Yes I didn't Get a Place

Yes I didn't Get a Place

Dublin Marathon

Well done to Mark who ran the Dublin Marathon today in 3:27, the winning time was 2:11. 

Grand Canal CanterHalf Marathon

From June: Sue and I set off at the sedate time of 9am for a 10:45 start. The weather wasn’t looking great with heavy showers on the way. A soaking on the way to the start point, but sun and blue sky for the start. It was a bit like April showers throughout and the wind was against us after the turning point. A reasonably flat course with lovely scenery. We finished in sunshine and a Strava time of 2:11. Good to see Margarita Moore too who finished in 3:01. A grand day.

Herepath Half.                     Results 

From Jo: Not smiling so much at the end!! Pleased I did it but never again, far too much mud, bogs & up hill for me . Not sure how I clocked 14.1 miles, I only had to detour into a field once . Thank you Lesley Nesbitt for your patience & company.

Park Runs

From Ashley: The YTRRC team at Street ParkRun this morning

From Adam: Weymouth Park Run for us this morning with Robbie Hawkins, Jeff Watson and Mafalda. Dodgy knees and odd shoes for me! Followed by refreshing wavy sea swim.

From Lesley: The YTRRC Frogmary gang this morning

PUB RUN – ASH (27thOctober 2022)

From Mark: We had a big turn out tonight for the not so fast group with some first timers to Pub Runs. The group (Elie, Gemma, Kelly, Shaun, Chloe, Louise, JC, Paul, Tim, Sharon, Dominic, and myself) left the pub and descended Witcombe lane with a lot of mud, gravel, and water on the road. Passing through Witcombe we then stopped at the end junction. After regrouping we turned left and continued passing New Witcombe farm and Milton farm before reaching Milton. Turning left we continued along Milton lane and regrouped at the junction just below Highway. Passing through the traffic lights at Stapleton Cross we continued westwards into fine drizzle that got heavier as we reached Coat where we stopped for photos. The rain stopped. Turning left we ran down Coat road into Martock. Turning right and heading south, we ran through Martock reaching the small triangle. After a rest, we turned left, and headed east. After two left forks, we climbed Martock lane and headed back towards Ash. On both sides were a red glow from surrounding villages. At the end we turned left and ran back to the pub. Thanks all for a good turnout. I enjoyed the meal afterwards, thanks Phil for organising.

Released On 30th Oct 2022

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