Week Three and Counting

Week Three and Counting

Just for Fun

By Graham:  A new competition, no prizes just a bit of fun. Send me a picture of yourself as a child or teenager & we'll have a competition to guess which member is who. I'll give you a list of names and all you have to do is match the names with the pictures.

Either send me a picture by pm or email me graham@grsmotorsport.co.uk Competition will start Sunday evening at 8:00pm, so need pics asap...


Virtual Running

From Tim: 

Flying Fox Virtual Abbotsbury 13K

Sharon Hardy and Tim Willis completed their virtual run for the bling but not quite as scenic as Abbotsbury. No big hills or pebble beaches to run, just the downhill from Combe Street and Lyde to Ninesprings where we waved at Harriet Quast and Anita Garrett out doing their daily runs and Aubrey Wood walking the dog. Then Lysander and up Abbey Manor. Great to be out and running in good conditions.

From Kev: With such a great turnout of almost 40 YTRRC members running their own version of Easter Bunny 10k last weekend with social distancing rules. Came up with this idea:
VE DAY is Friday 8th May.
So we could have VE Virtual 10k could be run 8th 9th or 10th ... if you did Easter weekend 10k use same route .. improve time!!
Or if not pick a route close to home , social distancing and treat run as a hard effort/race. I could create a momento as VE Day is special.
Who is up for this?


Released On 19th Apr 2020

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