Goldenstones Leisure Centre
Brunswick Street
United Kingdom
BA20 1QZ
Start Date:
6th Oct 2020 at 18:33
End Date:
6th Oct 2020 at 20:00
Add To Your Calendar:
Fully Booked

Tues Club Runs

This is for YTRRC Members only due to EA Rules

Richard will be the Group Leader running a pace of 9 min/mile. You must turn up 5 minutes before the start of the Group Run to keep Social Distancing whilst at the Football Club and also during the Training Run. If you are and it is your first time, ask for Phil MacQuaid. 

There are NO Toilet Facilities Open

Please bring your own Hand Wash/Gel in your Car for use before and after your Run. On completion do not hang around and depart as soon as possible so again Social Distancing can be kept between Groups returning.

Under EA guidelines we are restricted to a maximum of 6, including run leader so please only book if you know you are going to turn up. 

If you feel unwell please be sensible and do not turn up to run and inform the Run Leader and take your name off the Event on the Website, this will help if we have to Track and Trace.      

If you have not booked then please do not turn up

Race Number Name Age Group Club Name Race Time
1 James Hutt Male V40 Yeovil Town RCC Race Time Not Updated
2 Robert Adams Male V60 Yeovil Town RRC Race Time Not Updated
3 Yun Mi Jang Female V35 Yeovil Town RRC Race Time Not Updated
4 Mark (Mac) Copping Male V50 Yeovil Town RRC Race Time Not Updated
5 John Hayden Male V40 Yeovil Town RRC Race Time Not Updated
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