The Key to Sucess

The Key to Sucess

Tuesday Club Run is at Goldenstones 

David Richardson Memorial Run

From Denise: Just want to say a BIG thank you to Phil McQuaid ,Tim Hawkins Anita Garrett, Joe Samuel, and Graham Steel for giving up their time on Friday, 21st July, for organising the David Richardson memorial run. David would have been 60 this year, and he would have loved this event. So a big thank you to everybody who took part in such a nice run around the track . Well done everyone X I won the ladies 3k trophy.Sharon Hardy came second and Richard Hooper won the men's 3k trophy Richard Clayton came second. Joe Samuel had posted this event before on fb, but we can't seem to find the post on the YTRCC fb page . So if anybody else has got any photos that they would like to add to this.

Cider Frolic

Well done to Gareth running 32 miles at the Cider Frolic, the KEY to his success is the Pub Run Training.

From Gareth: Never leave your car keys with Rachael Jones while you’re running laps of the Cider Frolic. She’ll lock them in the boot and have to call the AA, never a dull moment Apart from that, a cold and wet 32 mile Cider Frolic completed.

Someone thinks its funny......

Sunday Runs

From Andy: YTRRC SAS Sunday run - Lynne, Tara, Kay, Denise and Phil joined me in Somerton for a change of scenery. Phil went off in one direction and guess what, he bumped into someone he knew from Navy Days! The rest of us went out along Bancombe road to Pitney Park for a play on the swings..Lynne was really flying! Then back around the other side of Pitney woods and back to Somerton for Tea in the carpark ... in the rain ..much to the amusement of shoppers.

From Anita: I needed to get out there and do some miles, so Sharon kindly agreed to pop over to go out this morning, the weather forecast was shocking but when someone is turning up it means I can't make up excuses not to go. We agreed to stick to a road route anyway after all the rain on the last few days.

Well the weather people got it wrong (thankfully) so shorts and t-shirts rather than wet weather gear was donned.

It's a route I've done numerous times in the past but a new one for Sharon. Around Sutton Bingham so obviously flat, although I think the Dorset flat is different from the Somerset version of flat. There were some lovely long downhills, but I'll be surprised if Sharon ever talks to me again, at one point she said "so is that the top of the hill?" I think my silence gave her the answer.

But bang on 10 miles and the tea and biscuits afterwards were well earned.

PUB RUN – PODIMORE – (20TH July 2023)

From Mark: Chloe led the not so fast group tonight which comprised, Chloe, Rachael, Louise, Elie, Sue, JC, and myself. We ran a figure of 8 route all on road mostly along country lanes. Leaving the pub we ran eastward with dark clouds up ahead. There was no rain however. We ran to Stockwitch cross, Urgashay, Slow Court farm, and on into West Camel. We ran through the village and on up to the cross roads. Turning right we ran through Bridgehampton, and back to Stockwitch cross, where the group did a split after meeting Phil. For me, JC, Chloe, and Elie, the last leg was the main road passing the camp, and a right turn running through Podimore back to the pub. Enjoyed the run, and the pub meal after was nice as well. Thanks Chloe for leading, and Phil for organising.

Pawlett Plod 10k

From Margarita: Lovely to see Joanna Samuel at Pawlett Plod 10k this evening. A lovely run by the river, shame about the wind in your face. I'll let you guess if this was the before or after photo.

Released On 20th Jul 2023

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