The Marathon Training Starts

The Marathon Training Starts


We are at Goldenstones again for the Club Run on Tuesday.

Schools Cross Country 

From Adam: Primary Schools Cross Country - this Wednesday 1st February Yeovil Showground - all help very welcome from 2.00pm, especially marshaling between 4.00 and 5.00pm


From Mark: REMINDER - LYME REGIS SOCIAL HIKE NO4 - The next social hike from Lyme Regis is next Sunday (5th February 2023). The start is 11 am from the Charmouth road car park. Hopefully it wont be raining this time, but I shall be there in any case. Tide times permitting, the circular walk will include at some point a walk along the beach between Lyme and Charmouth.

Longleat 10k

From Jo: So off I went to run with the lions at Longleat 10k this morning. Not sure why this is about the 5th time of doing this one, those hills are an absolute killer, especially having to do them twice, but there is something great about this event that I love. Thought I was going to be the only green & white there this year but was really happy when I saw another green & white at the end of the toilet que. Margarita Moore was stood there with a frieny smile. A bit congested as we started but everyone was so friendly & encouraging. The weather stayed kind to us & I am happy with an unofficial time of 58:24

From Margarita:  Did the Longleat 10km today, third time I've done this race and the hills never get easier. Sure I forgot about some of them! Nice to see another green and white today. Lovely to see you Joanna Samuel and well done on your race.


Street 5k

From Lesley: Just a reminder that the next Club Championship race is Street 5k on Wed 8th Feb at 7.30pm. If you haven't already it's time to sign up following the link on Go on, you know you want to . Of course, while you're signing up for this you may as well sign up for Babcary as this is the following race

Morecambe 10km

From Terry: Lancaster Race Series Morecambe 10km, the Exile entered. Lumpy first and last km. 5km, 10km and 10 mile event. Well organised but cold strong head wind . Pleased with 57m 41s, 1m 30s improvement since November but in harder conditions.

Easter Bunny and 5k Series

From Graham: Hi everyone, as the poster says we need your help. The Easter Bunny is on the 10th April, with the start of the Spring & Summer 5k series starting 2 days later on the 12th April. Marshals, cake ladies, setting up the courses are required etc. So please, if you guys can help, your support will be much appreciated. Your name might be eligible for the London marathon club ballot (please read terms & conditions). First event is only 11 weeks away, so never too early to put your names down!! Bungy is organising the Easter Bunny, Lindsay & myself are organising the 5k series...

Sunday Runs

From Bungy: 7 of us headed out for a Sutton Bingham loop, 16 miles, leaving from Cavity Trays heading to East Coker then around the pond on the road which is hilly what every way you go. 

From Eleanor: Gemma Murley and I created our own hilly trail half marathon around the Herepath route as Stonehenge Stomp was cancelled. Gemma’s first half distance and she smashed the hills whilst I took photos and walked up them very foggy and chilly to start and end. It seemed like Staple Hill fog never lifted great morning out

From Lesley: Another busy Sunday club run . 10.7 miles of the Yeovil HM route. Thanks to Helen for the route and the tiffin to refuel with our coffee afterwards. Thanks all for the company. Well done to those who did extra miles before/after. Nice to see Kevin and Alan briefly afterwards.

Moor Valley 5m

From Nat: So, the three of us met up at mine and decided to head on down to Moor valley for a white star race for a 5 mile. I was feeling like I wasn't going to do it in a good time. So we arrived with plenty of time to get our race numbers and do a bit of shop looking (to keep warm). The time came to go to the briefing, then it was time to go to the start line, then we was off. All three of us made sure we were together having an enjoyable . Got to the station ruffly half way, I grab some sweets while the other two wanted a drink (probably achcol ). So we agreed I would carry on and they would catch me up, which surprisingly I came first, then Angela then Louisa. Really pleased that I completed it in a good time....

Race the Light 8.5 Trail

From Kevin: Down Devon at Mothecombe this afternoon to take on Race the Light 8.5 trail event once again. The race starts and finishes high above the Erme Estuary, then downhill to the estuary crossing before heading into the trails . The race finishes with a second crossing of the cold estuary to the finish line.

Weekly Strength, Core and Stretch Class

From Fran: Some of you are now aware I am teaching a weekly strength, core and stretch class at Holy Trinity Church off Lysander Rd every Monday 6.30pm one hour £5. You need your own mat and some light weights. Every one is welcome although space may become an issue! At the moment I have room for more! I am fully qualified and if you want to ask others what to expect Yunmi Jang, Jac Casey, and Richard Clayton can offer advice

Park Runs

From Adam: Weymouth Park Run - 38 minute pacer! Another great run by Joanna Samuel.

From Claire: Street parkrun today with Claire Church, bit chilly to start but soon warmed up…coffee after at Strode Theatre.

From Me: Hi, Hope you are doing well?

Just getting in touch to share our new February code, in time to get over the January blues and get back outside in nature.

The new code for the month of February is - QJHQU1 - valid until 3rd of March 2023 - giving you 10% off the whole range on orders over £50 * and free standard shipping, worth £4.99.

Please make sure to select United Kingdom in your shipping address to apply the promotion code without errors. Should you come across the “country-iso” error in checkout, you will need to check you have set up a correct UK shipping address, please.

PUB RUN – GALHAMPTON (26TH January 2023)

From Mark: In the not so fast group tonight we had seven (Helen, Lesley, Kirsty, Kelly, JC, Rob, and myself). Keeping to the eastern side of the main road, we ran the same route as last time but in the opposite (clockwise) direction. Following the faster group we ran past the manor house and headed down the muddy rutted lane towards Yarlington Mill farm. Turning left just past the farm we ran up towards Yarlington and then turned right. We followed the road to Hill Ash farm at Woolston. The road closed sign was untrue. Turning right we then ran along Woolston road to North Cadbury. After turning right we stopped outside the pub for photos. Sorry Rob, for some reason you are not in one of the photos. Continuing, we left the village and headed back. Next we encountered ice on the muddy rutted lane and had to go carefully for a short distance. We slogged up the incline along Sandbrook lane and came back into Galhampton. There was a big turnout, and we all sat round one big table out the back of the pub for the meal. Thanks Phil for organising.

Released On 29th Jan 2023

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