You Can't Beat a Sunday Run

You Can't Beat a Sunday Run

Sunday Runs

Today saw a group of 16 at the Sunday Club Run from Goldenstones on a Route organised by Lesley, this took us up to Over Compton then down to Nether Compton and after a bit of debate along a slightly muddy bridle path to Trent.

Some new Shoes at Christmas have now seen some mud, from Trent we headed for Mudford via Hummer then along the A359 till the Church and then headed for Ashington Lane and we were lucky in that this lead to Stone Lane where we had a phot taken at the top.

We met Helen and Kat at Mudford and at the top of Stone Lane a bit extra was done to get to Goldenstones past the 12 mile point.

A great run with some great company, nest weekend Lesley posted this:

"A thought for next Sunday's (20th) run. We do this 10k, meeting at the café before and after. When everyone is finished the 10k, then do another 7ish mile out to East Coker, West Coker, Gooseacre Lane, Camp Road and back to Goldenstones via Bunford Lane and Lysander Road. As you will see below the 10k is a 9am meet, 9.30 start. As it's hilly and off-road it will take just over the hour (well it will for me anyway!). Quick change from trail to road shoes before continuing but without getting too cold. Any speedier finishers can jog along Yellow Brick road to keep warm and wait for the slower ones. Online entries for the below close on Tuesday, but you can enter on the day but can't be guaranteed your Tribe goodies. Of course anyone can just join in the 10k run or just join us for 7ish miles which I'm guessing will start 10.15ish. Who's in?"    

Saturday saw Graham's 10k in 60 min training run and had a good turnout, if you would like to join in get in touch with Graham.

Cakeathon Marathon

From Lynne: Lovely to run at Betteshangar with SVN and Traviss and Rachel and gang. Thank you Tara and great to see Neil and Caroline. Same again tomorrow for official 99 !!!!!

Today saw Lynne second marathon this weekend.

Official 99 today! SVN Chocathon marathon. Thank you to Tara for getting me round two minutes quicker than yesterday on very blustery day in Kent! Roll on Seville #100

WSR Dark Moors

From Tim: A night off-road run at Moors Valley organised by White Star Running Tim Willis and Yeovil Running Clubs newest member, Sharon Hardy completed the 10 miler to receive their first bling of the year.

Park Runs

A great turn out at Goldenstones for the Parkrun with 493 runners and a pb on the numbers.

Street Park Run

Congratulations to our club member Haiden Watts achieving 1st Place at street parkrun today !! Top effort

Street 5k

YTRRC does race 4 / 6 Street 5k race series. Well done all. Great running.

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – SOUTH PETHERTON (10th January 2019)
Gareth organised and led the biggest of three groups tonight. The three groups were Fez and Steve, Phil and Mel, and Gareth, Sue, Louise, J.C. and me. The conditions tonight were ideal, clear, cool, dry, and windless. From the pub we went right, and ran right, and right again. This road took us back towards the A303. We turned right at the second roundabout. This road runs parallel with the A303 for a while and goes through Moor. We turned right at the end and ran back into the village. We then ran up through Cary’s Hollow all the way out to Fouts Cross. I believe in olden days this was a meeting place for dancing and related activities. We turned right and ran down the narrow lane to Compton Durville. We did two loops round this small village then ran back into South Petherton. It was just over 6 miles and a pleasant run. Thanks Gareth and all. Tonight there was a dull red glow behind some of the hills and lights from Shepton Beauchamp. I was impressed by the quality of the pub food.

Released On 12th Jan 2019

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