The Bovington Snow Marathon

The Bovington Snow Marathon

Bovington FUBAR & SNAFU (Marathon & Half)

From Ashley: An early and (bloody cold) 6:45 start for me and Andy this morning, for a somewhat short notice Marathon in Bovington this morning.

The snow started to fall about halfway there and there was to be no let up and by the time we arrived it was looking (and feeling) more and more like the north pole. On arrival we met up with fellow runners Gareth and the usual suspects Mark Pike and Bungy for the full and Dom Rowe and Sarah Pailing who were taking on the half.

As we set off the snow was now pelting down, yet despite the conditions it was very enjoyable, it was almost as if we were running through a Christmas card, it was a really great setting for a marathon/Half, we even had two deers stop to cheer us on.

At the halfway point I picked up the pace, thanks to marshalls informing me I was currently sitting in 7th and so the competitive spirit kicked in and one by one I chased runners down until just two sets of footprints remained in the snow. eventually finishing 1st Yeovil and 3rd overall in 3:35:17 Not too far behind in 3:49:10 came Andy and Mark 8th and 9th respectively (Andy pipping Mark on alphabetical order) followed by Gareth and then Bungy (sorry we didn't wait Bungy it was too chuffing cold!)

Over in the half Dom and Sarah finished together in 2:24:00

I now probably weigh twice as much as I did at the start, as much cake was eaten, really glad Andy talked me into this one, was a great day out!

A great run from Ashley coming third overall. 


From Lindsay: Thank you so so much to all you volunteers and cake makers for everything u did this morning .. it was a great race and everyone was complimentary about it so thank you one and all for giving up your Sunday morning and helping us raise money for yeovil hospital.. love me and the chairman xx

The Extremely Jolly 10k

From Sue: A civilised start time for The Extremely Jolly 10k at Escot. The drive over the Black down hills was quite icy, then snow started to fall, not the conditions I wanted for a run but if you're on the way then you're going to do it. The course was quite challenging with very solid ground in parts and muddy and wet, the slide was once again fast and cold. Definitely a race to get you in the Christmas spirit. Wasn't able to keep up with Ellie Mallinson and George Mallinson .A grand day out with lovely pub lunch afterwards.

Southampton 10k


From Margarita Moore: Super proud moment today. Signed up for the Southampton 10K about 4 days ago. A very cold race, but lovely scenery, starting and finishing at the Southampton football stadium. I completed the 10km, and got new PBS for both 10km and 5km times!

Released On 11th Dec 2022

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