Exmoor Seaview

Exmoor Seaview
The Exmoor Blue Ball Car Park
Countisbury Hill
United Kingdom
EX35 6NE
Start Date:
29th Jul 2018 at 10:00
End Date:
29th Jul 2018 at 15:00
£10.00 (£8.00 Concessions)
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Seaview 17 - JULY 29th 2018
Entries now open

Challenge yourself to Minehead Running Club’s Unique Seaview 17 - This is a tough, run along the South West Coast path from Countisbury to Minehead (about 21 miles). The route is marked and marshalled, but the onus is on you to find your own way.
This is one of the most beautiful (and hilly) stretches of Coast path in the country.
The modest entry fee includes a scenic bus ride from Minehead to Countisbury (some people say that this is worth the entry fee on its own) Once you have found your way back to Minehead - enjoy a shower and the legendary lovely FREE refreshments.
Conceived by MRC as a unique challenge and charity fundraiser in 2005 this event has so far raised over £10,000 for local causes. Our Charity for 2018 is Surfers Against Sewage who are fighting plastic pollution on our coastlines.
Entries are now open and are strictly limited to 112 if you want the free bus ride. We can accept a further 40 entries, but you will have to make your own way to the start.

Phil Taphouse
Run Director

seaview 17

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Click here to view photos of the Seaview 17

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