Who Needs London

GB Ultras Hope 12

From Tim: Camping weekend in fabulous weather on the edge of Dartmoor for Sharon Hardy, Anita Garret, Denise Byde and Tim Willis for Hope 12. 12 hours of running on a 5 mile undulating trail route with 2 aid stations stacked with vital victuals. Lynne Thumpston arrived on the day and we met at the start line. We all started together straight into a steep grassy hill, most walked, then into the woods. Lovely route well signed and by the end well worn passing streams and the Mountain Rescue station. Anita ran 3 laps before her achilles caused her too much trouble, Denise 4 laps until she needed a nap, Sharon 6 laps and Tim 7 laps breaking their Ulta cherries, Lynne completing her ultra with 6 laps. Fantastic medal and a can of non alcoholic beer. Great venue and support so may do again next year.

Summer 5k Series

This Wednesday see's the third Race and as always we need your help. Thanks

Park Runs

From Jo: Morning all - it’s Frogmary Green Farm parkrun take over time again . 12th August is the date for your diary. Please head onto their webpage & volunteer for whatever role you can. It should also be my 200th Parkrun so let’s party at the Parkrun.

Morning all - it’s Frogmary Green Farm parkrun take over time again . 12th August is the date for your diary. Please head onto their webpage & volunteer for whatever role you can. It should also be my 200th Parkrun so let’s party at the Parkrun

Sunday Runs

From Mags: Gareth's mystery tour took trail gang via some new paths this morning. And we didn't get lost once! Bit overgrown in places as you'd expect... (permission for taking and posting photos has been granted by all involved).

Otter Rail and River Run

From Margarita: A busy weekend this weekend with the Otter Rail and River Run 2023 yesterday with a few of the club. A good trail race along the river otter and a bottle of otter beer which was nice. Today's race was the Phil and Bonnie Bounder, another good trail race with a good amount of undulations. And a race to support the donkeys which is always good.


From Mark: There were just six tonight in the not so fast group (Paul, Rachael, Rob, Kelly, JC, and myself). There was also a not so far group (Fez, Louise, Rachael, and Alison), the fast group (Gareth and Guy), and Phil going alone. So 13 runners in all.

Our group did a repeat of the route of two weeks ago, but in the opposite (clockwise) direction. So leaving the pub we ran along Long Street and Oborne road out to the chapel at Oborne. Turning right we went off road, going under the railway line, and running wheat fields out to the woods. We ran through the woods and across a small field and down a track to Pinford farm. Turning right we climbed to the deer park and continued to the top of the hill. Turning right, left, and right, took us past the camp in the woods. We then descended steeply and followed the long track past the new castle. Coming out at the top of gas house hill, we then ran back into the town and finished the run. The meal afterwards was good. Thanks Phil for organising.

Released On 9th Jul 2023

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