The Hills have Eyes

The Hills have Eyes

Badger Trail Marathon Race

From Yunmi: 1st post lockdown race: Badger trail Race. Most of Yeovil runners entered for Marathon. Kev Brettle , JC, Andrew Brown, Yunmi Jang

and another handsome fella ( sorry I forgot the name). Emma Jane , Jon Palmer and Luck Hick. Hope I remembered all. Great communication prior to the event: I probably received 10ish emails and two more on the race day for the route change. Hence it was tad short on the distance. They also had generous deferral deadline( till 8am on the event day). All safety measures in place that I could think of: I felt safe whole time. All mashall were supportive and aid station was fab- most of snacks were still in wraps. Kevin Doherty will be out in the morning for the litter picking. Hope he doesn't find any!! 10 mins walk to the start begin with. Ninjas were everywhere with all kinds of face covering. Stagger start definitely worked and all runners gave away to others to pass as we were instructed during the race. The marathon route was beautiful and rain was delightful! Last mile hill wasn't necessary but down hill finish was blessing. All in all, it was great race and I cannot praise enough for the organiser. Yeovil Town 1st male, Kev Brettle, who drank bottle of red for carb load( bad influence from Bungy) but gave him a cramp at mile 23 still finished in respectable time: 4:00:09. Female 1st Yun Mi Jang: 4:47:49 accompanied by Luke Hick( Fab pacer but useless for opening gels). Now time to feet up sanitize in and out !!

Tues Club Runs

Well our first Tuesday Club run since COVID-19 started and all went well. I think we had enough Run leaders and this week we even have spares if needed. If you need to cancel please do or ask me to cancel for you. I download the Groups about 17:30 and email to Jo (Covid Police) in case we need to Track and Trace and this is working well. 

The first Track session also happened and thanks to Tim a good session was had by all. If anything changes we will post and let you know.

From Yunmi: 

Lockdown Club run #2

How many of you can follow this route with below description? "So...Odcombe Rd, through the Orchard to Camp Road...fileds to W. Coker. Out the back to the ridge and along the road to the bridge, then up the road, two fields across the road through the maize and into Odcombe. Down by the church and back along the road...what could go wrong???" Perfect route explanation Matt Driver . It totally makes sense!! Enjoyed following you guys foot steps( literally) with very jolly and chatty bunches. It was a good laugh and I can't believe how much fun we had in the scorching heat.Next time we need to seperate Mark and Kev for a quiet run.

Elevation Challenge   

This was the Elevation Challenge Weekend as we all love hills.

From Lesley: Well, Helen and I didn't intend to do Kevin's elevation challenge as we were done with hills having been running and walking miles on Devon hills over the past 4 weeks. However, as our planned long run ended up at 1051ft elevation for me and 1053ft for Helen we decided that was good enough to enter. Hope that's ok Kev.

From Marathon Mike: 

Kev’s elevation challenge (My hamster run)

Usually do a 2 hour run in the nature preserve on Sat mornings, but succumbed to Kev’s elevation challenge instead today, although I didn’t officially sign up. Nowhere around here much higher than 20 feet above sea level so I drove downtown and did nearly 10 miles without leaving a garage. i.e. 2 hours running up and down the parking garage ramps (multi-storey car park in proper English). Not as onerous as a treadmill but close. Unsure whether Strava would work in a closed space, so I checked a few days before with the County Public Works on the height and biked up it to get the distance. Sure enough Strava was a mess, even the locus went to places that I didn’t. 34 degrees and 91% humidity but at least in the shade except the top two ramps; thought I would do a lot better but after 2 hours my legs fell off. End result after 16 climbs was 9.6 miles and 1376 feet. Thanks Kev for the motivation and opportunity to feel part of the club again. It’s also reminded me to include a session a week like this into my training plans for when I get over there for a spell, whenever that may be. Hope you’re all keeping clear of the plague.

From Taryn: Mine after 3 sessions legs feeling it!

From Tim: Elevation Challenge 1280 ft and Dorset Maverick in the Perbecks. It was misty and wet. Great running weather for my first race since lockdown. A trail run along the Swanage coast with hundreds of steps up and down the little coves and dodging some very grumpy walkers. Strange starting in time slots as you end up running on your own for long stretches but if that is what you need to race in these times it's fine by me. Spotted and said hi to Simon and Nikki from the club.

From Me: Not hilly enough but happy with the pace

From Anita: So this morning I woke up and thought, what do I really NOT fancy doing this morning..... yep, Kevs elevation challenge.... Anyone that has run with me probably knows how much I dislike hills, (I mean I don’t even like running!!) Just in case it got too much I decided to stay local. You can’t get much closer to me than forest hill!! 10 times up and 10 times down 5 miles in total. It still counts walking one way, right?????

From Kev: The Winner: Well done, James Hutt  looks like your day out yesterday got you 1st place ( 2,956 ft elevation). And I will owe you a bottle.



Released On 16th Aug 2020

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