VE Day 5k

VE Day 5k

VE Day 5k

Another Kev challenge this weekend in the VE Day 5k

From Andy: V E day 5k challenge completed.



From Taryn:  Yeovil town RRC VE 5km challenge done with Diane Acton a trail plus! In red white and blue. Thanks Kevin Doherty


From Nichola: My pathetic VE Day 5k. Must do better...

From Diane:  YTRRC VE 5k ++ run with Taryn, my second one. Supporting one another I forgot to turn Strava on then forgot to turn it off Set up for another ace day. Thanks to Kev, Taryn and Kate for your support and inspiration (I may snooze later ) boom

From Lynne: Kev’s VE Day virtual, slow and not serious , but serious thanks to Mr D

From Tim: Sharon Hardy and Tim Willis with Honey ran the yellow brick road for Kevs VE Day 5K challenge this morning. Picture was taken by Kevin Doherty before we ran. You can tell by Sharon smiling and Honey was still dry.

From Donna: Hi Kevin Doherty thank you for the challenge can I use my run I did onThursday eve please otherwise I have done a 5k walk with the dogs today and aim to run another 5k on Tuesday. Thank you so much really appreciate the challenges you do.


From Adam: Slow VE Day 5k done this morning for me and Corinne - thanks Kevin Doherty


From Gav: VE Day 5k done thanks for the challenge Kevin Doherty . Baptism of fire for the new trainers. Went off far too quick & paid the price running up Hendford Hill


From Tina: Nice day for a bit of x country for Kevin s VE Day 5k. A combination of tired legs and stopping to take pictures made it rather slow, but it was lovely . The mud has soon returned with yesterday’s rain


From Richard: VE Day 5k run completed.

From Marathon Mike: VE 5k done (plus a tad more). Forgot to turn off my watch at 3.1 and couldn't face retracing steps so I just completed the loop. Not much wildlife on this route, just a lone coyote crossing a 4-lane main road. Forgot to take a pic too, so I took one later at the golf course. Thanks as always Kev.

From Paul: VE Day 5k virtual challenge completed, 5k is my least favourite distance, the weather was miserable but other than that I loved it !! Thanks Kev, always enjoy the challenge.

From Helen: Virtual VE Day 5k complete...thanks Kevin for the motivation...I haven’t pushed myself to run that fast for months (well years actually probably haha!) was tough but feel great now! Nice to see you all on route and for a catch up after (thanks for the yummy chai latte mum!)

From Mags: My VE Day 5k

From Kelly: 5k for chase and I we absolutely adore this weather, I’ll use my pic though Kevin and I got the most horrendous stitch today sorry to anyone that had to hear me raaaar that out.

From Kat: I did my usual 5k this morning with the pooches but had watch trouble.... Does it count??? Could use yesterday’s 5k?

From Linda: Wet and windy VE day run especially for you Kevin Doherty. Going to chill for the rest of the day. Good luck to everyone else.


From Janette: Kevin Doherty there is no way I would have ran today without having to do this. But actually I really enjoyed it so thank you.


From Mark: Kev's VE Day virtual 5 K run completed this morning with June, Alan, Sue, and Louise. This was run as the first part of a 6.5 mile Saturday Morning run. We ran along Thorne lane, Ball's Hill, Icicle barn and fields to Tintinhull. Fields to Sock Farm, lane to Hill farm, and fields to Chilthorne Domer, then back via Thorne. The conditions were wet and windy at times.

From Beryl: Finally dragged myself out of bed to do the VE 5K run. This weekend has been mainly powered by paracetamol and home cooked junk food! Back to bed!

From Sue: Saturday day morning social run with June Moule Mark Larcombe Louise Ward and Alan Chadbone ,a mix of road and damp fields, quite a windy run but it wasn't raining, the run was made all the better by having muffins made by June for when we got back, yum yum . We did just over 10k and incorporated the VE Day 5k, thanks Mark for the route.

From Steve: V.E day run done. Cheers Kevin Doherty . Have fun in the wind and run everyone!

From Claire: Kev’s VE Day 5K Challenge - A windy and slow 5K but managed to beat the rain! Thank you as always Kevin for the inspiration to get out and run.

