There's Only One Pete Jakeman

Peter Jakeman


As you will all sadly know about the loss of Pete this week I thought I would do a separate blog for Pete with some of your thoughts and some of the great times we had with our Pete.

Pete lived for the Club and helped all of us at some stage in one way or the other.

Just a few posts from Facebook


Mark Larcombe Pete will be sadly missed. Always welcoming and friendly, and always good company. His unique personality was stamped all over the running club.


Trevor Strelley RIP Pete! Massive support to everyone at the club 🏃🏽🏃‍♀️


Sarah House Fantastic man, always there to help you reach your goal and more. Taken too soon but will be very well remembered. ❤️ xx


Theresa Massey Awe im so sorry to hear this news. RIP to a wonderful man. Massive love and hugs to his family and friends xx


Melanie Ditch Lovely photos and tribute Bungy. Pete was such a massive part of the club, always wanting to help others to do their best. He will be sorely missed.


Paul Card RIP Pete, a truly fantastic man. Always put other people first, be it coaching, helping back from injury, advice, motivation to name a few. A great club man who took on many tasks and on top of that a quality runner. Thank you Pete


Karen Webber Sending much love xx


Annie Ashmead Pete certainly had a positive impact on everyone who had the privilege to know him. He’ll never be forgotten.


Julie Wedgwood We are so thankful for all you care and support of Pete. The pictures are a great way to remember him and his spirit.


Paul Allen We will always remember you Pete as the perfect gentleman, exceptional runner, and for your good humour and banter. Also a proud Veteran and someone I was honoured to call a friend and running buddy. I’m grateful for the great adventures and laughs (a lot at your expense, but usually gracefully batted back with interest) we had along the way.
RIP Peter, taken far too soon and we will miss you sir. Wherever you are I hope they have your favourite Nutella pizza.


Karen Summerville Gone but never forgotten R.I.P Peter Jakeman ❤️


Louise Ward   So many memories of Pete, a legend of our running club. He achieved so much with his own running and as well as his coached sessions he was always happy to do his absolute best to give extra help to anyone who asked for it and believed everyone could improve considerably whatever their ability or age. I found a "well done" from Pete was a rare thing and only given when he knew I had put my maximum effort in. Only got about 4 but they meant so much! Not sure how I would have got through my 1st Half or 1st Marathon without Pete's help and I am still referring to his training plan now for my long run distances for Seville and London.

Pete always went above and beyond what anyone could have expected of him even proudly driving Jade and Katie to their Prom in his posh car and treating one of my injuries at my place of work!

Pete was always good company and I feel privileged to have shared so many good times with him. Sadly things were pretty tough in the last 14 months but it was an honour to be there at some of those very difficult times too. I'm so glad that his running friends were able to help him and some of them were immense (you know who you are). I know Pete was very grateful for everything that was done for him and the record number of visitors which showed how highly thought of Pete was!

RIP Pete xxx
Thanks for everything. You will never be forgotten and I will always think of you and your advice when I run.

Matthew Driver Lovely comments Louise Ward, I was going to write something similar about good times with Pete, but its so hard to single out specific times because he was always supportive, helpful and fun! ❤️


Just a few posts of many and I can add more if you would like to send them to me. Details of the Funeral are:


From Lindsay: I would like to inform you of the Funeral arrangements for Peter Jakeman

Date - Friday 01st February @ 1.00 pm
Location - St James Church, Preston Road, Yeovil, BA20 2EZ

After the service there be the wake @ Airfield Tavern.
Family will arrive at the wake shortly behind as there will be a private ceremony at the crematorium following the Church service.

There will be a table set aside in the Airfield Tavern for anyone wishing to display any photos or memories they would like to share.

Please also share this post with anyone wishing to pay their respects to whom I am not in contact.

I look forward to meeting new people and hearing all the stories.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to 2 charities, details to follow in the Western Gazette next week and on the day.
Contributions may also be made via A.J Wakeley the funeral director.

Many thanks from me and the family. ❤️❤️


Released On 20th Jan 2019

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