
Date: 26 July 2020

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Lock-down Frolic A few Club members entered the WSR Lock Down Frolic, with no start line and no gatherings you just ran from where ever you wanted, this is what you should have done:&n... Read More

Date: 19 July 2020

Not a lot on this Week

Let's hope this time I don't delete it rather than post it... As of Monday July 20th at 12:40hrs, we still just had the two LeJog finishers of Mark Pike and Bung... Read More

Date: 12 July 2020

The YTRRC Bench

End to End From Matt:  Apologies for the delay, but I wanted Bungy Williams to be able to bask in the glory of brilliantly completing the LeJog challenge virtual run! congra... Read More

Date: 05 July 2020

July the Fourth

Run Round The World We have about 40 odd Club members taking part in this July Virtual Run, it is a North, South, East and WEST teams with Teams in each as well. YTRRC West is Best is ... Read More

Date: 28 June 2020

Another Challenge

  #RUNLEJOG2020 An amazing effort from Mark Pike to complete the End to End LeJog virtual distance of 874 miles coming in 14th overall and first YTRRC, and is now believed to... Read More

Date: 22 June 2020

Glasto Week

4th July Virtual 1+3 mile  We want a 1 mile time trial ... your best effort .. warm up first .. Then 1 mile hard . then another 3 mile cool down for your " Independence Day 4... Read More

Date: 14 June 2020

It's 5k Time

LeJog Virtual Run standings are as shown: Mark Pike – Dumbarton – 588.9 miles currently in 18th place overall and hoping to finish this month - that's nuts! Guy Willia... Read More

Date: 07 June 2020

Soon be in Scotland

Membership From the Chair, Sir Steven:  Helllloooo everyone as you have all probably seen from Adam Hawkins post there are still a lot of people who unfortunately haven... Read More

Date: 31 May 2020

Stay Motivated

UKA Well done to Mags for completing the Mental Health in Sports with the EA.   #RUNLEJOG2020 We have completed the first month of this challenge and it has certai... Read More

Date: 24 May 2020

The Male Relay Team

Men’s virtual relay – Saturday 23rd May 2020 So Steve posted last week:  "So chaps it looks like the ladies have set the bar very very high and given us an invita... Read More

Date: 17 May 2020

Another Week Done

Strava Matt Driver has now joined the YTRRC group and waited to the last minute for today's run so he could get into 3rd place... Matt will be overtaking me next week. Lands E... Read More

Date: 10 May 2020

Victory in Europe

Committee Meeting We managed to have a meeting this week using Zoom and hopefully the minutes will be posted on the website and on Facebook soon, it is hoped to do the same next month.... Read More

Date: 03 May 2020

Week Four Keep Smiling

Lands End to John 'o' Jock Land Thanks to Dave Tisley for this one, so how does it work, join today as it starts tomorrow and then you have 180 day's to run the 874 miles. ... Read More

Date: 26 April 2020

London Marathon Virtually

Club Slam Hats From Lesley: As mentioned a few weeks ago regarding Club Slam Hats for 2020, here is a reminder: Virtual races will be permitted to qualify for this year's Hats... Read More

Date: 19 April 2020

Week Three and Counting

Just for Fun By Graham :  A new competition, no prizes just a bit of fun. Send me a picture of yourself as a child or teenager & we'll have a competition to gue... Read More
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