The Sunday Runs
Released On 28th Jan 2018
Longleat 10k
The Club had a few runners at the Longleat 10k with Sarah sending in a great report "Longleat 10K". Well done girls great running.
Sunday Club Runs
Stonehenge Stomp
Managed a leisurely run/walk today at the Stonehenge Stomp. Was supposed to be doing 20k but dropped to 10k as I've not been well. Walked the hills to save my lungs and actually really enjoyed it. Lovely views and trail. Just wished I could have been out there a bit longer. Just waiting for Luke to come in now.
Yet another run where it has suddenly dawned on Luke Hicks that:
1. There's an element of self navigation
2. He cannot self navigate
3. He has no pockets for the map
4. His phone is in the car
EDIT 5. His phone is not in the car as he left it at home
Has anyone seen Luke? Last seen running in circles around Stonehenge in the dark.
Pipley Wood Mud Bath
Kirsty completed the Pipley Wood Mud Bath wherever that is but looked fun.
Chilly Hilly
Wild Night Run
From Katie: Last night a few of us head to South Brent near Dartmoor to take part in Wild night 10m & 5m race. Myself and Nathan did the 5mile mild night race with Nathan 3rd overall and me being first Yeovil lady (don't say that very often 😃
😉) and the rest running the 10 miles. Very hard course, first 2 mile on each route was a massive incline with very deep mud and rocky tracks. The 10 mile (that turned into 11.2) then carried on up over the moor whilst the 5m looped back down to the finish. Tough tough race but worth it for the buzz and company of great people. Well done all
Message from the Chairman
Applications for courses relating to running.
I am delighted to inform you that several Club members will be attending the next Run Leaders Course in Taunton.
In future, if you wish to attend such a course and require financial assistance, I would be grateful if you would send an email to me or the Club Secretary, stating the name of the course you wish to attend, the date, venue and cost, so that your request can be considered. If approved, once you have applied for the course you must email me with a copy of the confirmation issued by the organisers confirming that you have been formally accepted on the course and the fee paid. I will then arrange for the Treasurer to reimburse you.
This is important as financial assistance, although usually granted, is not automatic
M J Maxted, Chairman
Santa Dash
So today we presented a cheque to St Margarets Hospice in the sum of £3,055.37 which was raised from the annual Santa Dash 4k race held last Dec. Thanks to Goldenstones every year for letting us use their facilities and to Milsted Langdon for their sponsorship. Aso big thanks to all that help on the day and the Michael Shead family for doing the Marshalling and refreshments. Its a great event so see you again on 9th Dec 2018 and pray for no rain lol..thanks to all that attended the presentation giving to
Weston Prom 5 miler
From Linda:
Brilliant night last night. I thought I was running fast to start off with. Thought to myself that must have been about 8.30 min mileing. Nearly fell over when I saw I was running at 7.50!!! The weather was perfect. We did have our doubts as it was raining cats and dogs beforehand. A bit of a breeze running towards Tropica but very still on the return. Very happy with getting 2nd YTRRC lady position and we had a very good Yeovil turnout (11 of us altogether). Followed by a hunt for a Fish and Chip Shop (which was no easy task!)
Steve Lye 31.38
Carl Carl Chappelle-hedges 34.56
Jeff Watsonn 36.13
Alan Smith 46.44
Helen Nesbitt 38.13
Linda Membury 40.57
Kirsty Norman 42.06
Kat Hurford 45.24
Samantha Lloyd 48.14
Claire Shucksmith 50.33
Katie Brooks 53.47
Club Championship
The current standings can be seen here MENS LADIES
Bristol 10k 13th May
From Kev Doherty:
First Contact
Lynne visited Essex for the First Contact Day Marathon on Saturday and Sunday
Lynne posted: In Essex for One of two, with the lovely Phoenix running, a massive thank you to Rik and team. Towpath but then a lot of mud. Hard going but big thanks to Jayne Woodhouse for the company, and lovely Kat, lots of other friendly faces! Eight loops and same again tomorrow.
Park Runs
With both Yeovil venues cancelled due to the rain, it was off to other locations around Somerset, Devon and Dorset. Kev Doherty went to Upton House Parkrun in Hamworthy near Poole and managed a 21:15, great coures with hardpack paths and some forest tracks with undulating two laps with a small lap in the middle. When I was based at Poole I use to run around there every luncht, lovely place.
Kevin Stenner went to Blanford for his Park Run
We had a few down at Weymouth as well.
Weymouth park run crew. Well done all. Thanks for cake Helen Nesbitt it was lovely
Marks Runs
PUB RUN – CURRY RIVEL (25th January 2018)
We were last here at the end of November. It was Adam’s pub run tonight, and the biggest group was led by Simon. The route had similarities to last time, but leaving the pub in the rain, heading west, we turned left off of the main road earlier than before. The road came out on the B3165. We continued south down the B road, then turned right. Visibility was good with a glow above all horizons, and distant lights showing bright all around. We ran along Currymead lane, then turned left at the end to run along Crabtree lane. At the end, we turned left and ran back up the B road. We took the first right and ran along Croftland lane to Drayton. On the way we passed the smaller faster group running towards us. At the centre of Drayton, we paused, then turned right, then left, and ran up the dark lane to the main road. The last leg was a slog up the main road along the pavement past street lights. We turned right to loop up to the church then back down to the main road. A quick paced run of just about 6 miles made it good to go out on a Thursday night again. Cooking your own sea food on a hot rock made it even better. Thanks Adam, Simon, and all.