Yeovil Half 2022

Yeovil Half 2022

Yeovil Half 2022.  Full Results.   Chris Woodman's Phots.    YTRRC Phots

Today was Yeovil Half Day and we had about 35 in the Results as Yeovil Town RRC and a few more not registered as YTRRC, not always the runners fault but if you see you name is not under YTRRC let them know and hopefully they will change it.

An early start with the Clocks going forward and a chilly start in the shade, we had a great Club Photo take with thanks to Chris Woodman and he also took a few more near the start and you can view them here.

Well done to Cameron Groves who was first Club member over the line and we had Nichola Chesterton as our first lady, so well done to the both of you.

Many thanks to Steve Membury and other Club members that did not run but took photographs at various places around the course. I have added some to an Album and will add others tomorrow. Well done to all that ran today and also those that managed a pb.

After the Race some of us went for a Sunday Lunch at the Manor Hotel, kindly organised by Denise.

From Jo: I love Yeovil Town RRC & I love this race. Finally managed a sub 2hrs half marathon. So many people to thank to name individually but MASSIVE thanks to each & everyone who supported as I ran around today, I love you all . Triss Samuel you will always be my hero, thank you xxxx

Salcey 50k Ultra Marathon

From Dan: Salcey 50k Ultra Marathon 1st Place and New 50k PB. Plus Yeovil Town RRC 1st and 2nd place finish. With Mark Pike great race organiser and fantastic route around Salcey Forest Big Bear Events.

Cardiff Half

From Matt: With 27000 fellow runners, my half marathon in Cardiff was a little bigger than the local one. It started off freezing cold (Wales in further North and therefore colder than Yeovil) and then got delayed by ten even more freezingly cold minutes.

Cardiff Castle is a brilliant backdrop for the start, and we were off! Mile one and two swe9t by in a misery of cold, and then suddenly we were all sweating up the first incline. Nothing too bad, three hills all told, and the downhills compensate nicely.

With 350 in the Prostate UK team (not everyone made the attached official photo), there was plenty of support especially as I’d somehow gotten myself at the back of my pen, meaning I was overtaking quite a bit – even the pens that started ahead! At mile 7 the had a cherr crowd which was” totes emosh”

The Cardiff Marina area was a bit blowy, but lovely all that same. Not a cloud to be seen all the time we were in Wales and about 18 degrees! However, Wales is a weird place – we had a guy running in budgy smugglers, a guy dressed in traditional Welsh Dress (ladies style), but it was also fantastic to have a minutes applause for a Ukranian Refugee who was running.

My time was in the range I expected, but definitely nearer the better end, so I was pleased with an unofficial 1:51, particularly with a bit of crowd encouragement/showboating that took me to 13.3 miles – I reckon that 0.2 extra could shave a good fifteen minutes off!

My bit of fundraising is now over £2000 – which is down to you guys! Thanks all

Warsaw Half Marathon

From Mags: Warsaw Half Marathon completed. Very unexpected PB for me as we didn't race it!

Bridport 10k

From Claire: Bridport 10k in the sun…such a lovely route, well marshalled and so friendly…topped off by a coffee on the beach…days like these make you feel really lucky.  Apparently there was something going on in Yeovil so a few of us decided to avoid the crowds and head to the coast. Bridport 10K and half marathon. Lovely run through the town centre and the villages around Bridport, just a small incline a few miles in! Slight confusion towards the end with the route meant some ran under the 10K whilst others were way over (won’t mention any names!!) Great marshals and fellow runners. Lovely finishers medal and goodies. Topped off with a trip to the beach for a post run cool down and coffee


From Jo: Morning all. We have had a couple of club members test positive for Covid this week. Please can I ask that you are all testing regularly & if you have any symptoms or test positive you stay away from running until you either get a negative test or feel better. If anyone has any questions, please give me a shout. Stay safe all


From Mark: Three of us (Sue, JC, and myself) led by Sue and following Sue’s route, left the pub and ran south in daylight on what felt like a spring evening. We passed old buildings and magnolia blossom half on the ground. We crossed and climbed and Hurcott farm was on the right. It darkened as we continued down the lane towards the A303. We crossed by bridge and reached the old Ilminster road. We continued southwestwards and forked left. We continued running along the lane, passing Furzy Knaps and entered Seavington St Mary. The old buildings and farms became Seavington St Michael. We passed a pub and turned left. This took us to another bridge crossing the A303. Turning right we ran to Fouts Cross, and forked left to run along Shapway. Turning left we ran down Littlefields Lane back to Shepton Beauchamp. In the pub we joined Phil and the fast group round a big table for the meal. There were interesting tales of German saunas.

Released On 27th Mar 2022

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