We Will Remember

We Will Remember

Castle Drogo 10

From Ali: Castle Drogo 10 miles of hills and steep descents. Across the river twice and start and finish at the castle. Lovely grounds for a walk. Stop for Sunday lunch on the way back at The Twisted Oak. Robert Adams Matt Driver only Yeovil runners.

Full Monty Cute

From Vicky:  As promised and to save lots of confusion, below is a list of ytrrc full monty cute race entries:

James Hutt

Natalie Robins

Gemma Marley

Sarah Farrant

Dominic Berry

Tim Willis

Matt Driver

Taryn Monks

Lindsay Saunders

Stephen Warren

John Hayden

Kate Hayden

Jeff Watson

Sophie Scott

Simon Rowbottom

Nicky Guiver

Paul Davey

Cameron Groves

Luke Betteridge

Luke Kendall

Sara Hawkins

Andrew Lambett

Graham Still

Robert Adam’s

Ashley Gingell

Lesley Nesbitt

Rachael Jones

Samantha Self

Matt Sparkes

Sue Mallinson

Paul Gilbie

Richard Clayton

Nolan Lewis

Richard Greengrow

Mandy Barker

Yumni Jang

Andrew Farrant

Steve Sparks

Steve Lye

Kate Gowers

Armistice Day Marathon

From Dan: Armistice Day Marathon completed this morning with a two minute silence at 11am. 11th Hour of the 11th day of the 11th Month. Lest We Forget. It was an honour to be able to run this event today. In remembrance of Armistice day and the struggle and sacrifice of so many who have served our country. With Phoenix Running Ltd thanks Rik Vercoe.

Park Runs

From Claire: Just the 2 of us at St Mary’s this morning…Spring like in November?!

From Paul: What a great morning celebrating my 25th Parkrun. Thanks for everyone who helped me especially Mel Dodge, Helen Nesbitt and Lindsay Saunders and those who came to run and support. And I hope that everyone who wasn’t there, doing other runs like Lemur Loop, other Parkruns etc, had a great morning in the glorious autumn weather.


There will be no blog next week as I am in Gran Canaria for the Marathon and may be drunk.

Club London Marathon Places

We had the draw at the Pub Run this Thursday and this was caught on Ali's phone who recorded the whole draw. The results are below and I would like to say well done to both Rach and Sharon and it is great to see the paces going to runners that have never completed in the London Marathon before.

Fri Track

From Graham: Another big turnout at the track tonight. A tough interval session. Great work everyone!


PUB RUN – CHARLTON ADAM (10th November 2022)

From Mark: The not so fast group tonight was split into longer (Sue, Louise, JC, and myself), and shorter (Alison, Rachael, June, and Fez). There was also Phil going alone, and the fast group. Our group led by Sue left the pub, ran westward, then turned right, and ran up the lane towards Keinton Mandeville. We crossed the hump back bridge over the railway line and continued north into the village. Turning left at the B3153, we passed the pub, then turned right. For a route I had considered continuing along the B3153 towards Somerton, but may have been too dangerous due to traffic. We continued running down to Barton St David, and by this time very fine drizzle on the glasses was making visibility poor. We did a small loop passing the church (which could not be seen in the darkness), then returned to go back the way we had come. On the way we stopped outside the Quarry for photos and continued. I enjoyed the run, and also the meal afterwards. Thanks Sue and Phil for organising.

Released On 12th Nov 2022

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