heat and exhaustion thrown in. I think some great racing was had and YTRRC collected 4 awards. Race winner ...was Andrew Hennersey 28:25
2nd was Paul Card. 30:08
5th Nathan Gardiner 32:14
7th Steve Lye. 33:17

Pippa Howarth was 1st lady
Joanna Henley was 2nd YTRRC lady
Linda Membury was 3rd YTRRC lady.
And well done to Dorothy Thomas 1st V65
Brilliant day well done to everyone both runners , supporters and Organisers ( cheers Peter Darton on your involvement )


Battle of Sedgemoor 

Bakers Dozen turn out to be Baked.
13 YTRRC members braved the Battle of Sedgemoor.
Great event and well supported , due to so many events not as many Yeovil Town as last year? Slight change this year was started at school and not High St... course was the same and with heat today was very warm. Well done to everyone and also the several YTRRC members who came to support us. First YTRRC male was an on form " Newbie" Kev Brettle followed by Matthew as second YTRRC male Kevin Doherty was Third male. Pippa Howarth was first YTRRC lady Joanna Henley was second with Taryn Monks Third.  Race was won by Chris McMillan from Weston AC in 30:30 first lady was Zoe kurle Wells City Harriers 40:50 .
Well done all YTRRC runners.

The Full Results can be seen here.

401 Running Festival

From Lesley:

Helen and I completed the Portishead Festival of Running weekend event. 10k on Saturday evening and 5k and half marathon on Sunday morning. Amazing interlocking medals. Well worth the struggle. Thoroughly recommend it to everyone for next year. Brilliant organisation, marshals were amazing and lots of support from spectators around the routes. Thank you Ben Smith and his crew at The 401 Festival of Running. Well done to Luke Nesbitt on his first ever half marathon. Also good to see Tors there too.


East Farm WSR Weekend

Saturday saw the WSR East Farm Frolic Weekend with various races form 10k to Ultra. Saturday was the Half and Marathon/Ultra with Club runners in both races. The Marathon was off first, it was suppose to be 8 laps of about 3.2 miles with 4 for the half. In the Marathon we had myself, Paul Allen, JC, Jon Crane, Lynne, Chris Woodman, Luke and Richard. We set off and completed 2 laps of the small 3.2 mile loop and on the third we were sent on a larger loop which was 3.9. For some reason the larger loop was going to be the loop for the rest of the race, 8 laps.

When we got to lap 4 we were on about 14.6 miles so we were on a 28-29 mile marathon. The RD decided to add a detor on the 8th lap but this would still make over 28 so when you reached 7 it ended there. Some did the full 8 and some did 8 with the small detour but most did 7. Confused good see the results here. I will not bother with first club member over the line as different mileage. Still got a Sun tan and support from Liz with her dogs and camra.

Part of the course for both half and full was a couple of bails of hay to climb over which is great after 20  odd miles. Lynne loved it and had a little chat with Danny who just fell about  laughing.

The Half Marathon had a few Green and Whites with Nathan coming 2nd overall so well done.

Sadily the results are all over the place so I am not sure who was in it from ther Club. The results can be seen here.

Well done to all that ran as it was a hot day.

Sunday then saw the Frolic, a 12 hour event to run as a Solo, Pair or Team. We didn't have any teams in so just the solo with 8 laps for marathon distance. This was one of the large loops and 7 of the smaller loops on yet an even hotter day. We had myself, Richard, Anita and Catherine all doing eight laps, the full results can be seen here.

 Liz Posted:

A quick finish picture of Anita Farquhar Rufus and I after completing marathon distance at today's east farm Frolic. My first ever and an unexpected one for Anita as she was only going to do one lap when she started this morning not 8. Thanks for all the support everyone and well done everyone else racing today.

Park Runs

From Kevin Doherty:

Cheers Tracey Monaghan Ex YTRRC who was suprised to see The Green and Whites in Brandon, Suffolk. Tracey sends her wishes to all. 22.45 and 17th place on this undulating 2 lap course.

Parrett Trail Relay Race

As previous participants of this event you are probably aware that Crewkerne Running Club was unable to formally promote the race this year, due not least to the sad loss of one of our key members. However, we are planning to properly revive the event in 2018 and with this in mind we are planning to trial a revised format of the race on Saturday 7th October this current year. The idea is to divide the race into two baton style ...relays, running firstly from Steart to Langport and then from Langport to Winyards. Each relay will have four separate defined legs, with teams 'self navigating' and 'self supporting' between the start and finish of each relay. Individual legs average around10k, long enough to be testing but short enough to allow multiple contiguous legs to be run by keen individuals. The intermediate Langport finish/start should help regroup quicker and slower teams, while still keeping the feel of a continuous event. Overall time to complete the race and to assign team honours will be the accumulated time taken for both relays. Individual leg times will be recorded by the teams themselves and given to the organisers at the finish so a full results table can be produced. There's lots more information being added to our web site about what we're actually up to, so please check this out []. Our club will be running the trial socially [no fees, prizes or permit] with several 'home' teams to mimic a published event and assess the viability of the new arrangements. With this in mind, we would warmly welcome teams from other clubs to join us to give the revised format a better test. Realistically we expect some runners being competitive, wishing to set benchmark times and hunting for team glory, or perhaps just rushing to get to the pub first. However, there will be a 'hare & hounds' 30min lead option for teams of a more leisurely disposition and for those not able to cover the full length of the trail we can also accommodate teams wanting to do just one of the two relays. If you are interested in coming out and enjoying a great day running the trail please let us know via our club contact email [] so we can pass on information directly regarding any specific arrangements and so we can also get an idea for the number of batons, timing sheets etc. that we will need. We would also welcome any comments or suggestions you may have about our plans and if you can persuade the weather Gods to be kind to us, that would be a bonus.

Awards Night

The Awards Night is on the Friday 24th Nov and can now be booked and paid for from the Awards Event Page. If you are paying just for yourself as a Club member then it is £26.50 and if bringing a partner it is £58. After you have paid, go back to the page and complete the form for your choice of food and also who you wish to sit next to. If you have any questions then please ask Anita or I.

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – ASH / TOWN TREE (24th August 2017)
Tonight’s Pub Run was for the club to present a cheque to the man at Town Tree. The main group set off into the woods next to the school, which led to fields, this time without crops. Blackberries were plentiful in the hedges, and a dark heavy cloud hung over the nature reserve to the northwest. The fields ended with a stony track leading to Milton Lane. More fields took us to Long Load Road and then Town Tree Lane. The slog along ...the road took us to the entrance of the nature reserve where we regrouped. We continued and stopped next to a lake for the cheque presentation and photoshoot. I think all of us out running tonight converged to this point. After, we continued and ran round the gardens, and lakes, passing the house twice. A second photoshoot took place at the waterfall overlooking the wooden castle on the lake. We passed swans with offspring. The smell of roses was missed as we were running too fast. After exiting the gardens, we ran back mostly the same way we came down. However a small change took us into the back of the school where our progress was blocked. We retreated and found our way back to the main road. It was just over 6 miles and enjoyably physical. The run round Town Tree is always enjoyable. Thanks Adam and all.

Released On 27th Aug 2017

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