The World Has Ended

The World Has Ended


This years AGM is on the 12th May, there is an Event for you to say that you are coming so we know the numbers for the food. The link for this is

Bath Half Marathon

From Kev: Against growing trend to cancel race at last minute ... Organisers maintained event would not be cancelled.. 50% did not turn up and some ran virtual races alone ... me and Michael Collins did attend and Mike is improving week on week back to old form soon .. 1:39 today in pretty wet cold conditions .. I held on for 1:34 having a sore calf for last week.. Marshalls and crowd were absolutely awesome .. we all understand current concern. We elbow pumped and and hand gels available.


This is now due and you should have been sent an email to remind you, if you have not received this check your spam mail or make sure your email is correct on the Club Website. The link is Just a reminder you need to be a Fully signed up member before the AGM to be in the Draw for the London Marathon. If you have changed address or email address you will need to inform English Athletics to get your EA renewal. 

Nothing to do with Running

Just got a Puppy 

Kids Cross Country 

From Adam: Many thanks to the wonderful members and friends of YTRRC who were able to help with Wednesday’s very successful Primary Schools Cross Country Race at Bucklers Mead - 478 children finished the races.

The Virus......

I guess we are all effected by COVID - 19 and the cost for Runners in both travel, Hotels, Time Off Work and more, this is the same for the Race Directors as well and here is a good post that Andy Palmer had a link to  COVID-19 that see's it from both Runner and Director. October looks a busy month for Marathons and do not think London will get the Kenyans as they will be in Berlin as it's a faster course.  

Easter Bunny and 5k Series

All, I am going to need at least 40 helpers/marshals for the Easter Bunny on the 13th April. Kids can help giving out medals and water at the finish also cakes for Denise Byrd and Mel Dodge. Can you please let me know if you can help. I will need early helpers to set the Course up. Thanks in advance and please message if you want an info.

On the Wednesday before this is the first of our Summer 5k Series and we will also need as much help for this, please let Lindsay know if you can help. Remember you need to Marshal three of our events for the draw for the London Marathon, check the rules.... 

Marathon Training 

From Rob: Well done to all who attended Timothy Hawkins’ Sunday morning marathon training session earlier today, here’s a picture of some of those who attended, we were often running during properly chilly heavy rain.
After a brief introduction and warm up the session consisted of four 5Km runs with a short recovery period in between; it was very good.
Personally I struggled on the last mile or so but thanks to the friendly motivation of all there I’m very pleased to have made it to the finish point having worked well with Richard Clayton and Robert Adams to focus on our target pace. Thanks Tim

Weymouth 10k

From Emma: It was a flying feet day for the Yeovil crew at the Weymouth 10k. The conditions were favourable...for the tiny fraction of the course that had a tailwind. A tough two loop grass start, big downhill, and then a (mind numbing) out and back along the promenade (and let’s not mention the two sand crossings which appeared to be thrown in just to keep things spicy). In all seriousness though it’s a good little route and with very friendly support on-course. On course today was Samantha Lloyd, Joanna Henley, Jeff Watson, Jon Palmer, Emma Jane. Apologies to anyone I’ve missed please do tag yourself! A+ to Jo who absolutely nailed her sprint finish, leaving several competitors wondering what had just happened. If you’re ever down this way check out Billy Winters for your post race refreshments.



Phoenix Running Track Wars III

From Anita: Round and round we went on the Phoenix Running Track Wars III. As I didn't manage to keep to the inside line I was 1.7miles over distance. But a great day out with Lynne as ever. The hours passed quickly with playing A to Z word games. Missed our 3rd musketeer Tara ☹
Fabulous support and bling as always. 🏃‍♀️🎖🏃‍♀️🎖

Wych Woods 10k

From Holli: A weekend of mud, hills and more mud and hills!!! Oh... and rain... lots and lots of rain!!! Last night we ran Escape From Wych Woods, and this morning we ran The Doggy Dash. Both well organised events and both gave away plenty of free mud. Did I mention there was mud??? 😂

Park Runs

Ninesprings Park Run went ahead, not sure if there will be a blanket ban on them by this time next week.

10k Club

From Graham: Well done to everyone at the 10k club, another good hill session!

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – STOFORD (12TH March 2020)

The main group tonight ran a clockwise loop of 6.13 miles with low and high points at 58 ft and 169 ft, so it was fairly flat. The route was planned and led by J.C. We ran down Hoopers Lane to the A37, then ran north along the A37 for a hundred yards or so. Turning left we ran towards Sutton Bingham reservoir, and turned right to go to East Coker. We ran back up to Yeovil via the Mill, and Tellis Cross. At the edge of Yeovil we turned right and ran along the lane to the Red House. Crossing the A37 we ran down to Barwick then along Rexe’s Hollow. For the last leg we ran past Yeovil Junction station back to the pub. Conditions were dry with a cool wind at times. Thanks all.

Released On 15th Mar 2020

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