We Will Remember Them

We Will Remember Them

Lemur Loop

From Mags: YTRRC Endurance Bunnies day out at the Lemur Loop started with erecting a gazebo only to find out that it's missing a roof... luckily, Ashley brought his house coat (dressing gown to normal people) to keep himself warm and Andy cooked carrot and coriander soup to keep the team spirit high (it wasn't Heinz so he said). Jo's mulled wine made us all stop questioning ourselves why do we do this. Gareth 's fancy donuts kept the calorie count in balance and the energy levels high. We went off at 9am and everyone was feeling positive and in a good shape. Someone had too much breakfast but that quickly burnt and the hunger kicked in. We soon split and everyone followed their own plan. Unfortunately I had to scrap mine when my knee gave up only on second lap. I somehow managed to jog lap 3 and then mostly walk lap 4. That was it for me. Ashley had his tactic and did 5 laps as planned due to his upcoming marathon. Rachael was going strong and pushed through her foot pain that started on lap3. She also managed to complete 5 laps which resulted in her first ever Ultra Marathon and ticked off the last event needed for her Ultra Hat! Gareth and Andy were running together which worked well as they both needed a bit of push at some point. Andy did the most he ever ran before and Gareth managed to get a second wind (or was it the donuts?) so they both brought 7 laps home! Leigh was still out there on his 8th lap and we all waited on the finish line to congratulate him on this amazing achievement. Unfortunately he ran out of time to go out for his 9th so the race was over for all of us. We had a great day out and regardless of how the running bit went, we just had such a great fun! It was lovely to see so many other YTRRC members doing either the 10k or 12hr. You all did amazing! Huge thank you to club members on marshaling duties. Nat, Angela, Sarah and Harriet, your support was muchly appreciated!


From Waldorf:  I dont often post on social media, but i think this is a worthy little story. A few months ago i had a whacky idea to try the Lemur Loop. Not confident enough to affiliate the club name or vest to my attempt, i invited a couple friends along for the experience. Adrian RK, whose idea it was to take the plunge and join the club, and another chap named Rob from work. 'Waldorfs Waddlers' were born. And we were to enter 'The Loop' as a team of 3. With little training we arrived and set up camp. We could have been at the base of Everest if you only saw what kit we had!!

We set off at 9am with a short discussion on what we would like to achieve. 17 laps in total would be a respectable first attempt (6,6,5). We soon split, going at our own pace, and occasionally crossed each others paths either on the loop or back at base camp. The weather was beautiful but the ground boggy underfoot, which improved throughout the day.

On lap 5 at the top of 'Hill 2' i came across another club member - Kelly Rowsell - we had never spoken before, but the ice breaker of being a part of the same club kept us engaged. Kelly was a lap ahead of me. And she towed me around lap 5 as the sunset and the head torches went on. It was so nice to talk with another member of the club and our chat distracted me from the aches and pains of surpassing my first ever marathon distance. Night fell and i found the strength to complete another lap. 36 miles - more than double the running distance i have ever done. Come 2045pm and the Waddlers were back at base camp after silently going about their day. I had completed 6 laps. Adrian an incredible 8 laps in 11hrs 2 mins, and Rob 8 laps in 11hrs 29 mins. We packed up and funnily enough, waddled home.

Come the morning, we received the surprising news that the unknown underdogs, Waldorfs Waddlers, had come first in the team of 3 category with 22 laps. Two laps clear of second place. And so it must be said, that rememberance day - 11/11/23 - was definitely one to remember!

A big thankyou to Harriet Munday for marshalling and supporting me as i plodded past her a few times, and also to Yunmi Jang for marshalling and bringing the natural morale and positivity that she brings, and also for offering to help pack away our base camp when we could barely move after we had finished

Club Championships 2024

From Lesley: I don't like to mention 2024 but as it's less than two months away it's time to advertise next year's Club Championships. See attached list of races for 2024. So get your diaries out and put the dates in. After the Full Monty, which is the first race, comes Chard Flyer on 1st January which may well fill up quickly so time to get your entries in. Several members have entered already so join in the fun. Hopefully the links on the attached document will work if not search on google. We had a reasonable response this year but let's see if we can get lots of you involved in 2024. Join in the fun and camaraderie of our wonderful Club. The documents and Rules will appear on the website very shortly so keep an eye on the website - https://www.yeoviltownrrc.com/about-and.../club-awards.htm

Christmas is Coming

From Taryn: Any interest in a secret Santa? £5 Distributed at social run gathering as far as possible week of 12 December. Let me or Katie Stokes.

Mo Run

From Margarita: And now something with a difference a Saturday race and no Yeovil top. Every year since 2017 we take part in a Mo Run race, which raises awareness of mens health issues. So this year off to Cardiff for the Half Marathon, which was four and a bit laps of Bute Park. After not feeling great last week and a lack of miles, I'm back on form and got another half in at under 2:30. Really enjoyed this race and promoting the good cause.

Weekend Running

From Mark: SATURDAY RUN from Cavity Trays led by Tim and Sharon.

There was a good sized turn out this Saturday morning at Cavity Trays. The group split with Sharon leading Denise, Andrew, and myself. The remainder ran with Tim.

Dry and cool, we set off down Thorne Lane heading for Balls Hill and beyond. Turning left at the end we climbed up into Montacute. Continuing to the gate house, we then climbed up to the church at Odcombe. Heading back to Yeovil we ran through Houndstone, and back up past the football ground. Tim's group ran extra bits but generally we all stayed together. I forgot to start my watch until about 2 miles in, so Sharon's group ran around 6 miles.

Thanks Tim and Sharon for a great run.

Park Runs

From Adam: Double buggy Weymouth Park Run (our 248th), with family, followed by sea swim and breakfast. I’m quicker when I have the buggy!!

From Katie: A beautiful morning for our parkrun at Frogmary Farm today

From Helen: What a fun morning ! Off we went to Seaton parkrun for their 7th Anniversary and what a beautiful fresh sunny morning it was for it…no better place to be than by the sea we even got given a Cadburys Heroes at the end (well deserved after running on those pebbles!) then enjoyed a lovely brekki after too and as if all that wasn’t enough…Ally then dragged us all into Aldi which now I couldn’t be more grateful for as had the most fun choosing the cutest Gonks to bring home (and all I wanted was 1 potato!). Thanks guys, and special thanks to dad for driving.

Street 5k

From Graham: Apparently this old boy got 1st vet at the Street 5k, time 18.45

Weston Prom 5

From Trevor: Weston prom 5 mile done( hat race) absolute awful conditions, torrential rain at times and very windy.

PUB RUN – ASH – (9th November 2023)

From Mark: Four started in the not so fast group tonight (Paul, Rachael, JC, and myself). Unfortunately Paul pulled out early due to injury. The route comprised a big loop followed by a small loop. The rain had stopped before setting off, but there was a cool wind as we ran down Martock lane. Visibility was good and lights from surrounding villages were all around. Two right turns took us to the triangle in the centre of Martock. Heading north we ran up the main street, and turned left at the petrol station. We headed up Coat road and out of Martock. At Coat we stopped for a photo. Continuing, we ran eastward to the traffic lights at Stapleton Cross. Crossing over we ran through Highway and back up to Ash. We continued through the village, took the third left turning and did a loop round the back of Ash, before running back to the Pub. There was also a faster group, and Phil running alone.

Thanks Phil for organising. The food afterwards was good.

Released On 10th Nov 2023

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