
Date: 08 November 2020


The Virtual Remembrance 10k            Photographs Well with Lockdown Two in motion it was time for another Kev Virtual Run and this weekend was The... Read More

Date: 01 November 2020

Make the most on Tuesday

God Of Thunder Ultra Marathon Form Holli: Jon  and I completed the God Of Thunder Ultra Marathon today... ultra muddy, ultra hilly, ultra wet and ultra painful!! Jon also fin... Read More

Date: 25 October 2020

Lovely Sunday Runs

New Members Welcome to some new members that have joined recently Leighanna Chappell Nick Roper Ben Thomas Dominic Berry Hope to see you on our Cub nig... Read More

Date: 18 October 2020

A Day in Dorset

Lego From Matt:  Mark Pike, Bungy Williams himself, Luke Hicks, Steve Lye , Anita Farquhar Rufus ,Tina Beard , Dave Tilsley ... Read More

Date: 11 October 2020

It's Another Virtual Weekend

Matt Get to John 0 Groats  Ladles and Jellyspoons, unacustard as I am to public speaking...Yay! I've finished LeJog version #1. What a great idea and I'm not sure wha... Read More

Date: 04 October 2020

Marathon Day Marathon

The Virtual London Marathon    Photographs   Well after all the disappointment of the cancellation twice the Virtual VMLM took place today. From Lindsay:&nb... Read More

Date: 27 September 2020

Nearly London Time

Social Distancing Just a reminder than when we meet up from Club Organised events (Tues and Fri) you must stay within your group as both the Track and Football ground we are being watc... Read More

Date: 20 September 2020

Its a New Forrest

Tues Club Run YTFC are playing at Home so we are moving to Goldenstones  From Phil:  The pre-season friendly versus Bath City, originally scheduled for Saturday 1... Read More

Date: 13 September 2020

The last of the Sun

Tues Club Runs I have knock the numbers down to 5 for now so 6 including Run Leader but we are still looking at EA daily for any changes. Linda's Group is the only one with 6 plus ... Read More

Date: 06 September 2020

It's Getting Dark

Saturn Running - Pokerun From Anita: My first official marathon since everything stopped for the covid-19 lockdown. Felt great to be back out there with my running buddies Ly... Read More

Date: 31 August 2020


Severn Bridge 10km From Simon:  Nikki and I wore the Yeovil vest with pride today in the Severn Bridge 10km run as a time trial rather than with a mass start. Inspired by gloriou... Read More

Date: 23 August 2020

Another One Makes John oooo

Club Newsletter I tried to get a newsletter out this week for those not on Facebook and do not check the website that often. I hope to send this out once a month using MailChimp. To su... Read More

Date: 16 August 2020

The Hills have Eyes

Badger Trail Marathon Race From Yunmi:  1st post lockdown race: Badger trail Race. Most of Yeovil runners entered for Marathon. Kev Brettle , JC, Andrew Brown, Yun... Read More

Date: 09 August 2020

Tues Club Runs are Back

Tues Club Runs The trial run on Tuesday worked well and this weeks are now on the Events Page . If a group fills up we will try to add another one and if a group does not get any we c... Read More

Date: 02 August 2020

National Swiss Day

Tues Club Runs From Steve (chair): Ok after this weeks committee meeting we have the following to report. Tuesday night club runs will be restarted on the 11 of August with a test be... Read More
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