Unlucky Ladies

Unlucky Ladies

Two Tunnels Race

From Matt: Not exactly a "Race" report, more of a "lets get out there" report...For those that know me, I'm an experienced runner with over 350 races done in YTRRC Club Colours - I'm also an idiot who decides to change pretty much all of my routine on race day!

Still, arrived at the venue via the Bath Park and Ride system, at 10:30, race start at 11:30 on Wave 10...temperature in the 20's in the shade.

Relish Running know how to organise events fantastically. They had 11 waves all together covering kids colour run, 10k, 1/2, marathon and ultra, but the waves stagger everyone so although its a busy run village, you're not all trying to do the same things at the same time (all except the women who had to queue, while us blokes dropped in and out of the urinal shed - amazing that everyone was polite and avoided the disabled loo!)

Anyway, race start was promptly on time and everyone ran off in utter silence - weird...First Tunnel was awesome and that's the short one. The second Tunnel is over a mile long and quite an experience! I was glad I hadn't asked around about it as it's a real surprise (no spoilers here). I'd started quite fast and after three miles Spain were one-nil up, so I eased it back a bit and took in the views along the canal-side. I'd run this bit before from work so knew it dragged a bit, but its flat and lovely, so no real hardship.

By now I'm catching from other waves and we're friendly supporting each other, especially those running their second lap (marathon). Each "water" station is actually a "feed" station, so I don't need my tea later! And while sliced oranges are great, a Milky Way was not a great choice. A small U-Turn to make up the distance takes you up to Pulteney Bridge where I photo-bombed two Japanese family photos - they loved it!

Three miles left and you know those are the difficult ones...the ones you regret not really doing specific training for! Still, I had a word with myself and got it done. My watch says 2:08:50 which beats the 2:10 I expected, so I'm happy with that, although (isn't there always an "although), although its not exactly a pb for me.

As I was relaxing after the finish, I found Andy Farrant getting a weird chicken thing after he had done an amazing time in the marathon, so of course we had a beer together! Apparently Simon Rowbottom also ran but I don't know what distance, and maybe a couple of others from YTRRC, so at least a few of us were up there.

Can't recommend Relish Running enough. Check out other upcoming race and this one for next year!

Sunday Runs

From Mags: Trail gang did Full Fat Monty route today plus there and back. Lovely puddles and lots of mud waiting for all of you who entered the official event. I almost forgot how lovely the hills are. Only one of us fell over (everyone agreed for the photos).

From Helen: Thanks for organising a great route this morning Robert (even if more hills than promised !) nice to be back running with ya all, although sad holiday over!

From Mark: Slow and Steady Run from Odcombe Village Hall. Finished with tea cake and pie.

Compton Bassett 5 Miler

From Adam:  Compton Bassett 5 mile race today - flat road race, fast course for some!! Very probably my final ‘race’ (apart from Park Runs) after 35+ years and I wasn’t last!!

Isle  of White Half

From Margarita: So today I took the Yeovil vest to the Isle of Wight. Got the Fastcat over from Portsmouth this morning and travelled to the island. Never been to the Isle of Wight or on the Fastcat so two firsts for me. The race started at 11am from the Ryde Rowing Club, it was heating up when we started. It was a great route, very hilly and hot though. I set out to have fun and not aim for a time, absolutely loved it and put all my training into practice. I would do this race again, now time for a pint.

PUB RUN – HARDINGTON MOOR – (17th August 2023)

From Mark: There were only four in our not so fast group tonight (Elie, Kelly, JC, and myself). The faster group, and another not so fast group, led by Rachael, both had more runners. We ran a clockwise loop first running through Lyatts. At the top we turned right and ran westwards. Before Hill Cross we met Rachael’s group and then continued. We turned right at Hill Cross and headed north with a descent and then a climb. We turned right and continued climbing along Ridge Lane. At the end of Ridge Lane we crossed over and did some off-road, running down a track to a corn field. Conveniently there was a clear path through the corn (or maize). We crossed another field and a path took us back to Lyatts. Turning right, then left took us back to Hardington Moor and the pub. There was a good turn-out for the meal which we had round one big table in a back room. Thanks Phil for organising.

Langport Aquathlon

From Jo: Tonight saw four of us take on something a little different. Langport Aquathlon - 250m swim followed by a 5k run. A first for some of us & a warm up to Langport Triathlon next month. All of us smashed it & it was a great event put on by RaceNation Events, thank you Jody Foy & PUB RUN – HARDINGTON MOOR – (17th August 2023)team. It was great to see Angela Claire helping out with the marshalling as well.

Released On 17th Aug 2023

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