YTRRC Hit Weymouth and Newport

YTRRC Hit Weymouth and Newport

Club Diner Night

As you know we are having a Club Meal this year instead of the normal Awards Night. We now need you to book if you wish to attend so we can let the venue know numbers and also what you would like to eat.

We need this asap and at least two weeks before the event. To book please click here:

The cost is £25 for members and £33 for a guest. Please follow the instructions on the link and ask me if you are not sure.

If this is the first you have heard of this then please can you start reading the Blog as this lets you know what the Club is up to.

All the best

YTRRC Committee

Newport Marathon

Crossing 5 time lines 6 brave YTRRC runners completed the Newport Marathon a very hilly hard marathon with 259 feet of elevation, torrential rain and hurricane conditions but still Mark Pike managed a PB with a great time of 3:13:48 and hopefully should see this time get a GFA for London next year. 

From Dan: Newport Marathon done. Still a million miles away from a PB. Although best marathon time for over a year. Chuffed to bits. Mara No.25 powered by a few cheeky Guinness last night

From Yunmi: The 1st road marathon and VLM Good For Age attempt!!
I have now marathon PB ( 03:47:08) and qualified for GFA. I was so lucky to be encouraged and paced by Frances Malin !! Thank you Fran for letting me crossed the finish line. You are a machine!! There are few people that I like to share my glory. Thank you Timothy Hawkins   for the training plan and advice. Thank you Captain Graham Still   for all your support throughout the training and your support today. Thank you SLR gang: I feel so greatful and lucky to have YTRRC training buddies and making me believe in myself. I was so thrilled to see Robert  and Alison. Thank you St John's ambulance again bring my smile back. 

Newport Marathon 2021

Cool kids day out( Mark think he is a cool😉)!
Newport Marathon course is well known PB course, it is popular one.Apparently 70% people got PB at Newport Marathon. As now we're in October, the weather was a bit unpredictable. It was drizzly  all the way and breezy at time, but the temperature was perfect:15°👌

Great run by Mark Pike  who only push himself to eat cakes!🧁🍰 Thank you Fran letting Yun Mi to cross the finish first! I could have done without you.❤️
Great come back from an injury Magdalena Golebiowska  and Leigh. Well done Dan for changing the terrain and your achievement today!! 3 YESs today: Magdalena, Mark and I are joining VLM crew!🎉Bungy for blog



Weymouth 10 Miler.    Full Results

From Kevin:  Weymouth 10 mile race today had a fantastic Yeovil Town presence of approx 25 runners. It was great to see racing coming back to life , some fantastic running today saw The Club take most Age Grade 2nd places .....Paul Card was an impressive 7th and First YTRRC member home , Jac Casey our First lady and Lesley Nesbitt was First in Age Group - great effort by our runners at all levels on this windy seafront course which included a hill twice , a Great morning.

From Lesley: A very well YTRRC-supported race today at Weymouth 10. Some brilliant times with all age categories just missing out on 1st place by coming in 2nd. As the only oldie there I received my AG prize by default. It was a very enjoyable race apart from the last 2+ miles against the headwind along the prom. Many thanks to Stephen as motivator and running companion. Thanks to Kevin, as always, for your support and photographs. You managed to capture lots of 'flying feet' today.






From Lesley:  See below orders I have received so far for 2021 Slam Hats. Anyone else requiring ones needs to pay via the website (£12) and send me details of the races by next Friday, 29th October. Also, anyone wanting the new MICRO SLAM HAT, for which you are required to have completed a 5k and a 10k race (either a live race or one of Kevin’s virtual races) please pay via the website (£12) and let me know the details by next Friday, 29th October.


Alison Griffiths

Adam Hawkins

June Moule

David Mears

Dominique Muir

Trevor Strelley


Julie Burton

Gav Cheetham

Richard Clayton

Jo Henley

Mark Larcombe

Sue Mallinson

Linda Membury

Lesley Nesbitt

Kirsty Norman

Tim Willis


Rob Adams

Andy Farrant

Steve Lye

Taryn Monks

Anita Farquhar Rufus

Katie Stokes

Guy Williams

Park Runs

From Steve: Nice turn out at Street today. Only 1 second slower than 2 years ago so happy with that. Thanks for the tea and cake Lesley Nesbitt and Charles Jardine. Nice social afterwards.

From Claire: Bridport parkrun…I do like this one…

From  Linda: Found some fellow club runners.

From Jo: It was never going to be flat was it?!! Oh & the wind was fresh Great Parkrun though - nice scenic route & very friendly Marshall’s - thank you all. Also thank you to my support crew Linda Goldsmith (Mum) Margaret Bonney & Simon



From Mark: We climbed out of the village and ran down the other side into West Coker. JC was leading with Rob, Paul, Louise, Lesley, and me. A large orange moon was hanging just above the horizon to the east. We continued up Gooseacre lane, and along Camp Road to the edge of Yeovil. The moon was higher and more yellow. We then ran down the lane to Nash, and onto Tellis Cross, then into East Coker. We made our way to Pen Cross which involved a long climb. We continued back towards Hardington, and turned right descending through Lyatts. Turning left it was a short run back to the pub. Thanks Phil and JC. I really enjoyed the meal. After cold dark running, a warm pub is so welcoming.

South west coastal path update.

From Donna:  Huge Congratulations goes to Natasha Turner. Tash has ran all her miles for this challenge. Now with Tash on a parkrun, she could start with me near the back then get half way round- where I would be getting very tired, I'd ask Tash to go and run on, I would then see her just overtaking anyone in her way, She would then finish at a very good pace and look like she had never ran at all. Well done Tash

Others nearly finished are:

Shaun Powell 15.41 miles left

Matt Driver 48.50 miles left

Released On 24th Oct 2021

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