Welcome 2024

Welcome 2024

Yeovil Track

For over 50 years, the Yeovil Olympiads Athletic Club has called the Bill Whistlecroft Athletics Arena at Yeovil Rec home. This facility, along with other sports and leisure amenities at the Yeovil Recreation Centre, are under threat due to a proposed closure by Somerset Council, to save costs. These facilities are not just local assets; they hold regional importance across the South West as they represent the only public facility of its kind and quality in Somerset.

The impact of this closure would be far-reaching. The Yeovil Olympiads would lose their base, local schools that utilise these facilities for physical education and sports events would be left without an alternative, other athletics clubs who depend on these amenities would be displaced, and County, Regional and National level competitions hosted here would need to find new venues.

The significance of these facilities extends beyond sport - they foster community spirit, promote physical health among locals of all ages and contribute to our regional identity. We must ensure that future generations have access to these invaluable resources.

We urge Somerset Council to reconsider their proposal to close down such a vital part of our community's life. Let us preserve our sporting heritage for current users and future generations alike. Please sign this petition if you believe in protecting public sports facilities like those at Yeovil Recreation Centre from closure.


Weekend Running

From Lesley: Nineteen of us turned up for our first Sunday run of 2024. Chilly but dry and the sun eventually appeared just as we were finishing. Nice to see Rachael and Kate on route, also Bungy and a R4T group. Well done to Joanna whose fitness is returning after injury, and ran a total of 8 miles, the first 5+ with us. Da Riush Broniszewski is back up to fitness and easily managed the 10 miles. Great company as usual.

From Richard: As marathon training kicks in we had a much larger group than normal for our first Sunday long run of 2024. A chilly start but the sun and blue skies appeared for the second half making for a really nice 10 mile run as we all look to increase distance.

From Mark: Saturday Morning CT Run led by Sharon and Tim. Thanks both. Nice run in the sunshine.

Park Runs

From Taryn: At frogMary HNY

From Lindsay: A few of us at a very chilly Poundbury Great Field Park Run.. Happy new year all xx

Released On 7th Jan 2024

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