YTRRC go International

YTRRC go International

Released On 6th Oct 2024

Lisbon Half

From Anita: It was the Lisbon half for Lawrie and his 7 lovely ladies today. The morning started eventfully with a metro ride where Julie tried to find a more interesting way to introduce herself to the locals.

We managed to join the slightly larger than average queue for the bus to the start line and as Sandra was in so much of a hurry to get to the nonexistent bag drop she flew out of the bus and invited a young man to join her on the road beside her. Since bag drop had long closed a few had to run with their bag drop bag for the duration. I don't think there was any more mishaps.

The start was interesting, the 8k started at the same time as the half and neither knew that the race had started!

The race started with a 5k run across the bridge and included a few zig zag out and backs which I quite enjoyed but others not so much. The finish was a slightly strange 'just round the next corner' vibe but the ice-cream we were rewarded with at the end put everything back in perspective. Now to celebrate with some bubbles (in the glass, not in the bathtub!)

BHAM Trail Races

From Jo:  BHAM Trail Races 2024 saw a great turn out from the green & whites, of course it had nothing to do with it being a club championship race . A little wet in places & the route straight though all the hose pooooohhhhhh (which stank!!), was a little unnecessary but all in all it was a great race. Oh , hang on “cripple hill” right at the end was a challenge although hill reps are paying off for most as we were all still smiling as we crossed the finish line. I was in the middle of the pack so have no idea on positions, but who cares, we all came, ran, finished & smiled . Great running by everyone.

From Lindsay: Well done everyone..I really liked this race, as it was quite flat, there was just a rather steep hill at the end, the horse manure we had to run thru, the stinky poo swamp field we had to run through and uneven ground most of the way round that made it tough lol.apart from that easy peasy lol and another race done, phew, just the case of getting through a half marathon next week, an ultra the week after and a marathon the week after lol  what could possibly go wrong lol xx

Cardiff Half Marathon

From Margarita: So off to run the Cardiff Half Marathon 2024 today. A flat run that's actually undulating and the rain held off. My second fastest half marathon, very happy with that.

From Graham: Cardiff half for us this morning, Gill 1.23 Dave 1.25 Graham 1.28 & Amy at 1.31

Bristol to Bath 25k

From Steve:  Bristol to Bath 25k escape the city trail run done. Really enjoyed this one - a race of two halves. 1st half flat and along old railway line. 2nd half onto trails and across fields and a gert big hill at 10 miles (views were worth the climb) and some climbs at the end. Finished at Bath Royal Crescent. A bit of confusion about the return buses to the start line - currently no sign and not planning on running back!!! My nemesis of cramp made an appearance at 13 miles but one to do again (without a cold) and recommended. 19/393 runners - no age group categories so don’t know how I compared with other “more senior” runners.

Weekend Running

From Andy:  Cokernuts Back Garden Ultra

Luke Betteridge organised run saw a mixed group of club members and friends running trail loops of West Coker with an aid station set up in Luke’s back garden. A few club members pulled out due to sickness and injury and one member decided to book a flight to Rome to avoid taking part in this fun run.Dave managed 6 laps before hip pain, I managed 7 laps (30 miles) and Luke kept going and ran an amazing 13 laps (52 miles). Thanks to Luke for organising and also thanks to Suzanne Conlon for the awesome medals.

From Lesley: It stayed dry for our Sunday run this morning from Goldenstones. Ten of us (and Honey) ran the Odcombe/Cokers loop coming back via Longlands Lane, Nash Lane and a loop in the new estate. Of course, back to the café to join the other groups for coffee and Helen 's yummy cake. Paul was 'selfie king' but didn't get Honey in the photo . Well done all.

Park Runs

From Jo:  Another Saturday, another Parkrun tourist trip. Today we headed over to Newport parkrun so we could bag our “N”. This is a lovely Parkrun that we would do again if it were a bit closer!! It was great to catch up with Charles Jardine. Of course after a Parkrun trip comes breakfast & we all filled our faces in Drago Lounge. Thank you Tony Nesbitt for driving.

From Daphne: Only YTRRC runner!

From Gav: Parkrun Tourist at Exmouth. Staying at nearby Castle Break for a family weekend for the Mother in law’s 80th. One shout of well done Yeovil during run . Happy 20th birthday Parkrun. Converted the Bro in law for his first Parkrun, who joined Meg & I.

From Ali: Riverfront park run in Newport this morning. A lovely route along the river taking in several bridges and the Transporter Bridge in the background. Lovely to meet up with the others for brunch.

From Simon: My last Hove Promenade Park run - as my youngest son takes up his new post in Norfolk. I was hoping to extend my Parkrun alphabet - but his nearest Parkrun is Holkham Hall which looks gorgeous.

From Debbie: I ran Street Parkrun today as the solo club representative for my hat! Beautiful morning and finished with a Street PB.

From Mafalda: So me and Mr Watson were looking for an easy, obstacles free parkrun. He has a marathon around the corner and me still checking how injury is doing. This Saturday morning we decided to head to Weston-super-Mare for the Marine Parade Parkrun. Nice and easy 2 laps on the seafront. Gorgeous weather , Mr Watson struggling to tone it down and me happy with another 5k under the belt, a bit slower but pain free.

From Margarita: Celebrating 20 years of parkrun.


From Mark:  There were six of us in the not so fast group tonight (Stephen, Lindsay, JC, Louise, Rachael, and myself). Conditions were dry, and cool with a complete absence of wind. Leaving the pub, we ran northwards into Martock. After stopping for photos at the monument, we continued north eastwards, taking two left turns and climbing towards Ash. We passed the pub, school, and church, and then descended through Highway down to the traffic lights at Stapleton Cross. With a sunset glow, we continued westwards out towards Coat. Just visible, walking towards us were four figures dressed in black. Then we passed Guy and Gareth running. Turning left we then ran down Coat road and back into Martock. We continued down the main street through Martock and back to Bower Hinton. Some of us continued south past the pub to make up some more distance.

Thanks Phil for organising, the food was good as usual.

Next years Championship Races and Hats

From Lesley:  It’s that time of year when we advertise and publish the details for the Championship Races and Slam Hats.

The Championship Races were all well supported this year and hopefully this will continue into 2025. We have tried to keep the Races relatively local to enable easy access and obviously car sharing is a good idea.

The Rules and list of Races can be found on the website at Club Awards ( This may seem a bit daunting at first read, however, it is quite straightforward inasmuch that the first Yeovil Town runner over the line earns 50 points, the 2nd earns 49 and so on. After the last race of the year the two Champions (Male and Female) are determined by totalling the highest scores from their best 10 Championship races. You must have raced in 10 or more Championship races to qualify for this.

There is also an award for Points King and Points Queen. This award is for the highest number of points accumulated over all completed Championship races. The two Champions won’t also win the Points King/Queen!

For more in-depth information read the Full Rules at the link above.

The Hats

These continue to be popular and again the information is on the website at Club Awards ( There are four categories – Micro Slam Hat, Mini Slam Hat, Grand Slam Hat and Ultra Slam Hat. It is advisable to pencil in or book these well in advance, particularly the 5 and 10 miler as they aren’t too plentiful.

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