The Bristol Ox

The Bristol Ox

The Simplehealth Great Bristol 10k

Full Results    Pictures

So after a few months trying to set this Kev Doherty finally got on the Coach this morning with everyone that should have been there, minus a few injuries for a couple of club members. We picked up a few more at Podimore then headed for Bristol with Dave our driver.

When we got there it was to the Baggage Drop off to hand in the post-race bags and an Orange StartPhot.

Well done to Steve Lye with a PB and also first over the line and also Magdalena our first lady.

From Kev: Well done on today's runners.
1st YTRRC Male Steve Lye
1st YTRRC Female Magdalena
Best PB Magdalena.
& for fun Dave Stanfield closest place to BIB number

From Claire: Well I survived my first ever race, the Bristol 10k and loved every minute of it! Managed a time of 1:3:48 so well chuffed!
It was great to be running as a member of the club and felt proud to be wearing the club vest. I only joined in January but it's so great to be part of a club that is so inclusive and friendly, it was lovely to see other club members along the way shouting encouragement.
A massive thank you to Kevin Doherty for organising the day, it was fab and it was great to see you near the end when I was flagging!! Thank you for your support. Well done everyone on your achievements x


A big thanks to Kev for organising this, never an easy taks but all went very well and yet anothewr great Club outing. Dont forget we also have the Bristol Half and also Argentan.

The Shakespeare Full and Half

We had three runners in this, Kev and Adam running the Full and Katie in the Half. Kev needs to go to Specsavers as his watch keeps saying 3:14 and not Sub 3:10? 

Ottery 10k

From Becky: I was first Yeovil Town runner at Ottery 10k (because there was only one Yeovil runner haha) lovely hilly course, first run since London.


Ox Weekend

Frolic Laps Results    Ox 50 Results   Dark Ox Results   Light Ox Results

Yet another White Star Frolic and weekend of races. Friday night saw the Dark Ox with 7 YTRRC runners and Nathan coming in overall in third place and first club member over the line with Anita Garrett our first lady.

Saturday saw the 50 miler as the first race off at 7:30 with just one Club member in a very unbelievable excellent run from Lynne. With over 12 hours of running on a very hard leg sapping course of just over 6 miles and 7 laps done Lynne managed just over 47 miles. A very well done Lynne.  

Great Running

The next race off at 8:00 was the Frolic a straight simple 12 hours of running around a 6 ish mile loop. 4 Laps with one being slightly larger was marathon distance and so on. We had 5 running this with no winners you just finish when you want.

That just left the Light Ox on the Sunday, with just two runners, Nathan (2nd overall) and Louise McKenna, well done.   

From Anita; Dark Ox. I think there were 7 of us, Nathan came in 3rd overall, Anita (not me) 1st Yeovil lady, there was also Kev B, Louise ward, me and Katie B. Catherine ran as a Vegan runner was unfortunately injured but still managed to make some great breakfast burritos for Sat & Sun morning.

The route was I gather very pretty with bluebells, wild garlic and beech woods, but as it was dark I saw none of this also too busy keeping my eyes on the ground watching the muddy trail for badger holes and muddy, squelchy puddles.

Dorset Maverick 

From Tim Willis: I ran the Dorset Maverick which was my toughest run so far with over 1500 feet of climbing. From Corfe up, and I mean a lot of up, towards Harry's Rock and back. I was 35th with a time of 1:45 for the 16km but I am claiming a club first place as I didn't see any other club members.

Bristol Half Marathon

From Anita:

Sunday 23rd September
YTRRC runners club day trip.
£32 per paid up first claim YTRRC runner.
I will be collecting money (cash/cheque 'YTRRC') from this Tuesday night club run until Tuesday 5th June. Please put your money in an envelope with your name & email address on it. Sorry, can't do PayPal/Bacs.
Then I will email you the code to enter the race. There's a coach as usual ... and cake!

Tall Tree Trail Race.

Town Tree Trail Race - this Wednesday 16th May - from Kingsbury Recreation Ground. 

Marshals needed please - if you can't or don't want to run we need marshals for the course.

Please message, email or text me if you can help.

Thanks Adam

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – ILCHESTER (10th May 2018)
Myself and J.C. took it in turns to lead tonight’s Pub Run, the route of which was planned by Phil. A very similar route had been used on a previous pub run where we had gone wrong. Running out of the back of the pub, we picked up a path which took us across several fields. One field had small bullocks which did the usual thing. We came out at the Weir road bridge where Alison took photos. We continued south along the road and turned off left to run across more fields. We picked up a narrow overgrown track, then crossed the road at Draycott. We ran down the drove heading due south. After passing a small wood on the left, we turned right and aimed for the edge of another small wood. We continued along a very rutted muddy path, full of flies, with the sun in our eyes. Following the path, we turned right, then left. There was a good feeling of remoteness, and the muddy rutting continued for ages until we reached the road west of Limington. The last leg was down the road passing kennels, and back into Ilchester. Thanks Phil and all for a memorable run. This time we did not go wrong.

Released On 11th May 2018

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