Yeovil Does the Frog

Yeovil Does the Frog

Lovely Somerset

From Mags: Adventurous run for the trail gang this morning, getting through some pretty overgrown paths. Still great fun and company we missed you G! (Everyone agreed for the photos to be taken).


From Lynne: Lovely run from Lydford today for the SAS today . Mike Kendrick ( American Mike for those that know) joining us as well . A lot of laughter, chatter, and animal spotting! Tea and cakes in garden after , thanks for venturing to Lydford.

Summer 5k Series

From Graham: A massive thank you to everyone who helped tonight. I’m a great believer we all work as a team to make each race a success. 114 runners tonight, not bad considering it’s holiday time!.

From Mel:  Yeovilton 5K Refreshments

Thank you everyone who baked or bought cakes, biscuits , sandwiches & fruit . Also thank you to everyone who helped set up & pack down . As Graham has said , we can’t do this without you all . A total of £66.11 was donated towards club funds .

The Refreshment Team

Park Runs

From Claire: Weymouth parkrun this morning, not ran it since 2017 so 7 years older and a PB! All weather run…rain, wind, sun…enjoyable route, nice cuppa after on the beach and lovely company.

From Lesley: Torbay Velopark parkrun for Tony, Helen and me this morning with coffee/tea, flapjack and a stroll at Goorington afterwards. And a photo memory from 2021with Kevin and Richard.

From Lisa: A great big thank you to everyone for your help at Frogmary this morning!

From Jo: Fantastic turn out at todays Frogmary Green Farm parkrun take over by Yeovil Town RRC . So I finally made it to 200!! I tail ran leaving Triss Samuel eating his birthday cake with everyone else. Thank you Linda Membury for another fantastic cake. Thanks to all who gave up their time to marshal - we really are part of the best running club.

PUB RUN – SOUTH PETHERTON – (10th August 2023)

From Mark: Sue planned routes for the not so fast runners who later split into long and short groups. Eight of us started (Sue, Rob, JC, Rachael, myself, Alison, Julie, and Mel). With Sue leading we left the pub and ran towards Carey’s Hollow. The group turned to run along Whitfields lane and stopped at the allotments for photos before splitting. The longer group led by Sue continued off-road running down Smokeclose lane and along Moondown lane. From Moor we crossed the A303 and then headed up to Watergore and went off-road again. Fields, an orchard, and camp site took us to a narrow track leading down to Over Stratton. We continued along lanes to Lower Stratton. Going off-road we looped our way back to Over Stratton. A bonfire somewhere provided us with smoke. We ran different paths back to Watergore, and crossed the A303 again. From Moor we continued back to South Petherton. Thanks Sue for an enjoyable mostly cross country run. A big group stopped for the pub meal afterwards. Thanks Phil for organising.

Released On 12th Aug 2023

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