Victory in Europe

Victory in Europe

Committee Meeting

We managed to have a meeting this week using Zoom and hopefully the minutes will be posted on the website and on Facebook soon, it is hoped to do the same next month.

Land's End to John O Groats - Virtual Run 2020

Well there are now a fair few from the Club that have signed up for this and we are now a week in.  I have just left Cornwall and now in Devon with an 84 mile week, there is no way I will keep this up. 

From Dave: Week 1 of the #RUNLEJOG2020 complete and I've managed to run 70.51 miles. It's been a fun week that has certainly been helped by the weather, albeit a bit too hot at times. Great to see so many club members entered. I'm no Bungy Williams and so I don't think that 70 miles per week is sustainable for me, will probably end up averaging closer to 50 I reckon.

VE Day Virtual 10k

Thanks to Kev for getting this off the ground and to all those that took part

From Marathon Mike: Just back from my VE Day 10k run, a 5k out and back along a cloudy windswept beach in unusually cool weather. No watch, no Strava, no club shirt (I wore a Union Jack shirt), no photos, no awards. Just an opportunity to remember those who gave so much 75-80 years ago, very atmospheric on the beach for me as my dad was one of those evacuated from Dunkirk in 1940 on a small fishing boat. Thanks for the motivation Kev.

From Andy Brown: 10 virtual walk for VE Day down to Pitney and back.... it's a pity the Halfway House is closed!

From Paul: VE Day virtual 10k incorporated into my Sunday run, thanks for the challenge Kevin Doherty

From Adam: VE 10K done βœ… πŸƒ‍♂️ hope you are all safe and well

From Tim: VE day challenge with Sharon Hardy completed with Sharon beating her last time by 5 minutes. 9 post boxes on route. Kevin Doherty for the bling please.πŸ…πŸ…πŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸƒ‍♂️

From Dominique: VE Day virtual 10k done

From Nicola: I wasn't sure I'd be motivated enough to get out in the heat but I did it... My VE day 10k is complete πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§. The only photo I took of myself includes a friend I bumped in to - sorry πŸ™ˆ. I might have to make the dog his own medal... πŸ₯‡

From Yunmi: #75 VE day 10k run done with little riders!! Proud of big girl Seri-Ann for leading along and 4 yrs old Sean for his big push all the way ( with little bit of mum's push )! All in all, we've done it as a team!!😊

From Anita: VE Day 10K complete. Bumped into Robert who managed to talk me into running up that damn hill!!! Why am I so easily persuaded? πŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️ It was hot, it was slow, it was tough but it was done!

From Angela: VE day 10k done. Was a bit more than 10k and I fell over at the end πŸ€¦‍♀️ turns out cuticle removers make really good first aid tools πŸ€£ prior to that I'd enjoyed some beautiful miles of trail and walked through the field of cows.

From Frances: VE 10k done hard work after resting for over two weeks and still a bit twingy!

From Richard: VIRTUAL 10 KLM WALK ALL DONE 5.7 KLM & 6.0 KLM TODAY !!!!!

From Mel: VE Day Virtual 10K completed . Thought it was supposed to be cooler πŸ€“. Lovely morning , but hard going .

From Sam: 10k complete... πŸ₯΅ Was a bit too hot for me ... Thanks for the challenge Kevin Doherty πŸ‘

From Kat: VE Day 10k run with Piper. Not very energetic, a lot of stop, starting but a lovely sunny morning πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜€πŸƒ‍♀️

From Rachael: VE 10k complete. Heck that was hot but felt good to complete! πŸ₯΅πŸ™πŸ»

From Sue: Virtual VE run completed, far too hot had to stop a couple of times but got there in the end.

From Bon: Virtual VE 10km done 

From Gav: VE Day virtual 10k run πŸƒπŸ½‍β™‚οΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

From Claire: Not fast and not pretty but done πŸ‘πŸΌ This is the furthest I’ve run in months and the added bonus there was no stopping πŸ˜ŠπŸƒ‍♀️ Thanks so much for the encouragement and especially

From Linda: VE virtual run this morning. It was harder than I thought. Not been running too much lately and put on half a stone. I think I past 8 letter boxes on route but forgot to count but I took a photo of a GR post box.

From Nat: VE Day virtual run done, that's was a rather warm one as well πŸ¦πŸŽΆ, not my normal route but made a lovely change

From Steve: VE day club 10k done as part of a longer LEJOG run number 4 as I need as many miles as possible - still in Cornwall!!!

Just back in time to observe the 2 minutes silence. Well done everyone for their runs.

From Jeff: VE day Virtual 10km.πŸƒ‍β™‚οΈπŸ˜€ Thanks to the Veterans who fought and still fight for our freedom πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

From Dave: VE Day 10k done πŸ™‚

From Louise:  VE Day 10k run done. Nice to see Paul Card out training for his so he can beat all our times tomorrow πŸ€£πŸ€£ and Top Down Tim (Plowman) looking cool in his motor, plus Mandy who kindly crossed the road for us πŸ˜Š

From Jo: VE Day virtual 10k done. Only a minute slower than last time which considering i walked a bit πŸ™ˆ I am happy with. Legs killing me after all my hit sessions, especially yesterday’s which was all leg work πŸ˜£. Nice to see Bungy Williams out & about although he was running when I was walking πŸ˜‚. We stopped & had a brief social distance chat πŸ·

From Helen: VE Day Virtual 10k done with mum early this morning to avoid the crowds and heat. Lovely morning for it. We tried to incorporate some red, white and blue into it! Thanks for challenge Kevin. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸƒπŸΌ‍β™€οΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ ..

Nick Cox: VE day 10k+ done, Still no vest

From June: V E Day virtual 10K. Lovely morning for a run.

From Mark: VE Day 10k plus abit extra

From Donna: VE day 10k run done on Thursday, thank you Kevin for the challengeπŸ˜ƒ

From Andy: YTRRC virtual VE day 10k done.

From Me: VE Day 10k done, hot and a few Ciders last night. Saw Richard Dodge near Montacute and someone waved to me on the Lufton Estate but sod knows who it was couldn’t see that far.

From Jeanette: No pic of me lack of a hair cut means I kindoff look like Micheal Jackson in the 70’s.

From Marie: VE Day virtual 10km done. Very hot !

 From Tina: My VE Day 10k, all done on this lovely sunny morningπŸ˜€ 2 minutes faster than my Easter bunny, so I’m pleased with that. Cheers Kevin, for another great challenge.πŸ‘πŸ»


Released On 10th May 2020

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