The Full Monty
Released On 3rd Dec 2017
The Full Monty
Today saw the Full Monty with a few YTRRC runners taking part in the muddy, hilly 10 miler. No results yet but when they are published they will appear here. Well done to all that took part.
Santa Dash
Next Sunday is the Santa Dash and from the Race Director aka Linsay:
1 week today peeps. Any help gratefully received from 8 am at Goldenstones..also any cake donations will also be gratefully received..I'm hoping I hv Stephen Warren and Phil MacQuaid setting up the course. Linda Membury and Lesley Nesbitt on data entry and who fancies being timekeeper and logging finishers and giving out medals at the finish line. Anyone else I may put u out in the field to help Marshall thanks all, see u bright and early next week. Also please forward this message to anyone who still wants to run xx contacted me with a unique code for our Club to gain a 10% discount to be used just by Club members. Not sure if it is any good but here goes:
"Christmas time is finally here and I’m sure we are all rushing to get that Christmas wish list sorted. To help you save an extra 10% and get free standard delivery, I am sending out the new club code to you today.
The code for December is EGS9, valid until 2nd January 2018.
Discover our SportsShoes Christmas Shop at and get some inspiration for gifts for your loved ones or yourself. I am wishing you and your club members a wonderful Christmas time!
Kind regards & until next year"
June's First Post
I guess everyone noticed the crash on our Facebook group page when June and all her followers joined the group.
This was followed by her first post:

I think Jane Allen took the picture
Mark's Runs
PUB RUN – CURRY RIVEL (30th November 2017)
I had the pleasure of leading the group running Adam’s 6.1 miles planned the route from Curry Rivel tonight. It was cool, dry, and the sky was clear, at least it was afterwards when I noticed Orion when leaving the pub. We turned left and ran up the main road. I was looking for a crossroads, but overshot because it was actually staggered. We turned back and ran off down this narrow country lane. I had to go carefully in the dark because I had forgotten my running shoes and was wearing my black shoes used for work. Luckily they were not steel toe capped. The lane continued passed two junctions and came out at Crabtree Lane. After a left turn we came up to the B3168 and ran up it towards the village. Taking the first right we headed off eastwards going towards Whitecross and Drayton. At the centre, we split into two groups going left and right. The bigger right biased group ran east and north until we reached the A378. We turned left then first right and did a loop around the houses going past the church. After a short time, we were running back up the main road towards the pub. Thanks Adam for the pub run. Cooking your own seafood dinner on a hot rock as you eat it is as good as it gets eating out.