
Date: 24 September 2021

A Great Weekend in Berlin

London Marathon  Good luck to all those heading to London for the Virgin Money London Marathon, have a great time and enjoy, also those running it virtually. Christmas Diner&... Read More

Date: 19 September 2021

The Last One

**Important Information** From Jo:   Just to let everyone that was at last nights track session know, a club member who was at the session has tested positive for COVID toda... Read More

Date: 12 September 2021

Excellent North Run

Ash Races.                                      Full Results 10k         &... Read More

Date: 28 August 2021

Bank Holiday 5

Baltonsborough 5 Miler A good turn out at this Race today          Seven Bridge Half From Steve:  Severn bridg... Read More

Date: 22 August 2021

Last of the Summer Sun

Lytchett 10 Miler.     Full Results Well this Race has been cancelled since 2018 and finally ran today with three YTRRC runners that purchased the entries for the 2019 Race.... Read More

Date: 15 August 2021

She Said Yes

CONGRATULATIONS  So on Saturday Tris done this Clip  (might not work or will tale you to Facebook), Jo said yes so on behalf of all at YTRRC and big Congratulations, we are ... Read More

Date: 08 August 2021

Mid-Week Races

Tues Club Night Due to unexpected, unforeseen circumstances beyond our control next Tuesday's Club Run 10th Aug will be from Goldenstones . Can you ensure that your club friends k... Read More

Date: 01 August 2021

Larmer in Summer

Larmer Racing Weeknd.   Full Results 10miler            Full Results Marathon This weekend saw the Larmer Races normally in March move to Summer bu... Read More

Date: 25 July 2021

Park Run is Back

AGM Tuesday 27th July thats next Tuesday in case you have not worked it out is the Club AGM at YTFC. Arrive for 6.30pm Meeting starts at 7.15. Please book you place either on the web s... Read More

Date: 18 July 2021

A Great Hot Weekend

Parrett Trail Race Thursday saw 12 Club members split into two teams for the first Parrett Trail Race, it was a lovely hoy summer evening with a 7 pm start. There were two starts with ... Read More

Date: 11 July 2021

Is it Coming Home

Ash 10k The Ash 10k is now on the Events list for entries  please spread the word. The Wedding Run ... Read More

Date: 04 July 2021

A Day at Lyme

Martock 10k.           Full Results From Lesley:  A great turnout from YTRRC today for Martock 10k. Well done everyone on a hot day with no showers to ... Read More

Date: 27 June 2021

The Sunday Rain

Waterwide Marathons Mark Pike took part in the Marathon Madness 5 marathons in 5 days, and won the series! Well done mate great running. AGM Due to the Gover... Read More

Date: 20 June 2021

Must be Summer, its Raining

Tsunami marathon Mark was running this on the SWCP a brutal path with steep inclines and decents along with steps that kill the legs. Well done mate, great running.  From Ma... Read More
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