From Lesley: Thanks to Kevin Doherty for another virtual challenge - thanks for the medal. Also thanks to Trevor Strelley and Charles Jardine for the company. Also nice to enjoy a coffee afterwards with you all including Helen Nesbitt and Richard Dodge. A very well done to Helen for her fast 5k of 24:24. I also received my SWCP medal today so double whammy.

From Trevor: V E day 5k challenge completed.

From Sam: VE Day 5k done


From Nat: Kevin Doherty , I done my ve day yesterday , am I algable for a medal


From Nick:  VE Day 5k+ done Once I was out in the weather I thought I would do a little more to finish theSWCP challenge


From Claire: The ‘coming back from injury ’’VE Day 5k’ thanks Kevin Doherty


From Sandra: VE day run in the sun! With Mel. New area for us. Beautiful scenery and wonderful cake kept us keen! A little victory.

From Jo: It’s wet, it’s windy - this can only mean one thing : Kevin Doherty virtual VE Day 5k




Rocky Horror Picture Show

From Anita:  So after an early start it was off to complete the Saturn Running 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' marathon with Lynne Thumpston and Tara Rufus. The first half was rather soggy but thankfully the wildlife made up for it, lots of geese and their goslings, swans, a muntjac deer and of course squirrels. Not sure if it counts for the virtual VE day 5k though


Tuesday Club Runs

From Phil: At the last Committee Meeting question was raised about club warm ups prior to club runs, After a short debate we decided that due to time constraints members wishing to warm up can arrive early and do their own Warm Ups around the rear of Huish Park for which we have permission to use. We really need to be getting the groups away as soon after 6.30 as possible especially as someone has to stay till the end to lock up the gates. Please remember your social distancing, I’m usually there for 6pm to ensure the gates are open

Virtual Running

SWCP Weekend Update

From Matt:  End of week 18 and I'm excited to be returning to this weekly (?) report after a few missed ones. Luckily, the mid-week reports have kept us all informed...

I'm delighted to report TWO further finishes: Tim Willis (third finisher) logged his completing run on the 1st of May, pipping Lesley Nesbitt (fourth) who logged hers on the 2nd of May. Great sustained mileage from you both - Congratulations!

Since then, the remainder of us...

Whoa! hold on! Nick Cox has finished too, fifth YTRRC runner - Amazing stuff. So, back to the hoi-polloi, Tristram Clark is on 100.32. Sara Driver will be delighted to be at Griffins Point Fort on 182.55, especially with Lauren Jessica just a few steps further on at 184.54 and closing in on Newquay

I see Angela Claire has lost her logging on stick again, so remains on 226 at Carbis Bay, while Kat Hurfordcontinues, 5k at a time, to get to 230.79 at Porthkervis. Shaun Powell is very close to reaching Lands End at 251.76, while Natasha Turner has turned that particular corner and is on 285.73 at Gunwalloe, just a tad behind Nat Robins on 286.68

Personally, I've dropped into Mullion Cove where I've actually holidayed so I'll be here for a while enjoying the lovely harbour, nice un, comfortable hot-tub, and nearby chocolate factory!

At first glance, Nichola Chesterton has gone wrong, but this is the bit where the SWCP swoops inland to cross Gillan Creek. At 314.36, and 315.64 to go, she's about as half-way you can be without trying! Therefore Martin Alderman has nearly finished as he's over halfway at 325.11. At Swanpool, I hope he has seen some swans as I know he rarely gets to see any

After that, its on to the wonderful Pendennis Castle, which is of course one of Henry VIII's fortresses. It has three bedrooms, one en-suite, a lounge-diner and galley style kitchen. Its on the market for £350,000, although I may have got the wrong website for details...

Around the docks of Falmouth and then using the ferry to cross the Carrick Roads (formed after the Ice Age when an ancient valley was flooded by rising sea levels) to St Mawes Castle (another in Henry's fortress chain).

St Mawes is a nice place to visit, a fishing village, so perhaps Claire Shucksmith is off fishing for the day, or maybe adding to her current 331.22 miles.

Another ferry hops over to St Anthony Head - he became a saint after appearing in Buffy, the Vampire Slayer! Then its a rocky coastline past Portscatho, Porthcurnick, and Curgurrell, before Pendower Beach gives softer going, but its soon back to clifftop paths and short/sharp drops into places like Tregagles Hole. In and out of coves which high up on 80m cliffs, with grassy gorse-land dotted with stunted trees, will be the route for quite a stretch, until at last, we reach Portloe and The Jacka, which is another cove, but this time with gentle sloping sides, and there's Rachael Gosney enjoying the view on 344.95 miles.

Ever more named cliffs, coves, beaches, Rocks, Heads, and Points feature on this coastline as the SWCP sweeps past Caerhayes Castle, a huge manor house with the UK's largest collection of Magnolias - I know! I'm packing already...I can't wait!

If I were a Peculiar Child, I might already be at Caerhayes with Miss Peregrine...Small footbridges helps the path over a few streams until it reaches

Hemmick Beach near Boswinger, which is where Mel Cox is, on 350.7 miles. Then its a short loop around the Headland of Dodman Point (or Deadman Point...). Here there is an ancient Bulwark built up across the land to protect the Iron Age Fort on the headland. As a very visible landmark, its well known to sailors, even appearing in the sea shanty "Spanish Ladies"!

As with much of Cornwall, the next beach has two names, Bow or Vault Beach, and this leads to the villages of Gorran Haven and Portmello. Mevagissy is the next town, with its picturesque harbour and small streets. The Mevagissy Bay provides protection to the nearby beach at Pentewan, where I like to think Donna Reeves is dipping her toes having completed 360.06 miles!

After that comes...

Richard Clayton- 374.6

Then the 400's

Louise Ward - 400.86

Anita Garrett - 404.81

Adam Hawkins - 418.41

Linda Membury - 421.36

Sue Mallinson - 421.54

Casper Harvey - 426.59

Sandra Levett - 430.76

Sharon Hardy - 461.44

Marie Lockwood - 464.93

Mark Copping - 469.46

Kate Gowers - 481.46

Into the 500's

Paul Thomas

And swiftly on to the 600's

June Moule - 616.13 (just a little trundle now June!)

Well done to everyone, especially our new finishers joining Andrew Holloway and Bungy Williams. As Brucie might have said "Keeeep running"

SWCP Midweek Update

From Donna: Wow Wow WowWe have another 2 finishers to join Bungy and Andy. Tim Willis is our 3rd person finished. Tim you have done so well, I have seen you on some of your solo runs, that road upto Cartgate must of seemed like never ending, you really are a star. Our 4th person finished and 1st lady is Lesley Nesbitt, Lesley what can I say you inspire me, wish I had half your energy.

It's getting very close in who is going to get 5th and 6th place, so here is your results, what you have done so far and for those who have gone over halfway what you have left.

Nick Cox 603.13 26.87

June Moule 595.08 34.92

Paul Thomas 528.74 101.26

Sharon Hardy 457.52 172.48

MAC 457.45 172.55

Kate Gowers 454.38 175.62

Marie Lockwood 454.37 175.63

Casper Harvey no change

Sandra Levett 421.76 208.24

Linda Membury 412.63 217.37

Sue Mallinson 403.52 226.48

Adam Hawkins 396.71 233.29

Anita Garrett 395.30 234.70

Louise Ward 392.96 237.04

Donna Reeves 356.05 273.95

Richard Clayton 354.99 275.01

Mel Cox 342.00 288.00

Rachael Gosney 341.94 288.06

Claire Shucksmith 325.67 304.34

Martin Alderman 325.11 304.89

Nichola Chesterton 309.84

Matt Driver 288.90

Nat Robins 286.68

Natasha Turner 274.99

Shaun Powell 247.48

Kat Hurford 227.74

Angela Claire no change

Lauren Jessica 184.54

Sara Driver 182.55

Tristram no change

From Brian: Yesterday I reached halfway on my virtual Route 66 challenge

Somerset Running

From Sue: Another Thursday and another "not a pub run run", a glorious evening for a cross country run with June Moule Sarah Rogers and Elspeth Fontana ,exceptional company and sightings of local wildlife, including , and pheasants. We ventured South of the A303 from South Petherton towards Merriott across to Lopen Mill and back through the orchards.

From Lesley: Lovely sunny morning for a 12.7ml Sunday club run with Helen Nesbitt and Malcolm. It was a nice route but I'm truly sorry for taking us all up some serious hills.



Released On 9th May 2021

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